
2024-04-14 更新

Taming Transformers for Realistic Lidar Point Cloud Generation

Authors:Hamed Haghighi, Amir Samadi, Mehrdad Dianati, Valentina Donzella, Kurt Debattista

Diffusion Models (DMs) have achieved State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) results in the Lidar point cloud generation task, benefiting from their stable training and iterative refinement during sampling. However, DMs often fail to realistically model Lidar raydrop noise due to their inherent denoising process. To retain the strength of iterative sampling while enhancing the generation of raydrop noise, we introduce LidarGRIT, a generative model that uses auto-regressive transformers to iteratively sample the range images in the latent space rather than image space. Furthermore, LidarGRIT utilises VQ-VAE to separately decode range images and raydrop masks. Our results show that LidarGRIT achieves superior performance compared to SOTA models on KITTI-360 and KITTI odometry datasets. Code available at:https://github.com/hamedhaghighi/LidarGRIT.


Towards More General Video-based Deepfake Detection through Facial Feature Guided Adaptation for Foundation Model

Authors:Yue-Hua Han, Tai-Ming Huang, Shu-Tzu Lo, Po-Han Huang, Kai-Lung Hua, Jun-Cheng Chen

With the rise of deep learning, generative models have enabled the creation of highly realistic synthetic images, presenting challenges due to their potential misuse. While research in Deepfake detection has grown rapidly in response, many detection methods struggle with unseen Deepfakes generated by new synthesis techniques. To address this generalisation challenge, we propose a novel Deepfake detection approach by adapting rich information encoded inside the Foundation Models with rich information encoded inside, specifically using the image encoder from CLIP which has demonstrated strong zero-shot capability for downstream tasks. Inspired by the recent advances of parameter efficient fine-tuning, we propose a novel side-network-based decoder to extract spatial and temporal cues from the given video clip, with the promotion of the Facial Component Guidance (FCG) to guidencourage the spatial feature to include features of key facial parts for more robust and general Deepfake detection. Through extensive cross-dataset evaluations, our approach exhibits superior effectiveness in identifying unseen Deepfake samples, achieving notable performance improvementsuccess even with limited training samples and manipulation types. Our model secures an average performance enhancement of 0.9% AUROC in cross-dataset assessments comparing with state-of-the-art methods, especiallytablishing a significant lead of achieving 4.4% improvement on the challenging DFDC dataset.


UniFL: Improve Stable Diffusion via Unified Feedback Learning

Authors:Jiacheng Zhang, Jie Wu, Yuxi Ren, Xin Xia, Huafeng Kuang, Pan Xie, Jiashi Li, Xuefeng Xiao, Weilin Huang, Min Zheng, Lean Fu, Guanbin Li

Diffusion models have revolutionized the field of image generation, leading to the proliferation of high-quality models and diverse downstream applications. However, despite these significant advancements, the current competitive solutions still suffer from several limitations, including inferior visual quality, a lack of aesthetic appeal, and inefficient inference, without a comprehensive solution in sight. To address these challenges, we present UniFL, a unified framework that leverages feedback learning to enhance diffusion models comprehensively. UniFL stands out as a universal, effective, and generalizable solution applicable to various diffusion models, such as SD1.5 and SDXL. Notably, UniFL incorporates three key components: perceptual feedback learning, which enhances visual quality; decoupled feedback learning, which improves aesthetic appeal; and adversarial feedback learning, which optimizes inference speed. In-depth experiments and extensive user studies validate the superior performance of our proposed method in enhancing both the quality of generated models and their acceleration. For instance, UniFL surpasses ImageReward by 17% user preference in terms of generation quality and outperforms LCM and SDXL Turbo by 57% and 20% in 4-step inference. Moreover, we have verified the efficacy of our approach in downstream tasks, including Lora, ControlNet, and AnimateDiff.


