
2024-01-22 更新

Enhancing medical vision-language contrastive learning via inter-matching relation modelling

Authors:Mingjian Li, Mingyuan Meng, Michael Fulham, David Dagan Feng, Lei Bi, Jinman Kim

Medical image representations can be learned through medical vision-language contrastive learning (mVLCL) where medical imaging reports are used as weak supervision through image-text alignment. These learned image representations can be transferred to and benefit various downstream medical vision tasks such as disease classification and segmentation. Recent mVLCL methods attempt to align image sub-regions and the report keywords as local-matchings. However, these methods aggregate all local-matchings via simple pooling operations while ignoring the inherent relations between them. These methods therefore fail to reason between local-matchings that are semantically related, e.g., local-matchings that correspond to the disease word and the location word (semantic-relations), and also fail to differentiate such clinically important local-matchings from others that correspond to less meaningful words, e.g., conjunction words (importance-relations). Hence, we propose a mVLCL method that models the inter-matching relations between local-matchings via a relation-enhanced contrastive learning framework (RECLF). In RECLF, we introduce a semantic-relation reasoning module (SRM) and an importance-relation reasoning module (IRM) to enable more fine-grained report supervision for image representation learning. We evaluated our method using four public benchmark datasets on four downstream tasks, including segmentation, zero-shot classification, supervised classification, and cross-modal retrieval. Our results demonstrated the superiority of our RECLF over the state-of-the-art mVLCL methods with consistent improvements across single-modal and cross-modal tasks. These results suggest that our RECLF, by modelling the inter-matching relations, can learn improved medical image representations with better generalization capabilities.
PDF 11 pages, 5 figures. Under review


Weakly Supervised Gaussian Contrastive Grounding with Large Multimodal Models for Video Question Answering

Authors:Haibo Wang, Chenghang Lai, Yixuan Sun, Weifeng Ge

Video Question Answering (VideoQA) aims to answer natural language questions based on the information observed in videos. Despite the recent success of Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) in image-language understanding and reasoning, they deal with VideoQA insufficiently by simply taking uniformly sampled frames as visual inputs, which ignores question-relevant visual clues. Moreover, there are no human annotations for question-critical timestamps in existing VideoQA datasets. In light of this, we propose a novel weakly supervised framework to enforce the LMMs to reason out the answers with question-critical moments as visual inputs. Specifically, we fuse the question and answer pairs as event descriptions to find multiple keyframes as target moments, which will be pseudo-labels. With these pseudo-labels as additionally weak supervision, we devise a lightweight Gaussian-based Contrastive Grounding (GCG) module. GCG learns multiple Gaussian functions to characterize the temporal structure of the video, and sample question-critical frames as positive moments to be the visual inputs of LMMs. Extensive experiments on several VideoQA benchmarks verify the effectiveness of our framework, and we achieve substantial improvements compared to previous state-of-the-art methods.


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