
2024-01-22 更新

ConstScene: Dataset and Model for Advancing Robust Semantic Segmentation in Construction Environments

Authors:Maghsood Salimi, Mohammad Loni, Sara Afshar, Antonio Cicchetti, Marjan Sirjani

The increasing demand for autonomous machines in construction environments necessitates the development of robust object detection algorithms that can perform effectively across various weather and environmental conditions. This paper introduces a new semantic segmentation dataset specifically tailored for construction sites, taking into account the diverse challenges posed by adverse weather and environmental conditions. The dataset is designed to enhance the training and evaluation of object detection models, fostering their adaptability and reliability in real-world construction applications. Our dataset comprises annotated images captured under a wide range of different weather conditions, including but not limited to sunny days, rainy periods, foggy atmospheres, and low-light situations. Additionally, environmental factors such as the existence of dirt/mud on the camera lens are integrated into the dataset through actual captures and synthetic generation to simulate the complex conditions prevalent in construction sites. We also generate synthetic images of the annotations including precise semantic segmentation masks for various objects commonly found in construction environments, such as wheel loader machines, personnel, cars, and structural elements. To demonstrate the dataset’s utility, we evaluate state-of-the-art object detection algorithms on our proposed benchmark. The results highlight the dataset’s success in adversarial training models across diverse conditions, showcasing its efficacy compared to existing datasets that lack such environmental variability.
PDF 9 pages


Skeleton-Guided Instance Separation for Fine-Grained Segmentation in Microscopy

Authors:Jun Wang, Chengfeng Zhou, Zhaoyan Ming, Lina Wei, Xudong Jiang, Dahong Qian

One of the fundamental challenges in microscopy (MS) image analysis is instance segmentation (IS), particularly when segmenting cluster regions where multiple objects of varying sizes and shapes may be connected or even overlapped in arbitrary orientations. Existing IS methods usually fail in handling such scenarios, as they rely on coarse instance representations such as keypoints and horizontal bounding boxes (h-bboxes). In this paper, we propose a novel one-stage framework named A2B-IS to address this challenge and enhance the accuracy of IS in MS images. Our approach represents each instance with a pixel-level mask map and a rotated bounding box (r-bbox). Unlike two-stage methods that use box proposals for segmentations, our method decouples mask and box predictions, enabling simultaneous processing to streamline the model pipeline. Additionally, we introduce a Gaussian skeleton map to aid the IS task in two key ways: (1) It guides anchor placement, reducing computational costs while improving the model’s capacity to learn RoI-aware features by filtering out noise from background regions. (2) It ensures accurate isolation of densely packed instances by rectifying erroneous box predictions near instance boundaries. To further enhance the performance, we integrate two modules into the framework: (1) An Atrous Attention Block (A2B) designed to extract high-resolution feature maps with fine-grained multiscale information, and (2) A Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) strategy that leverages both labeled and unlabeled images for model training. Our method has been thoroughly validated on two large-scale MS datasets, demonstrating its superiority over most state-of-the-art approaches.


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