Automatic Controllable Colorization via Imagination

Authors:Xiaoyan Cong, Yue Wu, Qifeng Chen, Chenyang Lei

We propose a framework for automatic colorization that allows for iterative editing and modifications. The core of our framework lies in an imagination module: by understanding the content within a grayscale image, we utilize a pre-trained image generation model to generate multiple images that contain the same content. These images serve as references for coloring, mimicking the process of human experts. As the synthesized images can be imperfect or different from the original grayscale image, we propose a Reference Refinement Module to select the optimal reference composition. Unlike most previous end-to-end automatic colorization algorithms, our framework allows for iterative and localized modifications of the colorization results because we explicitly model the coloring samples. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our framework over existing automatic colorization algorithms in editability and flexibility. Project page: https://xy-cong.github.io/imagine-colorization.
PDF CVPR 2024. Project page: https://xy-cong.github.io/imagine-colorization


YaART: Yet Another ART Rendering Technology

Authors:Sergey Kastryulin, Artem Konev, Alexander Shishenya, Eugene Lyapustin, Artem Khurshudov, Alexander Tselousov, Nikita Vinokurov, Denis Kuznedelev, Alexander Markovich, Grigoriy Livshits, Alexey Kirillov, Anastasiia Tabisheva, Liubov Chubarova, Marina Kaminskaia, Alexander Ustyuzhanin, Artemii Shvetsov, Daniil Shlenskii, Valerii Startsev, Dmitrii Kornilov, Mikhail Romanov, Artem Babenko, Sergei Ovcharenko, Valentin Khrulkov

In the rapidly progressing field of generative models, the development of efficient and high-fidelity text-to-image diffusion systems represents a significant frontier. This study introduces YaART, a novel production-grade text-to-image cascaded diffusion model aligned to human preferences using Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF). During the development of YaART, we especially focus on the choices of the model and training dataset sizes, the aspects that were not systematically investigated for text-to-image cascaded diffusion models before. In particular, we comprehensively analyze how these choices affect both the efficiency of the training process and the quality of the generated images, which are highly important in practice. Furthermore, we demonstrate that models trained on smaller datasets of higher-quality images can successfully compete with those trained on larger datasets, establishing a more efficient scenario of diffusion models training. From the quality perspective, YaART is consistently preferred by users over many existing state-of-the-art models.
PDF Prompts and additional information are available on the project page, see https://ya.ru/ai/art/paper-yaart-v1


MoMA: Multimodal LLM Adapter for Fast Personalized Image Generation

Authors:Kunpeng Song, Yizhe Zhu, Bingchen Liu, Qing Yan, Ahmed Elgammal, Xiao Yang

In this paper, we present MoMA: an open-vocabulary, training-free personalized image model that boasts flexible zero-shot capabilities. As foundational text-to-image models rapidly evolve, the demand for robust image-to-image translation grows. Addressing this need, MoMA specializes in subject-driven personalized image generation. Utilizing an open-source, Multimodal Large Language Model (MLLM), we train MoMA to serve a dual role as both a feature extractor and a generator. This approach effectively synergizes reference image and text prompt information to produce valuable image features, facilitating an image diffusion model. To better leverage the generated features, we further introduce a novel self-attention shortcut method that efficiently transfers image features to an image diffusion model, improving the resemblance of the target object in generated images. Remarkably, as a tuning-free plug-and-play module, our model requires only a single reference image and outperforms existing methods in generating images with high detail fidelity, enhanced identity-preservation and prompt faithfulness. Our work is open-source, thereby providing universal access to these advancements.


Learning 3D-Aware GANs from Unposed Images with Template Feature Field

Authors:Xinya Chen, Hanlei Guo, Yanrui Bin, Shangzhan Zhang, Yuanbo Yang, Yue Wang, Yujun Shen, Yiyi Liao

Collecting accurate camera poses of training images has been shown to well serve the learning of 3D-aware generative adversarial networks (GANs) yet can be quite expensive in practice. This work targets learning 3D-aware GANs from unposed images, for which we propose to perform on-the-fly pose estimation of training images with a learned template feature field (TeFF). Concretely, in addition to a generative radiance field as in previous approaches, we ask the generator to also learn a field from 2D semantic features while sharing the density from the radiance field. Such a framework allows us to acquire a canonical 3D feature template leveraging the dataset mean discovered by the generative model, and further efficiently estimate the pose parameters on real data. Experimental results on various challenging datasets demonstrate the superiority of our approach over state-of-the-art alternatives from both the qualitative and the quantitative perspectives.
PDF https://XDimlab.github.io/TeFF


SwapAnything: Enabling Arbitrary Object Swapping in Personalized Visual Editing

Authors:Jing Gu, Yilin Wang, Nanxuan Zhao, Wei Xiong, Qing Liu, Zhifei Zhang, He Zhang, Jianming Zhang, HyunJoon Jung, Xin Eric Wang

