
2024-03-30 更新

One2Avatar: Generative Implicit Head Avatar For Few-shot User Adaptation

Authors:Zhixuan Yu, Ziqian Bai, Abhimitra Meka, Feitong Tan, Qiangeng Xu, Rohit Pandey, Sean Fanello, Hyun Soo Park, Yinda Zhang

Traditional methods for constructing high-quality, personalized head avatars from monocular videos demand extensive face captures and training time, posing a significant challenge for scalability. This paper introduces a novel approach to create high quality head avatar utilizing only a single or a few images per user. We learn a generative model for 3D animatable photo-realistic head avatar from a multi-view dataset of expressions from 2407 subjects, and leverage it as a prior for creating personalized avatar from few-shot images. Different from previous 3D-aware face generative models, our prior is built with a 3DMM-anchored neural radiance field backbone, which we show to be more effective for avatar creation through auto-decoding based on few-shot inputs. We also handle unstable 3DMM fitting by jointly optimizing the 3DMM fitting and camera calibration that leads to better few-shot adaptation. Our method demonstrates compelling results and outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods for few-shot avatar adaptation, paving the way for more efficient and personalized avatar creation.


GVA: Reconstructing Vivid 3D Gaussian Avatars from Monocular Videos

Authors:Xinqi Liu, Chenming Wu, Jialun Liu, Xing Liu, Jinbo Wu, Chen Zhao, Haocheng Feng, Errui Ding, Jingdong Wang

In this paper, we present a novel method that facilitates the creation of vivid 3D Gaussian avatars from monocular video inputs (GVA). Our innovation lies in addressing the intricate challenges of delivering high-fidelity human body reconstructions and aligning 3D Gaussians with human skin surfaces accurately. The key contributions of this paper are twofold. Firstly, we introduce a pose refinement technique to improve hand and foot pose accuracy by aligning normal maps and silhouettes. Precise pose is crucial for correct shape and appearance reconstruction. Secondly, we address the problems of unbalanced aggregation and initialization bias that previously diminished the quality of 3D Gaussian avatars, through a novel surface-guided re-initialization method that ensures accurate alignment of 3D Gaussian points with avatar surfaces. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method achieves high-fidelity and vivid 3D Gaussian avatar reconstruction. Extensive experimental analyses validate the performance qualitatively and quantitatively, demonstrating that it achieves state-of-the-art performance in photo-realistic novel view synthesis while offering fine-grained control over the human body and hand pose. Project page: https://3d-aigc.github.io/GVA/.


VLOGGER: Multimodal Diffusion for Embodied Avatar Synthesis

Authors:Enric Corona, Andrei Zanfir, Eduard Gabriel Bazavan, Nikos Kolotouros, Thiemo Alldieck, Cristian Sminchisescu

We propose VLOGGER, a method for audio-driven human video generation from a single input image of a person, which builds on the success of recent generative diffusion models. Our method consists of 1) a stochastic human-to-3d-motion diffusion model, and 2) a novel diffusion-based architecture that augments text-to-image models with both spatial and temporal controls. This supports the generation of high quality video of variable length, easily controllable through high-level representations of human faces and bodies. In contrast to previous work, our method does not require training for each person, does not rely on face detection and cropping, generates the complete image (not just the face or the lips), and considers a broad spectrum of scenarios (e.g. visible torso or diverse subject identities) that are critical to correctly synthesize humans who communicate. We also curate MENTOR, a new and diverse dataset with 3d pose and expression annotations, one order of magnitude larger than previous ones (800,000 identities) and with dynamic gestures, on which we train and ablate our main technical contributions. VLOGGER outperforms state-of-the-art methods in three public benchmarks, considering image quality, identity preservation and temporal consistency while also generating upper-body gestures. We analyze the performance of VLOGGER with respect to multiple diversity metrics, showing that our architectural choices and the use of MENTOR benefit training a fair and unbiased model at scale. Finally we show applications in video editing and personalization.
PDF Project web: https://enriccorona.github.io/vlogger/


