Diffusion Models

2024-04-17 更新

Semantic Approach to Quantifying the Consistency of Diffusion Model Image Generation

Authors:Brinnae Bent

In this study, we identify the need for an interpretable, quantitative score of the repeatability, or consistency, of image generation in diffusion models. We propose a semantic approach, using a pairwise mean CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining) score as our semantic consistency score. We applied this metric to compare two state-of-the-art open-source image generation diffusion models, Stable Diffusion XL and PixArt-{\alpha}, and we found statistically significant differences between the semantic consistency scores for the models. Agreement between the Semantic Consistency Score selected model and aggregated human annotations was 94%. We also explored the consistency of SDXL and a LoRA-fine-tuned version of SDXL and found that the fine-tuned model had significantly higher semantic consistency in generated images. The Semantic Consistency Score proposed here offers a measure of image generation alignment, facilitating the evaluation of model architectures for specific tasks and aiding in informed decision-making regarding model selection.
PDF Accepted to 2024 CVPR 3rd Explainable AI for Computer Vision (XAI4CV) Workshop


ChangeAnywhere: Sample Generation for Remote Sensing Change Detection via Semantic Latent Diffusion Model

Authors:Kai Tang, Jin Chen

Remote sensing change detection (CD) is a pivotal technique that pinpoints changes on a global scale based on multi-temporal images. With the recent expansion of deep learning, supervised deep learning-based CD models have shown satisfactory performance. However, CD sample labeling is very time-consuming as it is densely labeled and requires expert knowledge. To alleviate this problem, we introduce ChangeAnywhere, a novel CD sample generation method using the semantic latent diffusion model and single-temporal images. Specifically, ChangeAnywhere leverages the relative ease of acquiring large single-temporal semantic datasets to generate large-scale, diverse, and semantically annotated bi-temporal CD datasets. ChangeAnywhere captures the two essentials of CD samples, i.e., change implies semantically different, and non-change implies reasonable change under the same semantic constraints. We generated ChangeAnywhere-100K, the largest synthesis CD dataset with 100,000 pairs of CD samples based on the proposed method. The ChangeAnywhere-100K significantly improved both zero-shot and few-shot performance on two CD benchmark datasets for various deep learning-based CD models, as demonstrated by transfer experiments. This paper delineates the enormous potential of ChangeAnywhere for CD sample generation and demonstrates the subsequent enhancement of model performance. Therefore, ChangeAnywhere offers a potent tool for remote sensing CD. All codes and pre-trained models will be available at https://github.com/tangkai-RS/ChangeAnywhere.
PDF Concise manuscript version of ChangeAnywhere


Diffusion Models Meet Remote Sensing: Principles, Methods, and Perspectives

Authors:Yidan Liu, Jun Yue, Shaobo Xia, Pedram Ghamisi, Weiying Xie, Leyuan Fang

As a newly emerging advance in deep generative models, diffusion models have achieved state-of-the-art results in many fields, including computer vision, natural language processing, and molecule design. The remote sensing community has also noticed the powerful ability of diffusion models and quickly applied them to a variety of tasks for image processing. Given the rapid increase in research on diffusion models in the field of remote sensing, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive review of existing diffusion model-based remote sensing papers, to help researchers recognize the potential of diffusion models and provide some directions for further exploration. Specifically, this paper first introduces the theoretical background of diffusion models, and then systematically reviews the applications of diffusion models in remote sensing, including image generation, enhancement, and interpretation. Finally, the limitations of existing remote sensing diffusion models and worthy research directions for further exploration are discussed and summarized.


Enforcing Paraphrase Generation via Controllable Latent Diffusion

Authors:Wei Zou, Ziyuan Zhuang, Shujian Huang, Jia Liu, Jiajun Chen

Paraphrase generation aims to produce high-quality and diverse utterances of a given text. Though state-of-the-art generation via the diffusion model reconciles generation quality and diversity, textual diffusion suffers from a truncation issue that hinders efficiency and quality control. In this work, we propose \textit{L}atent \textit{D}iffusion \textit{P}araphraser~(LDP), a novel paraphrase generation by modeling a controllable diffusion process given a learned latent space. LDP achieves superior generation efficiency compared to its diffusion counterparts. It facilitates only input segments to enforce paraphrase semantics, which further improves the results without external features. Experiments show that LDP achieves improved and diverse paraphrase generation compared to baselines. Further analysis shows that our method is also helpful to other similar text generations and domain adaptations. Our code and data are available at https://github.com/NIL-zhuang/ld4pg.