Effective editing of personal content holds a pivotal role in enabling individuals to express their creativity, weaving captivating narratives within their visual stories, and elevate the overall quality and impact of their visual content. Therefore, in this work, we introduce SwapAnything, a novel framework that can swap any objects in an image with personalized concepts given by the reference, while keeping the context unchanged. Compared with existing methods for personalized subject swapping, SwapAnything has three unique advantages: (1) precise control of arbitrary objects and parts rather than the main subject, (2) more faithful preservation of context pixels, (3) better adaptation of the personalized concept to the image. First, we propose targeted variable swapping to apply region control over latent feature maps and swap masked variables for faithful context preservation and initial semantic concept swapping. Then, we introduce appearance adaptation, to seamlessly adapt the semantic concept into the original image in terms of target location, shape, style, and content during the image generation process. Extensive results on both human and automatic evaluation demonstrate significant improvements of our approach over baseline methods on personalized swapping. Furthermore, SwapAnything shows its precise and faithful swapping abilities across single object, multiple objects, partial object, and cross-domain swapping tasks. SwapAnything also achieves great performance on text-based swapping and tasks beyond swapping such as object insertion.
PDF 18 pages, 16 figures, 3 tables


StoryImager: A Unified and Efficient Framework for Coherent Story Visualization and Completion

Authors:Ming Tao, Bing-Kun Bao, Hao Tang, Yaowei Wang, Changsheng Xu

Story visualization aims to generate a series of realistic and coherent images based on a storyline. Current models adopt a frame-by-frame architecture by transforming the pre-trained text-to-image model into an auto-regressive manner. Although these models have shown notable progress, there are still three flaws. 1) The unidirectional generation of auto-regressive manner restricts the usability in many scenarios. 2) The additional introduced story history encoders bring an extremely high computational cost. 3) The story visualization and continuation models are trained and inferred independently, which is not user-friendly. To these ends, we propose a bidirectional, unified, and efficient framework, namely StoryImager. The StoryImager enhances the storyboard generative ability inherited from the pre-trained text-to-image model for a bidirectional generation. Specifically, we introduce a Target Frame Masking Strategy to extend and unify different story image generation tasks. Furthermore, we propose a Frame-Story Cross Attention Module that decomposes the cross attention for local fidelity and global coherence. Moreover, we design a Contextual Feature Extractor to extract contextual information from the whole storyline. The extensive experimental results demonstrate the excellent performance of our StoryImager. The code is available at https://github.com/tobran/StoryImager.
PDF 17 pages


Hash3D: Training-free Acceleration for 3D Generation

Authors:Xingyi Yang, Xinchao Wang

The evolution of 3D generative modeling has been notably propelled by the adoption of 2D diffusion models. Despite this progress, the cumbersome optimization process per se presents a critical hurdle to efficiency. In this paper, we introduce Hash3D, a universal acceleration for 3D generation without model training. Central to Hash3D is the insight that feature-map redundancy is prevalent in images rendered from camera positions and diffusion time-steps in close proximity. By effectively hashing and reusing these feature maps across neighboring timesteps and camera angles, Hash3D substantially prevents redundant calculations, thus accelerating the diffusion model’s inference in 3D generation tasks. We achieve this through an adaptive grid-based hashing. Surprisingly, this feature-sharing mechanism not only speed up the generation but also enhances the smoothness and view consistency of the synthesized 3D objects. Our experiments covering 5 text-to-3D and 3 image-to-3D models, demonstrate Hash3D’s versatility to speed up optimization, enhancing efficiency by 1.3 to 4 times. Additionally, Hash3D’s integration with 3D Gaussian splatting largely speeds up 3D model creation, reducing text-to-3D processing to about 10 minutes and image-to-3D conversion to roughly 30 seconds. The project page is at https://adamdad.github.io/hash3D/.
PDF https://adamdad.github.io/hash3D/


DiffHarmony: Latent Diffusion Model Meets Image Harmonization

Authors:Pengfei Zhou, Fangxiang Feng, Xiaojie Wang

Image harmonization, which involves adjusting the foreground of a composite image to attain a unified visual consistency with the background, can be conceptualized as an image-to-image translation task. Diffusion models have recently promoted the rapid development of image-to-image translation tasks . However, training diffusion models from scratch is computationally intensive. Fine-tuning pre-trained latent diffusion models entails dealing with the reconstruction error induced by the image compression autoencoder, making it unsuitable for image generation tasks that involve pixel-level evaluation metrics. To deal with these issues, in this paper, we first adapt a pre-trained latent diffusion model to the image harmonization task to generate the harmonious but potentially blurry initial images. Then we implement two strategies: utilizing higher-resolution images during inference and incorporating an additional refinement stage, to further enhance the clarity of the initially harmonized images. Extensive experiments on iHarmony4 datasets demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method. The code and model will be made publicly available at https://github.com/nicecv/DiffHarmony .
PDF Accepted by ICMR 2024


