
2024-03-31 更新

TeG-DG: Textually Guided Domain Generalization for Face Anti-Spoofing

Authors:Lianrui Mu, Jianhong Bai, Xiaoxuan He, Jiangnan Ye, Xiaoyu Liang, Yuchen Yang, Jiedong Zhuang, Haoji Hu

Enhancing the domain generalization performance of Face Anti-Spoofing (FAS) techniques has emerged as a research focus. Existing methods are dedicated to extracting domain-invariant features from various training domains. Despite the promising performance, the extracted features inevitably contain residual style feature bias (e.g., illumination, capture device), resulting in inferior generalization performance. In this paper, we propose an alternative and effective solution, the Textually Guided Domain Generalization (TeG-DG) framework, which can effectively leverage text information for cross-domain alignment. Our core insight is that text, as a more abstract and universal form of expression, can capture the commonalities and essential characteristics across various attacks, bridging the gap between different image domains. Contrary to existing vision-language models, the proposed framework is elaborately designed to enhance the domain generalization ability of the FAS task. Concretely, we first design a Hierarchical Attention Fusion (HAF) module to enable adaptive aggregation of visual features at different levels; Then, a Textual-Enhanced Visual Discriminator (TEVD) is proposed for not only better alignment between the two modalities but also to regularize the classifier with unbiased text features. TeG-DG significantly outperforms previous approaches, especially in situations with extremely limited source domain data (~14% and ~12% improvements on HTER and AUC respectively), showcasing impressive few-shot performance.


SHIELD : An Evaluation Benchmark for Face Spoofing and Forgery Detection with Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors:Yichen Shi, Yuhao Gao, Yingxin Lai, Hongyang Wang, Jun Feng, Lei He, Jun Wan, Changsheng Chen, Zitong Yu, Xiaochun Cao

Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have demonstrated remarkable problem-solving capabilities in various vision fields (e.g., generic object recognition and grounding) based on strong visual semantic representation and language reasoning ability. However, whether MLLMs are sensitive to subtle visual spoof/forged clues and how they perform in the domain of face attack detection (e.g., face spoofing and forgery detection) is still unexplored. In this paper, we introduce a new benchmark, namely SHIELD, to evaluate the ability of MLLMs on face spoofing and forgery detection. Specifically, we design true/false and multiple-choice questions to evaluate multimodal face data in these two face security tasks. For the face anti-spoofing task, we evaluate three different modalities (i.e., RGB, infrared, depth) under four types of presentation attacks (i.e., print attack, replay attack, rigid mask, paper mask). For the face forgery detection task, we evaluate GAN-based and diffusion-based data with both visual and acoustic modalities. Each question is subjected to both zero-shot and few-shot tests under standard and chain of thought (COT) settings. The results indicate that MLLMs hold substantial potential in the face security domain, offering advantages over traditional specific models in terms of interpretability, multimodal flexible reasoning, and joint face spoof and forgery detection. Additionally, we develop a novel Multi-Attribute Chain of Thought (MA-COT) paradigm for describing and judging various task-specific and task-irrelevant attributes of face images, which provides rich task-related knowledge for subtle spoof/forged clue mining. Extensive experiments in separate face anti-spoofing, separate face forgery detection, and joint detection tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed MA-COT. The project is available at https$:$//


RhythmFormer: Extracting rPPG Signals Based on Hierarchical Temporal Periodic Transformer

Authors:Bochao Zou, Zizheng Guo, Jiansheng Chen, Huimin Ma

Remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) is a non-contact method for detecting physiological signals based on facial videos, holding high potential in various applications such as healthcare, affective computing, anti-spoofing, etc. Due to the periodicity nature of rPPG, the long-range dependency capturing capacity of the Transformer was assumed to be advantageous for such signals. However, existing approaches have not conclusively demonstrated the superior performance of Transformer over traditional convolutional neural network methods, this gap may stem from a lack of thorough exploration of rPPG periodicity. In this paper, we propose RhythmFormer, a fully end-to-end transformer-based method for extracting rPPG signals by explicitly leveraging the quasi-periodic nature of rPPG. The core module, Hierarchical Temporal Periodic Transformer, hierarchically extracts periodic features from multiple temporal scales. It utilizes dynamic sparse attention based on periodicity in the temporal domain, allowing for fine-grained modeling of rPPG features. Furthermore, a fusion stem is proposed to guide self-attention to rPPG features effectively, and it can be easily transferred to existing methods to enhance their performance significantly. RhythmFormer achieves state-of-the-art performance with fewer parameters and reduced computational complexity in comprehensive experiments compared to previous approaches. The codes are available at


