Vision Transformer

2024-04-06 更新

ViTamin: Designing Scalable Vision Models in the Vision-Language Era

Authors:Jieneng Chen, Qihang Yu, Xiaohui Shen, Alan Yuille, Liang-Chieh Chen

Recent breakthroughs in vision-language models (VLMs) start a new page in the vision community. The VLMs provide stronger and more generalizable feature embeddings compared to those from ImageNet-pretrained models, thanks to the training on the large-scale Internet image-text pairs. However, despite the amazing achievement from the VLMs, vanilla Vision Transformers (ViTs) remain the default choice for the image encoder. Although pure transformer proves its effectiveness in the text encoding area, it remains questionable whether it is also the case for image encoding, especially considering that various types of networks are proposed on the ImageNet benchmark, which, unfortunately, are rarely studied in VLMs. Due to small data/model scale, the original conclusions of model design on ImageNet can be limited and biased. In this paper, we aim at building an evaluation protocol of vision models in the vision-language era under the contrastive language-image pretraining (CLIP) framework. We provide a comprehensive way to benchmark different vision models, covering their zero-shot performance and scalability in both model and training data sizes. To this end, we introduce ViTamin, a new vision models tailored for VLMs. ViTamin-L significantly outperforms ViT-L by 2.0% ImageNet zero-shot accuracy, when using the same publicly available DataComp-1B dataset and the same OpenCLIP training scheme. ViTamin-L presents promising results on 60 diverse benchmarks, including classification, retrieval, open-vocabulary detection and segmentation, and large multi-modal models. When further scaling up the model size, our ViTamin-XL with only 436M parameters attains 82.9% ImageNet zero-shot accuracy, surpassing 82.0% achieved by EVA-E that has ten times more parameters (4.4B).
PDF CVPR 2024;


Performance of computer vision algorithms for fine-grained classification using crowdsourced insect images

Authors:Rita Pucci, Vincent J. Kalkman, Dan Stowell

With fine-grained classification, we identify unique characteristics to distinguish among classes of the same super-class. We are focusing on species recognition in Insecta, as they are critical for biodiversity monitoring and at the base of many ecosystems. With citizen science campaigns, billions of images are collected in the wild. Once these are labelled, experts can use them to create distribution maps. However, the labelling process is time-consuming, which is where computer vision comes in. The field of computer vision offers a wide range of algorithms, each with its strengths and weaknesses; how do we identify the algorithm that is in line with our application? To answer this question, we provide a full and detailed evaluation of nine algorithms among deep convolutional networks (CNN), vision transformers (ViT), and locality-based vision transformers (LBVT) on 4 different aspects: classification performance, embedding quality, computational cost, and gradient activity. We offer insights that we haven’t yet had in this domain proving to which extent these algorithms solve the fine-grained tasks in Insecta. We found that the ViT performs the best on inference speed and computational cost while the LBVT outperforms the others on performance and embedding quality; the CNN provide a trade-off among the metrics.


文章作者: 木子已
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