Rethinking Iterative Stereo Matching from Diffusion Bridge Model Perspective

Authors:Yuguang Shi

Recently, iteration-based stereo matching has shown great potential. However, these models optimize the disparity map using RNN variants. The discrete optimization process poses a challenge of information loss, which restricts the level of detail that can be expressed in the generated disparity map. In order to address these issues, we propose a novel training approach that incorporates diffusion models into the iterative optimization process. We designed a Time-based Gated Recurrent Unit (T-GRU) to correlate temporal and disparity outputs. Unlike standard recurrent units, we employ Agent Attention to generate more expressive features. We also designed an attention-based context network to capture a large amount of contextual information. Experiments on several public benchmarks show that we have achieved competitive stereo matching performance. Our model ranks first in the Scene Flow dataset, achieving over a 7% improvement compared to competing methods, and requires only 8 iterations to achieve state-of-the-art results.
PDF tip. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2303.06615 by other authors


LoopAnimate: Loopable Salient Object Animation

Authors:Fanyi Wang, Peng Liu, Haotian Hu, Dan Meng, Jingwen Su, Jinjin Xu, Yanhao Zhang, Xiaoming Ren, Zhiwang Zhang

Research on diffusion model-based video generation has advanced rapidly. However, limitations in object fidelity and generation length hinder its practical applications. Additionally, specific domains like animated wallpapers require seamless looping, where the first and last frames of the video match seamlessly. To address these challenges, this paper proposes LoopAnimate, a novel method for generating videos with consistent start and end frames. To enhance object fidelity, we introduce a framework that decouples multi-level image appearance and textual semantic information. Building upon an image-to-image diffusion model, our approach incorporates both pixel-level and feature-level information from the input image, injecting image appearance and textual semantic embeddings at different positions of the diffusion model. Existing UNet-based video generation models require to input the entire videos during training to encode temporal and positional information at once. However, due to limitations in GPU memory, the number of frames is typically restricted to 16. To address this, this paper proposes a three-stage training strategy with progressively increasing frame numbers and reducing fine-tuning modules. Additionally, we introduce the Temporal E nhanced Motion Module(TEMM) to extend the capacity for encoding temporal and positional information up to 36 frames. The proposed LoopAnimate, which for the first time extends the single-pass generation length of UNet-based video generation models to 35 frames while maintaining high-quality video generation. Experiments demonstrate that LoopAnimate achieves state-of-the-art performance in both objective metrics, such as fidelity and temporal consistency, and subjective evaluation results.


DreamScape: 3D Scene Creation via Gaussian Splatting joint Correlation Modeling

Authors:Xuening Yuan, Hongyu Yang, Yueming Zhao, Di Huang

Recent progress in text-to-3D creation has been propelled by integrating the potent prior of Diffusion Models from text-to-image generation into the 3D domain. Nevertheless, generating 3D scenes characterized by multiple instances and intricate arrangements remains challenging. In this study, we present DreamScape, a method for creating highly consistent 3D scenes solely from textual descriptions, leveraging the strong 3D representation capabilities of Gaussian Splatting and the complex arrangement abilities of large language models (LLMs). Our approach involves a 3D Gaussian Guide ($3{DG^2}$) for scene representation, consisting of semantic primitives (objects) and their spatial transformations and relationships derived directly from text prompts using LLMs. This compositional representation allows for local-to-global optimization of the entire scene. A progressive scale control is tailored during local object generation, ensuring that objects of different sizes and densities adapt to the scene, which addresses training instability issue arising from simple blending in the subsequent global optimization stage. To mitigate potential biases of LLM priors, we model collision relationships between objects at the global level, enhancing physical correctness and overall realism. Additionally, to generate pervasive objects like rain and snow distributed extensively across the scene, we introduce a sparse initialization and densification strategy. Experiments demonstrate that DreamScape offers high usability and controllability, enabling the generation of high-fidelity 3D scenes from only text prompts and achieving state-of-the-art performance compared to other methods.


Fault Detection in Mobile Networks Using Diffusion Models

Authors:Mohamad Nabeel, Doumitrou Daniil Nimara, Tahar Zanouda

In today’s hyper-connected world, ensuring the reliability of telecom networks becomes increasingly crucial. Telecom networks encompass numerous underlying and intertwined software and hardware components, each providing different functionalities. To ensure the stability of telecom networks, telecom software, and hardware vendors developed several methods to detect any aberrant behavior in telecom networks and enable instant feedback and alerts. These approaches, although powerful, struggle to generalize due to the unsteady nature of the software-intensive embedded system and the complexity and diversity of multi-standard mobile networks. In this paper, we present a system to detect anomalies in telecom networks using a generative AI model. We evaluate several strategies using diffusion models to train the model for anomaly detection using multivariate time-series data. The contributions of this paper are threefold: (i) A proposal of a framework for utilizing diffusion models for time-series anomaly detection in telecom networks, (ii) A proposal of a particular Diffusion model architecture that outperforms other state-of-the-art techniques, (iii) Experiments on a real-world dataset to demonstrate that our model effectively provides explainable results, exposing some of its limitations and suggesting future research avenues to enhance its capabilities further.
PDF 6 pages, 4 figures, Accepted at Sixth International Workshop on Data Driven Intelligence for Networks and Systems (DDINS) - IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2024


RoofDiffusion: Constructing Roofs from Severely Corrupted Point Data via Diffusion