Gradient Alignment for Cross-Domain Face Anti-Spoofing

Authors:Binh M. Le, Simon S. Woo

Recent advancements in domain generalization (DG) for face anti-spoofing (FAS) have garnered considerable attention. Traditional methods have focused on designing learning objectives and additional modules to isolate domain-specific features while retaining domain-invariant characteristics in their representations. However, such approaches often lack guarantees of consistent maintenance of domain-invariant features or the complete removal of domain-specific features. Furthermore, most prior works of DG for FAS do not ensure convergence to a local flat minimum, which has been shown to be advantageous for DG. In this paper, we introduce GAC-FAS, a novel learning objective that encourages the model to converge towards an optimal flat minimum without necessitating additional learning modules. Unlike conventional sharpness-aware minimizers, GAC-FAS identifies ascending points for each domain and regulates the generalization gradient updates at these points to align coherently with empirical risk minimization (ERM) gradient updates. This unique approach specifically guides the model to be robust against domain shifts. We demonstrate the efficacy of GAC-FAS through rigorous testing on challenging cross-domain FAS datasets, where it establishes state-of-the-art performance. The code is available at


Suppress and Rebalance: Towards Generalized Multi-Modal Face Anti-Spoofing

Authors:Xun Lin, Shuai Wang, Rizhao Cai, Yizhong Liu, Ying Fu, Zitong Yu, Wenzhong Tang, Alex Kot

Face Anti-Spoofing (FAS) is crucial for securing face recognition systems against presentation attacks. With advancements in sensor manufacture and multi-modal learning techniques, many multi-modal FAS approaches have emerged. However, they face challenges in generalizing to unseen attacks and deployment conditions. These challenges arise from (1) modality unreliability, where some modality sensors like depth and infrared undergo significant domain shifts in varying environments, leading to the spread of unreliable information during cross-modal feature fusion, and (2) modality imbalance, where training overly relies on a dominant modality hinders the convergence of others, reducing effectiveness against attack types that are indistinguishable sorely using the dominant modality. To address modality unreliability, we propose the Uncertainty-Guided Cross-Adapter (U-Adapter) to recognize unreliably detected regions within each modality and suppress the impact of unreliable regions on other modalities. For modality imbalance, we propose a Rebalanced Modality Gradient Modulation (ReGrad) strategy to rebalance the convergence speed of all modalities by adaptively adjusting their gradients. Besides, we provide the first large-scale benchmark for evaluating multi-modal FAS performance under domain generalization scenarios. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods. Source code and protocols will be released on
PDF Accepeted by CVPR 2024


CFPL-FAS: Class Free Prompt Learning for Generalizable Face Anti-spoofing

Authors:Ajian Liu, Shuai Xue, Jianwen Gan, Jun Wan, Yanyan Liang, Jiankang Deng, Sergio Escalera, Zhen Lei

Domain generalization (DG) based Face Anti-Spoofing (FAS) aims to improve the model’s performance on unseen domains. Existing methods either rely on domain labels to align domain-invariant feature spaces, or disentangle generalizable features from the whole sample, which inevitably lead to the distortion of semantic feature structures and achieve limited generalization. In this work, we make use of large-scale VLMs like CLIP and leverage the textual feature to dynamically adjust the classifier’s weights for exploring generalizable visual features. Specifically, we propose a novel Class Free Prompt Learning (CFPL) paradigm for DG FAS, which utilizes two lightweight transformers, namely Content Q-Former (CQF) and Style Q-Former (SQF), to learn the different semantic prompts conditioned on content and style features by using a set of learnable query vectors, respectively. Thus, the generalizable prompt can be learned by two improvements: (1) A Prompt-Text Matched (PTM) supervision is introduced to ensure CQF learns visual representation that is most informative of the content description. (2) A Diversified Style Prompt (DSP) technology is proposed to diversify the learning of style prompts by mixing feature statistics between instance-specific styles. Finally, the learned text features modulate visual features to generalization through the designed Prompt Modulation (PM). Extensive experiments show that the CFPL is effective and outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on several cross-domain datasets.
PDF 11 pages, 4 figures


Test-Time Domain Generalization for Face Anti-Spoofing

Authors:Qianyu Zhou, Ke-Yue Zhang, Taiping Yao, Xuequan Lu, Shouhong Ding, Lizhuang Ma

Face Anti-Spoofing (FAS) is pivotal in safeguarding facial recognition systems against presentation attacks. While domain generalization (DG) methods have been developed to enhance FAS performance, they predominantly focus on learning domain-invariant features during training, which may not guarantee generalizability to unseen data that differs largely from the source distributions. Our insight is that testing data can serve as a valuable resource to enhance the generalizability beyond mere evaluation for DG FAS. In this paper, we introduce a novel Test-Time Domain Generalization (TTDG) framework for FAS, which leverages the testing data to boost the model’s generalizability. Our method, consisting of Test-Time Style Projection (TTSP) and Diverse Style Shifts Simulation (DSSS), effectively projects the unseen data to the seen domain space. In particular, we first introduce the innovative TTSP to project the styles of the arbitrarily unseen samples of the testing distribution to the known source space of the training distributions. We then design the efficient DSSS to synthesize diverse style shifts via learnable style bases with two specifically designed losses in a hyperspherical feature space. Our method eliminates the need for model updates at the test time and can be seamlessly integrated into not only the CNN but also ViT backbones. Comprehensive experiments on widely used cross-domain FAS benchmarks demonstrate our method’s state-of-the-art performance and effectiveness.
PDF Accepted to IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024


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