
2024-04-06 更新

FACTUAL: A Novel Framework for Contrastive Learning Based Robust SAR Image Classification

Authors:Xu Wang, Tian Ye, Rajgopal Kannan, Viktor Prasanna

Deep Learning (DL) Models for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Automatic Target Recognition (ATR), while delivering improved performance, have been shown to be quite vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Existing works improve robustness by training models on adversarial samples. However, by focusing mostly on attacks that manipulate images randomly, they neglect the real-world feasibility of such attacks. In this paper, we propose FACTUAL, a novel Contrastive Learning framework for Adversarial Training and robust SAR classification. FACTUAL consists of two components: (1) Differing from existing works, a novel perturbation scheme that incorporates realistic physical adversarial attacks (such as OTSA) to build a supervised adversarial pre-training network. This network utilizes class labels for clustering clean and perturbed images together into a more informative feature space. (2) A linear classifier cascaded after the encoder to use the computed representations to predict the target labels. By pre-training and fine-tuning our model on both clean and adversarial samples, we show that our model achieves high prediction accuracy on both cases. Our model achieves 99.7% accuracy on clean samples, and 89.6% on perturbed samples, both outperforming previous state-of-the-art methods.
PDF 2024 IEEE Radar Conference


Multi Positive Contrastive Learning with Pose-Consistent Generated Images

Authors:Sho Inayoshi, Aji Resindra Widya, Satoshi Ozaki, Junji Otsuka, Takeshi Ohashi

Model pre-training has become essential in various recognition tasks. Meanwhile, with the remarkable advancements in image generation models, pre-training methods utilizing generated images have also emerged given their ability to produce unlimited training data. However, while existing methods utilizing generated images excel in classification, they fall short in more practical tasks, such as human pose estimation. In this paper, we have experimentally demonstrated it and propose the generation of visually distinct images with identical human poses. We then propose a novel multi-positive contrastive learning, which optimally utilize the previously generated images to learn structural features of the human body. We term the entire learning pipeline as GenPoCCL. Despite using only less than 1% amount of data compared to current state-of-the-art method, GenPoCCL captures structural features of the human body more effectively, surpassing existing methods in a variety of human-centric perception tasks.


Sparse Concept Bottleneck Models: Gumbel Tricks in Contrastive Learning

Authors:Andrei Semenov, Vladimir Ivanov, Aleksandr Beznosikov, Alexander Gasnikov

We propose a novel architecture and method of explainable classification with Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs). While SOTA approaches to Image Classification task work as a black box, there is a growing demand for models that would provide interpreted results. Such a models often learn to predict the distribution over class labels using additional description of this target instances, called concepts. However, existing Bottleneck methods have a number of limitations: their accuracy is lower than that of a standard model and CBMs require an additional set of concepts to leverage. We provide a framework for creating Concept Bottleneck Model from pre-trained multi-modal encoder and new CLIP-like architectures. By introducing a new type of layers known as Concept Bottleneck Layers, we outline three methods for training them: with $\ell_1$-loss, contrastive loss and loss function based on Gumbel-Softmax distribution (Sparse-CBM), while final FC layer is still trained with Cross-Entropy. We show a significant increase in accuracy using sparse hidden layers in CLIP-based bottleneck models. Which means that sparse representation of concepts activation vector is meaningful in Concept Bottleneck Models. Moreover, with our Concept Matrix Search algorithm we can improve CLIP predictions on complex datasets without any additional training or fine-tuning. The code is available at: https://github.com/Andron00e/SparseCBM.
PDF 23 pages, 1 algorithm, 36 figures


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