NECA: Neural Customizable Human Avatar

Authors:Junjin Xiao, Qing Zhang, Zhan Xu, Wei-Shi Zheng

Human avatar has become a novel type of 3D asset with various applications. Ideally, a human avatar should be fully customizable to accommodate different settings and environments. In this work, we introduce NECA, an approach capable of learning versatile human representation from monocular or sparse-view videos, enabling granular customization across aspects such as pose, shadow, shape, lighting and texture. The core of our approach is to represent humans in complementary dual spaces and predict disentangled neural fields of geometry, albedo, shadow, as well as an external lighting, from which we are able to derive realistic rendering with high-frequency details via volumetric rendering. Extensive experiments demonstrate the advantage of our method over the state-of-the-art methods in photorealistic rendering, as well as various editing tasks such as novel pose synthesis and relighting. The code is available at https://github.com/iSEE-Laboratory/NECA.
PDF Accepted to CVPR 2024


UV Gaussians: Joint Learning of Mesh Deformation and Gaussian Textures for Human Avatar Modeling

Authors:Yujiao Jiang, Qingmin Liao, Xiaoyu Li, Li Ma, Qi Zhang, Chaopeng Zhang, Zongqing Lu, Ying Shan

Reconstructing photo-realistic drivable human avatars from multi-view image sequences has been a popular and challenging topic in the field of computer vision and graphics. While existing NeRF-based methods can achieve high-quality novel view rendering of human models, both training and inference processes are time-consuming. Recent approaches have utilized 3D Gaussians to represent the human body, enabling faster training and rendering. However, they undermine the importance of the mesh guidance and directly predict Gaussians in 3D space with coarse mesh guidance. This hinders the learning procedure of the Gaussians and tends to produce blurry textures. Therefore, we propose UV Gaussians, which models the 3D human body by jointly learning mesh deformations and 2D UV-space Gaussian textures. We utilize the embedding of UV map to learn Gaussian textures in 2D space, leveraging the capabilities of powerful 2D networks to extract features. Additionally, through an independent Mesh network, we optimize pose-dependent geometric deformations, thereby guiding Gaussian rendering and significantly enhancing rendering quality. We collect and process a new dataset of human motion, which includes multi-view images, scanned models, parametric model registration, and corresponding texture maps. Experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art synthesis of novel view and novel pose. The code and data will be made available on the homepage https://alex-jyj.github.io/UV-Gaussians/ once the paper is accepted.


Make-Your-Anchor: A Diffusion-based 2D Avatar Generation Framework

Authors:Ziyao Huang, Fan Tang, Yong Zhang, Xiaodong Cun, Juan Cao, Jintao Li, Tong-Yee Lee

Despite the remarkable process of talking-head-based avatar-creating solutions, directly generating anchor-style videos with full-body motions remains challenging. In this study, we propose Make-Your-Anchor, a novel system necessitating only a one-minute video clip of an individual for training, subsequently enabling the automatic generation of anchor-style videos with precise torso and hand movements. Specifically, we finetune a proposed structure-guided diffusion model on input video to render 3D mesh conditions into human appearances. We adopt a two-stage training strategy for the diffusion model, effectively binding movements with specific appearances. To produce arbitrary long temporal video, we extend the 2D U-Net in the frame-wise diffusion model to a 3D style without additional training cost, and a simple yet effective batch-overlapped temporal denoising module is proposed to bypass the constraints on video length during inference. Finally, a novel identity-specific face enhancement module is introduced to improve the visual quality of facial regions in the output videos. Comparative experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the system in terms of visual quality, temporal coherence, and identity preservation, outperforming SOTA diffusion/non-diffusion methods. Project page: \url{https://github.com/ICTMCG/Make-Your-Anchor}.
PDF accepted at CVPR2024


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