High Noise Scheduling is a Must

Authors:Mahmut S. Gokmen, Cody Bumgardner, Jie Zhang, Ge Wang, Jin Chen

Consistency models possess high capabilities for image generation, advancing sampling steps to a single step through their advanced techniques. Current advancements move one step forward consistency training techniques and eliminates the limitation of distillation training. Even though the proposed curriculum and noise scheduling in improved training techniques yield better results than basic consistency models, it lacks well balanced noise distribution and its consistency between curriculum. In this study, it is investigated the balance between high and low noise levels in noise distribution and offered polynomial noise distribution to maintain the stability. This proposed polynomial noise distribution is also supported with a predefined Karras noises to prevent unique noise levels arises with Karras noise generation algorithm. Furthermore, by elimination of learned noisy steps with a curriculum based on sinusoidal function increase the performance of the model in denoising. To make a fair comparison with the latest released consistency model training techniques, experiments are conducted with same hyper-parameters except curriculum and noise distribution. The models utilized during experiments are determined with low depth to prove the robustness of our proposed technique. The results show that the polynomial noise distribution outperforms the model trained with log-normal noise distribution, yielding a 33.54 FID score after 100,000 training steps with constant discretization steps. Additionally, the implementation of a sinusoidal-based curriculum enhances denoising performance, resulting in a FID score of 30.48.


SmartControl: Enhancing ControlNet for Handling Rough Visual Conditions

Authors:Xiaoyu Liu, Yuxiang Wei, Ming Liu, Xianhui Lin, Peiran Ren, Xuansong Xie, Wangmeng Zuo

Human visual imagination usually begins with analogies or rough sketches. For example, given an image with a girl playing guitar before a building, one may analogously imagine how it seems like if Iron Man playing guitar before Pyramid in Egypt. Nonetheless, visual condition may not be precisely aligned with the imaginary result indicated by text prompt, and existing layout-controllable text-to-image (T2I) generation models is prone to producing degraded generated results with obvious artifacts. To address this issue, we present a novel T2I generation method dubbed SmartControl, which is designed to modify the rough visual conditions for adapting to text prompt. The key idea of our SmartControl is to relax the visual condition on the areas that are conflicted with text prompts. In specific, a Control Scale Predictor (CSP) is designed to identify the conflict regions and predict the local control scales, while a dataset with text prompts and rough visual conditions is constructed for training CSP. It is worth noting that, even with a limited number (e.g., 1,000~2,000) of training samples, our SmartControl can generalize well to unseen objects. Extensive experiments on four typical visual condition types clearly show the efficacy of our SmartControl against state-of-the-arts. Source code, pre-trained models, and datasets are available at https://github.com/liuxiaoyu1104/SmartControl.


Deep Generative Data Assimilation in Multimodal Setting

Authors:Yongquan Qu, Juan Nathaniel, Shuolin Li, Pierre Gentine

Robust integration of physical knowledge and data is key to improve computational simulations, such as Earth system models. Data assimilation is crucial for achieving this goal because it provides a systematic framework to calibrate model outputs with observations, which can include remote sensing imagery and ground station measurements, with uncertainty quantification. Conventional methods, including Kalman filters and variational approaches, inherently rely on simplifying linear and Gaussian assumptions, and can be computationally expensive. Nevertheless, with the rapid adoption of data-driven methods in many areas of computational sciences, we see the potential of emulating traditional data assimilation with deep learning, especially generative models. In particular, the diffusion-based probabilistic framework has large overlaps with data assimilation principles: both allows for conditional generation of samples with a Bayesian inverse framework. These models have shown remarkable success in text-conditioned image generation or image-controlled video synthesis. Likewise, one can frame data assimilation as observation-conditioned state calibration. In this work, we propose SLAMS: Score-based Latent Assimilation in Multimodal Setting. Specifically, we assimilate in-situ weather station data and ex-situ satellite imagery to calibrate the vertical temperature profiles, globally. Through extensive ablation, we demonstrate that SLAMS is robust even in low-resolution, noisy, and sparse data settings. To our knowledge, our work is the first to apply deep generative framework for multimodal data assimilation using real-world datasets; an important step for building robust computational simulators, including the next-generation Earth system models. Our code is available at: https://github.com/yongquan-qu/SLAMS
PDF Accepted to CVPR2024 EarthVision


