
2024-04-16 更新

GPN: Generative Point-based NeRF

Authors:Haipeng Wang

Scanning real-life scenes with modern registration devices typically gives incomplete point cloud representations, primarily due to the limitations of partial scanning, 3D occlusions, and dynamic light conditions. Recent works on processing incomplete point clouds have always focused on point cloud completion. However, these approaches do not ensure consistency between the completed point cloud and the captured images regarding color and geometry. We propose using Generative Point-based NeRF (GPN) to reconstruct and repair a partial cloud by fully utilizing the scanning images and the corresponding reconstructed cloud. The repaired point cloud can achieve multi-view consistency with the captured images at high spatial resolution. For the finetunes of a single scene, we optimize the global latent condition by incorporating an Auto-Decoder architecture while retaining multi-view consistency. As a result, the generated point clouds are smooth, plausible, and geometrically consistent with the partial scanning images. Extensive experiments on ShapeNet demonstrate that our works achieve competitive performances to the other state-of-the-art point cloud-based neural scene rendering and editing performances.


Let It Flow: Simultaneous Optimization of 3D Flow and Object Clustering

Authors:Patrik Vacek, David Hurych, Tomáš Svoboda, Karel Zimmermann

We study the problem of self-supervised 3D scene flow estimation from real large-scale raw point cloud sequences, which is crucial to various tasks like trajectory prediction or instance segmentation. In the absence of ground truth scene flow labels, contemporary approaches concentrate on deducing optimizing flow across sequential pairs of point clouds by incorporating structure based regularization on flow and object rigidity. The rigid objects are estimated by a variety of 3D spatial clustering methods. While state-of-the-art methods successfully capture overall scene motion using the Neural Prior structure, they encounter challenges in discerning multi-object motions. We identified the structural constraints and the use of large and strict rigid clusters as the main pitfall of the current approaches and we propose a novel clustering approach that allows for combination of overlapping soft clusters as well as non-overlapping rigid clusters representation. Flow is then jointly estimated with progressively growing non-overlapping rigid clusters together with fixed size overlapping soft clusters. We evaluate our method on multiple datasets with LiDAR point clouds, demonstrating the superior performance over the self-supervised baselines reaching new state of the art results. Our method especially excels in resolving flow in complicated dynamic scenes with multiple independently moving objects close to each other which includes pedestrians, cyclists and other vulnerable road users. Our codes will be publicly available.
PDF ECCV submission


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