
2024-04-16 更新

Generalized Population-Based Training for Hyperparameter Optimization in Reinforcement Learning

Authors:Hui Bai, Ran Cheng

Hyperparameter optimization plays a key role in the machine learning domain. Its significance is especially pronounced in reinforcement learning (RL), where agents continuously interact with and adapt to their environments, requiring dynamic adjustments in their learning trajectories. To cater to this dynamicity, the Population-Based Training (PBT) was introduced, leveraging the collective intelligence of a population of agents learning simultaneously. However, PBT tends to favor high-performing agents, potentially neglecting the explorative potential of agents on the brink of significant advancements. To mitigate the limitations of PBT, we present the Generalized Population-Based Training (GPBT), a refined framework designed for enhanced granularity and flexibility in hyperparameter adaptation. Complementing GPBT, we further introduce Pairwise Learning (PL). Instead of merely focusing on elite agents, PL employs a comprehensive pairwise strategy to identify performance differentials and provide holistic guidance to underperforming agents. By integrating the capabilities of GPBT and PL, our approach significantly improves upon traditional PBT in terms of adaptability and computational efficiency. Rigorous empirical evaluations across a range of RL benchmarks confirm that our approach consistently outperforms not only the conventional PBT but also its Bayesian-optimized variant.


Advancing Forest Fire Prevention: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Effective Firebreak Placement

Authors:Lucas Murray, Tatiana Castillo, Jaime Carrasco, Andrés Weintraub, Richard Weber, Isaac Martín de Diego, José Ramón González, Jordi García-Gonzalo

Over the past decades, the increase in both frequency and intensity of large-scale wildfires due to climate change has emerged as a significant natural threat. The pressing need to design resilient landscapes capable of withstanding such disasters has become paramount, requiring the development of advanced decision-support tools. Existing methodologies, including Mixed Integer Programming, Stochastic Optimization, and Network Theory, have proven effective but are hindered by computational demands, limiting their applicability. In response to this challenge, we propose using artificial intelligence techniques, specifically Deep Reinforcement Learning, to address the complex problem of firebreak placement in the landscape. We employ value-function based approaches like Deep Q-Learning, Double Deep Q-Learning, and Dueling Double Deep Q-Learning. Utilizing the Cell2Fire fire spread simulator combined with Convolutional Neural Networks, we have successfully implemented a computational agent capable of learning firebreak locations within a forest environment, achieving good results. Furthermore, we incorporate a pre-training loop, initially teaching our agent to mimic a heuristic-based algorithm and observe that it consistently exceeds the performance of these solutions. Our findings underscore the immense potential of Deep Reinforcement Learning for operational research challenges, especially in fire prevention. Our approach demonstrates convergence with highly favorable results in problem instances as large as 40 x 40 cells, marking a significant milestone in applying Reinforcement Learning to this critical issue. To the best of our knowledge, this study represents a pioneering effort in using Reinforcement Learning to address the aforementioned problem, offering promising perspectives in fire prevention and landscape management
PDF 20 pages, 15 figures


RLHF Deciphered: A Critical Analysis of Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback for LLMs

Authors:Shreyas Chaudhari, Pranjal Aggarwal, Vishvak Murahari, Tanmay Rajpurohit, Ashwin Kalyan, Karthik Narasimhan, Ameet Deshpande, Bruno Castro da Silva

State-of-the-art large language models (LLMs) have become indispensable tools for various tasks. However, training LLMs to serve as effective assistants for humans requires careful consideration. A promising approach is reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), which leverages human feedback to update the model in accordance with human preferences and mitigate issues like toxicity and hallucinations. Yet, an understanding of RLHF for LLMs is largely entangled with initial design choices that popularized the method and current research focuses on augmenting those choices rather than fundamentally improving the framework. In this paper, we analyze RLHF through the lens of reinforcement learning principles to develop an understanding of its fundamentals, dedicating substantial focus to the core component of RLHF — the reward model. Our study investigates modeling choices, caveats of function approximation, and their implications on RLHF training algorithms, highlighting the underlying assumptions made about the expressivity of reward. Our analysis improves the understanding of the role of reward models and methods for their training, concurrently revealing limitations of the current methodology. We characterize these limitations, including incorrect generalization, model misspecification, and the sparsity of feedback, along with their impact on the performance of a language model. The discussion and analysis are substantiated by a categorical review of current literature, serving as a reference for researchers and practitioners to understand the challenges of RLHF and build upon existing efforts.


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