MedRG: Medical Report Grounding with Multi-modal Large Language Model

Authors:Ke Zou, Yang Bai, Zhihao Chen, Yang Zhou, Yidi Chen, Kai Ren, Meng Wang, Xuedong Yuan, Xiaojing Shen, Huazhu Fu

Medical Report Grounding is pivotal in identifying the most relevant regions in medical images based on a given phrase query, a critical aspect in medical image analysis and radiological diagnosis. However, prevailing visual grounding approaches necessitate the manual extraction of key phrases from medical reports, imposing substantial burdens on both system efficiency and physicians. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework, Medical Report Grounding (MedRG), an end-to-end solution for utilizing a multi-modal Large Language Model to predict key phrase by incorporating a unique token, BOX, into the vocabulary to serve as an embedding for unlocking detection capabilities. Subsequently, the vision encoder-decoder jointly decodes the hidden embedding and the input medical image, generating the corresponding grounding box. The experimental results validate the effectiveness of MedRG, surpassing the performance of the existing state-of-the-art medical phrase grounding methods. This study represents a pioneering exploration of the medical report grounding task, marking the first-ever endeavor in this domain.
PDF 12 pages, 4 figures


UDiFF: Generating Conditional Unsigned Distance Fields with Optimal Wavelet Diffusion

Authors:Junsheng Zhou, Weiqi Zhang, Baorui Ma, Kanle Shi, Yu-Shen Liu, Zhizhong Han

Diffusion models have shown remarkable results for image generation, editing and inpainting. Recent works explore diffusion models for 3D shape generation with neural implicit functions, i.e., signed distance function and occupancy function. However, they are limited to shapes with closed surfaces, which prevents them from generating diverse 3D real-world contents containing open surfaces. In this work, we present UDiFF, a 3D diffusion model for unsigned distance fields (UDFs) which is capable to generate textured 3D shapes with open surfaces from text conditions or unconditionally. Our key idea is to generate UDFs in spatial-frequency domain with an optimal wavelet transformation, which produces a compact representation space for UDF generation. Specifically, instead of selecting an appropriate wavelet transformation which requires expensive manual efforts and still leads to large information loss, we propose a data-driven approach to learn the optimal wavelet transformation for UDFs. We evaluate UDiFF to show our advantages by numerical and visual comparisons with the latest methods on widely used benchmarks. Page: https://weiqi-zhang.github.io/UDiFF.
PDF To appear at CVPR2024. Project page: https://weiqi-zhang.github.io/UDiFF


DreamScene360: Unconstrained Text-to-3D Scene Generation with Panoramic Gaussian Splatting

Authors:Shijie Zhou, Zhiwen Fan, Dejia Xu, Haoran Chang, Pradyumna Chari, Tejas Bharadwaj, Suya You, Zhangyang Wang, Achuta Kadambi

The increasing demand for virtual reality applications has highlighted the significance of crafting immersive 3D assets. We present a text-to-3D 360$^{\circ}$ scene generation pipeline that facilitates the creation of comprehensive 360$^{\circ}$ scenes for in-the-wild environments in a matter of minutes. Our approach utilizes the generative power of a 2D diffusion model and prompt self-refinement to create a high-quality and globally coherent panoramic image. This image acts as a preliminary “flat” (2D) scene representation. Subsequently, it is lifted into 3D Gaussians, employing splatting techniques to enable real-time exploration. To produce consistent 3D geometry, our pipeline constructs a spatially coherent structure by aligning the 2D monocular depth into a globally optimized point cloud. This point cloud serves as the initial state for the centroids of 3D Gaussians. In order to address invisible issues inherent in single-view inputs, we impose semantic and geometric constraints on both synthesized and input camera views as regularizations. These guide the optimization of Gaussians, aiding in the reconstruction of unseen regions. In summary, our method offers a globally consistent 3D scene within a 360$^{\circ}$ perspective, providing an enhanced immersive experience over existing techniques. Project website at: http://dreamscene360.github.io/


Diffusion-based inpainting of incomplete Euclidean distance matrices of trajectories generated by a fractional Brownian motion

