
2024-01-22 更新

Episodic Reinforcement Learning with Expanded State-reward Space

Authors:Dayang Liang, Yaru Zhang, Yunlong Liu

Empowered by deep neural networks, deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has demonstrated tremendous empirical successes in various domains, including games, health care, and autonomous driving. Despite these advancements, DRL is still identified as data-inefficient as effective policies demand vast numbers of environmental samples. Recently, episodic control (EC)-based model-free DRL methods enable sample efficiency by recalling past experiences from episodic memory. However, existing EC-based methods suffer from the limitation of potential misalignment between the state and reward spaces for neglecting the utilization of (past) retrieval states with extensive information, which probably causes inaccurate value estimation and degraded policy performance. To tackle this issue, we introduce an efficient EC-based DRL framework with expanded state-reward space, where the expanded states used as the input and the expanded rewards used in the training both contain historical and current information. To be specific, we reuse the historical states retrieved by EC as part of the input states and integrate the retrieved MC-returns into the immediate reward in each interactive transition. As a result, our method is able to simultaneously achieve the full utilization of retrieval information and the better evaluation of state values by a Temporal Difference (TD) loss. Empirical results on challenging Box2d and Mujoco tasks demonstrate the superiority of our method over a recent sibling method and common baselines. Further, we also verify our method’s effectiveness in alleviating Q-value overestimation by additional experiments of Q-value comparison.
PDF Accepted at AAMAS’24


Deep Reinforcement Learning Empowered Activity-Aware Dynamic Health Monitoring Systems

Authors:Ziqiaing Ye, Yulan Gao, Yue Xiao, Zehui Xiong, Dusit Niyato

In smart healthcare, health monitoring utilizes diverse tools and technologies to analyze patients’ real-time biosignal data, enabling immediate actions and interventions. Existing monitoring approaches were designed on the premise that medical devices track several health metrics concurrently, tailored to their designated functional scope. This means that they report all relevant health values within that scope, which can result in excess resource use and the gathering of extraneous data due to monitoring irrelevant health metrics. In this context, we propose Dynamic Activity-Aware Health Monitoring strategy (DActAHM) for striking a balance between optimal monitoring performance and cost efficiency, a novel framework based on Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) and SlowFast Model to ensure precise monitoring based on users’ activities. Specifically, with the SlowFast Model, DActAHM efficiently identifies individual activities and captures these results for enhanced processing. Subsequently, DActAHM refines health metric monitoring in response to the identified activity by incorporating a DRL framework. Extensive experiments comparing DActAHM against three state-of-the-art approaches demonstrate it achieves 27.3% higher gain than the best-performing baseline that fixes monitoring actions over timeline.


文章作者: 木子已
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