I2I Translation

2024-04-14 更新

RoNet: Rotation-oriented Continuous Image Translation

Authors:Yi Li, Xin Xie, Lina Lei, Haiyan Fu, Yanqing Guo

The generation of smooth and continuous images between domains has recently drawn much attention in image-to-image (I2I) translation. Linear relationship acts as the basic assumption in most existing approaches, while applied to different aspects including features, models or labels. However, the linear assumption is hard to conform with the element dimension increases and suffers from the limit that having to obtain both ends of the line. In this paper, we propose a novel rotation-oriented solution and model the continuous generation with an in-plane rotation over the style representation of an image, achieving a network named RoNet. A rotation module is implanted in the generation network to automatically learn the proper plane while disentangling the content and the style of an image. To encourage realistic texture, we also design a patch-based semantic style loss that learns the different styles of the similar object in different domains. We conduct experiments on forest scenes (where the complex texture makes the generation very challenging), faces, streetscapes and the iphone2dslr task. The results validate the superiority of our method in terms of visual quality and continuity.
PDF 14 pages


FPL+: Filtered Pseudo Label-based Unsupervised Cross-Modality Adaptation for 3D Medical Image Segmentation

Authors:Jianghao Wu, Dong Guo, Guotai Wang, Qiang Yue, Huijun Yu, Kang Li, Shaoting Zhang

Adapting a medical image segmentation model to a new domain is important for improving its cross-domain transferability, and due to the expensive annotation process, Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) is appealing where only unlabeled images are needed for the adaptation. Existing UDA methods are mainly based on image or feature alignment with adversarial training for regularization, and they are limited by insufficient supervision in the target domain. In this paper, we propose an enhanced Filtered Pseudo Label (FPL+)-based UDA method for 3D medical image segmentation. It first uses cross-domain data augmentation to translate labeled images in the source domain to a dual-domain training set consisting of a pseudo source-domain set and a pseudo target-domain set. To leverage the dual-domain augmented images to train a pseudo label generator, domain-specific batch normalization layers are used to deal with the domain shift while learning the domain-invariant structure features, generating high-quality pseudo labels for target-domain images. We then combine labeled source-domain images and target-domain images with pseudo labels to train a final segmentor, where image-level weighting based on uncertainty estimation and pixel-level weighting based on dual-domain consensus are proposed to mitigate the adverse effect of noisy pseudo labels. Experiments on three public multi-modal datasets for Vestibular Schwannoma, brain tumor and whole heart segmentation show that our method surpassed ten state-of-the-art UDA methods, and it even achieved better results than fully supervised learning in the target domain in some cases.
PDF 12 pages, 7 figures


MoMA: Multimodal LLM Adapter for Fast Personalized Image Generation

Authors:Kunpeng Song, Yizhe Zhu, Bingchen Liu, Qing Yan, Ahmed Elgammal, Xiao Yang

In this paper, we present MoMA: an open-vocabulary, training-free personalized image model that boasts flexible zero-shot capabilities. As foundational text-to-image models rapidly evolve, the demand for robust image-to-image translation grows. Addressing this need, MoMA specializes in subject-driven personalized image generation. Utilizing an open-source, Multimodal Large Language Model (MLLM), we train MoMA to serve a dual role as both a feature extractor and a generator. This approach effectively synergizes reference image and text prompt information to produce valuable image features, facilitating an image diffusion model. To better leverage the generated features, we further introduce a novel self-attention shortcut method that efficiently transfers image features to an image diffusion model, improving the resemblance of the target object in generated images. Remarkably, as a tuning-free plug-and-play module, our model requires only a single reference image and outperforms existing methods in generating images with high detail fidelity, enhanced identity-preservation and prompt faithfulness. Our work is open-source, thereby providing universal access to these advancements.


DiffHarmony: Latent Diffusion Model Meets Image Harmonization

Authors:Pengfei Zhou, Fangxiang Feng, Xiaojie Wang

Image harmonization, which involves adjusting the foreground of a composite image to attain a unified visual consistency with the background, can be conceptualized as an image-to-image translation task. Diffusion models have recently promoted the rapid development of image-to-image translation tasks . However, training diffusion models from scratch is computationally intensive. Fine-tuning pre-trained latent diffusion models entails dealing with the reconstruction error induced by the image compression autoencoder, making it unsuitable for image generation tasks that involve pixel-level evaluation metrics. To deal with these issues, in this paper, we first adapt a pre-trained latent diffusion model to the image harmonization task to generate the harmonious but potentially blurry initial images. Then we implement two strategies: utilizing higher-resolution images during inference and incorporating an additional refinement stage, to further enhance the clarity of the initially harmonized images. Extensive experiments on iHarmony4 datasets demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method. The code and model will be made publicly available at https://github.com/nicecv/DiffHarmony .
PDF Accepted by ICMR 2024


An Evidential-enhanced Tri-Branch Consistency Learning Method for Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation

Authors:Zhenxi Zhang, Heng Zhou, Xiaoran Shi, Ran Ran, Chunna Tian, Feng Zhou

Semi-supervised segmentation presents a promising approach for large-scale medical image analysis, effectively reducing annotation burdens while achieving comparable performance. This methodology holds substantial potential for streamlining the segmentation process and enhancing its feasibility within clinical settings for translational investigations. While cross-supervised training, based on distinct co-training sub-networks, has become a prevalent paradigm for this task, addressing critical issues such as predication disagreement and label-noise suppression requires further attention and progress in cross-supervised training. In this paper, we introduce an Evidential Tri-Branch Consistency learning framework (ETC-Net) for semi-supervised medical image segmentation. ETC-Net employs three branches: an evidential conservative branch, an evidential progressive branch, and an evidential fusion branch. The first two branches exhibit complementary characteristics, allowing them to address prediction diversity and enhance training stability. We also integrate uncertainty estimation from the evidential learning into cross-supervised training, mitigating the negative impact of erroneous supervision signals. Additionally, the evidential fusion branch capitalizes on the complementary attributes of the first two branches and leverages an evidence-based Dempster-Shafer fusion strategy, supervised by more reliable and accurate pseudo-labels of unlabeled data. Extensive experiments conducted on LA, Pancreas-CT, and ACDC datasets demonstrate that ETC-Net surpasses other state-of-the-art methods for semi-supervised segmentation. The code will be made available in the near future at https://github.com/Medsemiseg.


Implicit Multi-Spectral Transformer: An Lightweight and Effective Visible to Infrared Image Translation Model

Authors:Yijia Chen, Pinghua Chen, Xiangxin Zhou, Yingtie Lei, Ziyang Zhou, Mingxian Li

In the field of computer vision, visible light images often exhibit low contrast in low-light conditions, presenting a significant challenge. While infrared imagery provides a potential solution, its utilization entails high costs and practical limitations. Recent advancements in deep learning, particularly the deployment of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), have facilitated the transformation of visible light images to infrared images. However, these methods often experience unstable training phases and may produce suboptimal outputs. To address these issues, we propose a novel end-to-end Transformer-based model that efficiently converts visible light images into high-fidelity infrared images. Initially, the Texture Mapping Module and Color Perception Adapter collaborate to extract texture and color features from the visible light image. The Dynamic Fusion Aggregation Module subsequently integrates these features. Finally, the transformation into an infrared image is refined through the synergistic action of the Color Perception Adapter and the Enhanced Perception Attention mechanism. Comprehensive benchmarking experiments confirm that our model outperforms existing methods, producing infrared images of markedly superior quality, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Furthermore, the proposed model enables more effective downstream applications for infrared images than other methods.
PDF Accepted by IJCNN 2024


Lost in Translation: Modern Neural Networks Still Struggle With Small Realistic Image Transformations

Authors:Ofir Shifman, Yair Weiss

Deep neural networks that achieve remarkable performance in image classification have previously been shown to be easily fooled by tiny transformations such as a one pixel translation of the input image. In order to address this problem, two approaches have been proposed in recent years. The first approach suggests using huge datasets together with data augmentation in the hope that a highly varied training set will teach the network to learn to be invariant. The second approach suggests using architectural modifications based on sampling theory to deal explicitly with image translations. In this paper, we show that these approaches still fall short in robustly handling ‘natural’ image translations that simulate a subtle change in camera orientation. Our findings reveal that a mere one-pixel translation can result in a significant change in the predicted image representation for approximately 40% of the test images in state-of-the-art models (e.g. open-CLIP trained on LAION-2B or DINO-v2) , while models that are explicitly constructed to be robust to cyclic translations can still be fooled with 1 pixel realistic (non-cyclic) translations 11% of the time. We present Robust Inference by Crop Selection: a simple method that can be proven to achieve any desired level of consistency, although with a modest tradeoff with the model’s accuracy. Importantly, we demonstrate how employing this method reduces the ability to fool state-of-the-art models with a 1 pixel translation to less than 5% while suffering from only a 1% drop in classification accuracy. Additionally, we show that our method can be easy adjusted to deal with circular shifts as well. In such case we achieve 100% robustness to integer shifts with state-of-the-art accuracy, and with no need for any further training.
PDF 14 pages, 6 appendices, 17 figures


Improving Shift Invariance in Convolutional Neural Networks with Translation Invariant Polyphase Sampling

Authors:Sourajit Saha, Tejas Gokhale

Downsampling operators break the shift invariance of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and this affects the robustness of features learned by CNNs when dealing with even small pixel-level shift. Through a large-scale correlation analysis framework, we study shift invariance of CNNs by inspecting existing downsampling operators in terms of their maximum-sampling bias (MSB), and find that MSB is negatively correlated with shift invariance. Based on this crucial insight, we propose a learnable pooling operator called Translation Invariant Polyphase Sampling (TIPS) and two regularizations on the intermediate feature maps of TIPS to reduce MSB and learn translation-invariant representations. TIPS can be integrated into any CNN and can be trained end-to-end with marginal computational overhead. Our experiments demonstrate that TIPS results in consistent performance gains in terms of accuracy, shift consistency, and shift fidelity on multiple benchmarks for image classification and semantic segmentation compared to previous methods and also leads to improvements in adversarial and distributional robustness. TIPS results in the lowest MSB compared to all previous methods, thus explaining our strong empirical results.


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