Authors:Alexander Lobashev, Kirill Polovnikov

Fractional Brownian trajectories (fBm) feature both randomness and strong scale-free correlations, challenging generative models to reproduce the intrinsic memory characterizing the underlying process. Here we test a diffusion probabilistic model on a specific dataset of corrupted images corresponding to incomplete Euclidean distance matrices of fBm at various memory exponents $H$. Our dataset implies uniqueness of the data imputation in the regime of low missing ratio, where the remaining partial graph is rigid, providing the ground truth for the inpainting. We find that the conditional diffusion generation stably reproduces the statistics of missing fBm-distributed distances for different values of $H$ exponent. Furthermore, while diffusion models have been recently shown to remember samples from the training database, we show that diffusion-based inpainting behaves qualitatively different from the database search with the increasing database size. Finally, we apply our fBm-trained diffusion model with $H=1/3$ for completion of chromosome distance matrices obtained in single-cell microscopy experiments, showing its superiority over the standard bioinformatics algorithms. Our source code is available on GitHub at https://github.com/alobashev/diffusion_fbm.


A Gauss-Newton Approach for Min-Max Optimization in Generative Adversarial Networks

Authors:Neel Mishra, Bamdev Mishra, Pratik Jawanpuria, Pawan Kumar

A novel first-order method is proposed for training generative adversarial networks (GANs). It modifies the Gauss-Newton method to approximate the min-max Hessian and uses the Sherman-Morrison inversion formula to calculate the inverse. The method corresponds to a fixed-point method that ensures necessary contraction. To evaluate its effectiveness, numerical experiments are conducted on various datasets commonly used in image generation tasks, such as MNIST, Fashion MNIST, CIFAR10, FFHQ, and LSUN. Our method is capable of generating high-fidelity images with greater diversity across multiple datasets. It also achieves the highest inception score for CIFAR10 among all compared methods, including state-of-the-art second-order methods. Additionally, its execution time is comparable to that of first-order min-max methods.
PDF accepted in IJCNN 2023, 9 pages


InstantMesh: Efficient 3D Mesh Generation from a Single Image with Sparse-view Large Reconstruction Models

Authors:Jiale Xu, Weihao Cheng, Yiming Gao, Xintao Wang, Shenghua Gao, Ying Shan

We present InstantMesh, a feed-forward framework for instant 3D mesh generation from a single image, featuring state-of-the-art generation quality and significant training scalability. By synergizing the strengths of an off-the-shelf multiview diffusion model and a sparse-view reconstruction model based on the LRM architecture, InstantMesh is able to create diverse 3D assets within 10 seconds. To enhance the training efficiency and exploit more geometric supervisions, e.g, depths and normals, we integrate a differentiable iso-surface extraction module into our framework and directly optimize on the mesh representation. Experimental results on public datasets demonstrate that InstantMesh significantly outperforms other latest image-to-3D baselines, both qualitatively and quantitatively. We release all the code, weights, and demo of InstantMesh, with the intention that it can make substantial contributions to the community of 3D generative AI and empower both researchers and content creators.
PDF Technical report. Project: https://github.com/TencentARC/InstantMesh


RealmDreamer: Text-Driven 3D Scene Generation with Inpainting and Depth Diffusion

Authors:Jaidev Shriram, Alex Trevithick, Lingjie Liu, Ravi Ramamoorthi

We introduce RealmDreamer, a technique for generation of general forward-facing 3D scenes from text descriptions. Our technique optimizes a 3D Gaussian Splatting representation to match complex text prompts. We initialize these splats by utilizing the state-of-the-art text-to-image generators, lifting their samples into 3D, and computing the occlusion volume. We then optimize this representation across multiple views as a 3D inpainting task with image-conditional diffusion models. To learn correct geometric structure, we incorporate a depth diffusion model by conditioning on the samples from the inpainting model, giving rich geometric structure. Finally, we finetune the model using sharpened samples from image generators. Notably, our technique does not require video or multi-view data and can synthesize a variety of high-quality 3D scenes in different styles, consisting of multiple objects. Its generality additionally allows 3D synthesis from a single image.
PDF Project Page: https://realmdreamer.github.io/


GoodDrag: Towards Good Practices for Drag Editing with Diffusion Models

Authors:Zewei Zhang, Huan Liu, Jun Chen, Xiangyu Xu

In this paper, we introduce GoodDrag, a novel approach to improve the stability and image quality of drag editing. Unlike existing methods that struggle with accumulated perturbations and often result in distortions, GoodDrag introduces an AlDD framework that alternates between drag and denoising operations within the diffusion process, effectively improving the fidelity of the result. We also propose an information-preserving motion supervision operation that maintains the original features of the starting point for precise manipulation and artifact reduction. In addition, we contribute to the benchmarking of drag editing by introducing a new dataset, Drag100, and developing dedicated quality assessment metrics, Dragging Accuracy Index and Gemini Score, utilizing Large Multimodal Models. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed GoodDrag compares favorably against the state-of-the-art approaches both qualitatively and quantitatively. The project page is https://gooddrag.github.io.