Authors:Kyle Shih-Huang Lo, Jörg Peters, Eric Spellman

Accurate completion and denoising of roof height maps are crucial to reconstructing high-quality 3D buildings. Repairing sparse points can enhance low-cost sensor use and reduce UAV flight overlap. RoofDiffusion is a new end-to-end self-supervised diffusion technique for robustly completing, in particular difficult, roof height maps. RoofDiffusion leverages widely-available curated footprints and can so handle up to 99\% point sparsity and 80\% roof area occlusion (regional incompleteness). A variant, No-FP RoofDiffusion, simultaneously predicts building footprints and heights. Both quantitatively outperform state-of-the-art unguided depth completion and representative inpainting methods for Digital Elevation Models (DEM), on both a roof-specific benchmark and the BuildingNet dataset. Qualitative assessments show the effectiveness of RoofDiffusion for datasets with real-world scans including AHN3, Dales3D, and USGS 3DEP LiDAR. Tested with the leading City3D algorithm, preprocessing height maps with RoofDiffusion noticeably improves 3D building reconstruction. RoofDiffusion is complemented by a new dataset of 13k complex roof geometries, focusing on long-tail issues in remote sensing; a novel simulation of tree occlusion; and a wide variety of large-area roof cut-outs for data augmentation and benchmarking.


Magic Clothing: Controllable Garment-Driven Image Synthesis

Authors:Weifeng Chen, Tao Gu, Yuhao Xu, Chengcai Chen

We propose Magic Clothing, a latent diffusion model (LDM)-based network architecture for an unexplored garment-driven image synthesis task. Aiming at generating customized characters wearing the target garments with diverse text prompts, the image controllability is the most critical issue, i.e., to preserve the garment details and maintain faithfulness to the text prompts. To this end, we introduce a garment extractor to capture the detailed garment features, and employ self-attention fusion to incorporate them into the pretrained LDMs, ensuring that the garment details remain unchanged on the target character. Then, we leverage the joint classifier-free guidance to balance the control of garment features and text prompts over the generated results. Meanwhile, the proposed garment extractor is a plug-in module applicable to various finetuned LDMs, and it can be combined with other extensions like ControlNet and IP-Adapter to enhance the diversity and controllability of the generated characters. Furthermore, we design Matched-Points-LPIPS (MP-LPIPS), a robust metric for evaluating the consistency of the target image to the source garment. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our Magic Clothing achieves state-of-the-art results under various conditional controls for garment-driven image synthesis. Our source code is available at https://github.com/ShineChen1024/MagicClothing.


Photo-Realistic Image Restoration in the Wild with Controlled Vision-Language Models

Authors:Ziwei Luo, Fredrik K. Gustafsson, Zheng Zhao, Jens Sjölund, Thomas B. Schön

Though diffusion models have been successfully applied to various image restoration (IR) tasks, their performance is sensitive to the choice of training datasets. Typically, diffusion models trained in specific datasets fail to recover images that have out-of-distribution degradations. To address this problem, this work leverages a capable vision-language model and a synthetic degradation pipeline to learn image restoration in the wild (wild IR). More specifically, all low-quality images are simulated with a synthetic degradation pipeline that contains multiple common degradations such as blur, resize, noise, and JPEG compression. Then we introduce robust training for a degradation-aware CLIP model to extract enriched image content features to assist high-quality image restoration. Our base diffusion model is the image restoration SDE (IR-SDE). Built upon it, we further present a posterior sampling strategy for fast noise-free image generation. We evaluate our model on both synthetic and real-world degradation datasets. Moreover, experiments on the unified image restoration task illustrate that the proposed posterior sampling improves image generation quality for various degradations.
PDF CVPRW 2024; Code: https://github.com/Algolzw/daclip-uir


Equipping Diffusion Models with Differentiable Spatial Entropy for Low-Light Image Enhancement

Authors:Wenyi Lian, Wenjing Lian, Ziwei Luo

Image restoration, which aims to recover high-quality images from their corrupted counterparts, often faces the challenge of being an ill-posed problem that allows multiple solutions for a single input. However, most deep learning based works simply employ l1 loss to train their network in a deterministic way, resulting in over-smoothed predictions with inferior perceptual quality. In this work, we propose a novel method that shifts the focus from a deterministic pixel-by-pixel comparison to a statistical perspective, emphasizing the learning of distributions rather than individual pixel values. The core idea is to introduce spatial entropy into the loss function to measure the distribution difference between predictions and targets. To make this spatial entropy differentiable, we employ kernel density estimation (KDE) to approximate the probabilities for specific intensity values of each pixel with their neighbor areas. Specifically, we equip the entropy with diffusion models and aim for superior accuracy and enhanced perceptual quality over l1 based noise matching loss. In the experiments, we evaluate the proposed method for low light enhancement on two datasets and the NTIRE challenge 2024. All these results illustrate the effectiveness of our statistic-based entropy loss. Code is available at https://github.com/shermanlian/spatial-entropy-loss.
PDF CVPRW 2024, best LPIPS in the NTIRE low light enhancement challenge 2024


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