Deep Generative Sampling in the Dual Divergence Space: A Data-efficient & Interpretative Approach for Generative AI

Authors:Sahil Garg, Anderson Schneider, Anant Raj, Kashif Rasul, Yuriy Nevmyvaka, Sneihil Gopal, Amit Dhurandhar, Guillermo Cecchi, Irina Rish

Building on the remarkable achievements in generative sampling of natural images, we propose an innovative challenge, potentially overly ambitious, which involves generating samples of entire multivariate time series that resemble images. However, the statistical challenge lies in the small sample size, sometimes consisting of a few hundred subjects. This issue is especially problematic for deep generative models that follow the conventional approach of generating samples from a canonical distribution and then decoding or denoising them to match the true data distribution. In contrast, our method is grounded in information theory and aims to implicitly characterize the distribution of images, particularly the (global and local) dependency structure between pixels. We achieve this by empirically estimating its KL-divergence in the dual form with respect to the respective marginal distribution. This enables us to perform generative sampling directly in the optimized 1-D dual divergence space. Specifically, in the dual space, training samples representing the data distribution are embedded in the form of various clusters between two end points. In theory, any sample embedded between those two end points is in-distribution w.r.t. the data distribution. Our key idea for generating novel samples of images is to interpolate between the clusters via a walk as per gradients of the dual function w.r.t. the data dimensions. In addition to the data efficiency gained from direct sampling, we propose an algorithm that offers a significant reduction in sample complexity for estimating the divergence of the data distribution with respect to the marginal distribution. We provide strong theoretical guarantees along with an extensive empirical evaluation using many real-world datasets from diverse domains, establishing the superiority of our approach w.r.t. state-of-the-art deep learning methods.


ObjBlur: A Curriculum Learning Approach With Progressive Object-Level Blurring for Improved Layout-to-Image Generation

Authors:Stanislav Frolov, Brian B. Moser, Sebastian Palacio, Andreas Dengel

We present ObjBlur, a novel curriculum learning approach to improve layout-to-image generation models, where the task is to produce realistic images from layouts composed of boxes and labels. Our method is based on progressive object-level blurring, which effectively stabilizes training and enhances the quality of generated images. This curriculum learning strategy systematically applies varying degrees of blurring to individual objects or the background during training, starting from strong blurring to progressively cleaner images. Our findings reveal that this approach yields significant performance improvements, stabilized training, smoother convergence, and reduced variance between multiple runs. Moreover, our technique demonstrates its versatility by being compatible with generative adversarial networks and diffusion models, underlining its applicability across various generative modeling paradigms. With ObjBlur, we reach new state-of-the-art results on the complex COCO and Visual Genome datasets.


Implicit and Explicit Language Guidance for Diffusion-based Visual Perception

Authors:Hefeng Wang, Jiale Cao, Jin Xie, Aiping Yang, Yanwei Pang

Text-to-image diffusion models have shown powerful ability on conditional image synthesis. With large-scale vision-language pre-training, diffusion models are able to generate high-quality images with rich texture and reasonable structure under different text prompts. However, it is an open problem to adapt the pre-trained diffusion model for visual perception. In this paper, we propose an implicit and explicit language guidance framework for diffusion-based perception, named IEDP. Our IEDP comprises of an implicit language guidance branch and an explicit language guidance branch. The implicit branch employs frozen CLIP image encoder to directly generate implicit text embeddings that are fed to diffusion model, without using explicit text prompts. The explicit branch utilizes the ground-truth labels of corresponding images as text prompts to condition feature extraction of diffusion model. During training, we jointly train diffusion model by sharing the model weights of these two branches. As a result, implicit and explicit branches can jointly guide feature learning. During inference, we only employ implicit branch for final prediction, which does not require any ground-truth labels. Experiments are performed on two typical perception tasks, including semantic segmentation and depth estimation. Our IEDP achieves promising performance on both tasks. For semantic segmentation, our IEDP has the mIoU score of 55.9% on AD20K validation set, which outperforms the baseline method VPD by 2.2%. For depth estimation, our IEDP outperforms the baseline method VPD with a relative gain of 10.2%.


Applying Guidance in a Limited Interval Improves Sample and Distribution Quality in Diffusion Models

Authors:Tuomas Kynkäänniemi, Miika Aittala, Tero Karras, Samuli Laine, Timo Aila, Jaakko Lehtinen

Guidance is a crucial technique for extracting the best performance out of image-generating diffusion models. Traditionally, a constant guidance weight has been applied throughout the sampling chain of an image. We show that guidance is clearly harmful toward the beginning of the chain (high noise levels), largely unnecessary toward the end (low noise levels), and only beneficial in the middle. We thus restrict it to a specific range of noise levels, improving both the inference speed and result quality. This limited guidance interval improves the record FID in ImageNet-512 significantly, from 1.81 to 1.40. We show that it is quantitatively and qualitatively beneficial across different sampler parameters, network architectures, and datasets, including the large-scale setting of Stable Diffusion XL. We thus suggest exposing the guidance interval as a hyperparameter in all diffusion models that use guidance.


Generating Synthetic Satellite Imagery With Deep-Learning Text-to-Image Models — Technical Challenges and Implications for Monitoring and Verification

Authors:Tuong Vy Nguyen, Alexander Glaser, Felix Biessmann

Novel deep-learning (DL) architectures have reached a level where they can generate digital media, including photorealistic images, that are difficult to distinguish from real data. These technologies have already been used to generate training data for Machine Learning (ML) models, and large text-to-image models like DALL-E 2, Imagen, and Stable Diffusion are achieving remarkable results in realistic high-resolution image generation. Given these developments, issues of data authentication in monitoring and verification deserve a careful and systematic analysis: How realistic are synthetic images? How easily can they be generated? How useful are they for ML researchers, and what is their potential for Open Science? In this work, we use novel DL models to explore how synthetic satellite images can be created using conditioning mechanisms. We investigate the challenges of synthetic satellite image generation and evaluate the results based on authenticity and state-of-the-art metrics. Furthermore, we investigate how synthetic data can alleviate the lack of data in the context of ML methods for remote-sensing. Finally we discuss implications of synthetic satellite imagery in the context of monitoring and verification.
PDF https://resources.inmm.org/annual-meeting-proceedings/generating-synthetic-satellite-imagery-deep-learning-text-image-models


Joint Conditional Diffusion Model for Image Restoration with Mixed Degradations

Authors:Yufeng Yue, Meng Yu, Luojie Yang, Yi Yang

Image restoration is rather challenging in adverse weather conditions, especially when multiple degradations occur simultaneously. Blind image decomposition was proposed to tackle this issue, however, its effectiveness heavily relies on the accurate estimation of each component. Although diffusion-based models exhibit strong generative abilities in image restoration tasks, they may generate irrelevant contents when the degraded images are severely corrupted. To address these issues, we leverage physical constraints to guide the whole restoration process, where a mixed degradation model based on atmosphere scattering model is constructed. Then we formulate our Joint Conditional Diffusion Model (JCDM) by incorporating the degraded image and degradation mask to provide precise guidance. To achieve better color and detail recovery results, we further integrate a refinement network to reconstruct the restored image, where Uncertainty Estimation Block (UEB) is employed to enhance the features. Extensive experiments performed on both multi-weather and weather-specific datasets demonstrate the superiority of our method over state-of-the-art competing methods.


Taming Stable Diffusion for Text to 360° Panorama Image Generation

Authors:Cheng Zhang, Qianyi Wu, Camilo Cruz Gambardella, Xiaoshui Huang, Dinh Phung, Wanli Ouyang, Jianfei Cai

Generative models, e.g., Stable Diffusion, have enabled the creation of photorealistic images from text prompts. Yet, the generation of 360-degree panorama images from text remains a challenge, particularly due to the dearth of paired text-panorama data and the domain gap between panorama and perspective images. In this paper, we introduce a novel dual-branch diffusion model named PanFusion to generate a 360-degree image from a text prompt. We leverage the stable diffusion model as one branch to provide prior knowledge in natural image generation and register it to another panorama branch for holistic image generation. We propose a unique cross-attention mechanism with projection awareness to minimize distortion during the collaborative denoising process. Our experiments validate that PanFusion surpasses existing methods and, thanks to its dual-branch structure, can integrate additional constraints like room layout for customized panorama outputs. Code is available at https://chengzhag.github.io/publication/panfusion.
PDF CVPR 2024. Project Page: https://chengzhag.github.io/publication/panfusion Code: https://github.com/chengzhag/PanFusion


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