Diffusion Models

2024-01-19 更新

Efficient generative adversarial networks using linear additive-attention Transformers

Authors:Emilio Morales-Juarez, Gibran Fuentes-Pineda

Although the capacity of deep generative models for image generation, such as Diffusion Models (DMs) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), has dramatically improved in recent years, much of their success can be attributed to computationally expensive architectures. This has limited their adoption and use to research laboratories and companies with large resources, while significantly raising the carbon footprint for training, fine-tuning, and inference. In this work, we present LadaGAN, an efficient generative adversarial network that is built upon a novel Transformer block named Ladaformer. The main component of this block is a linear additive-attention mechanism that computes a single attention vector per head instead of the quadratic dot-product attention. We employ Ladaformer in both the generator and discriminator, which reduces the computational complexity and overcomes the training instabilities often associated with Transformer GANs. LadaGAN consistently outperforms existing convolutional and Transformer GANs on benchmark datasets at different resolutions while being significantly more efficient. Moreover, LadaGAN shows competitive performance compared to state-of-the-art multi-step generative models (e.g. DMs) using orders of magnitude less computational resources.
PDF 12 pages, 6 figures


Exploring Latent Cross-Channel Embedding for Accurate 3D Human Pose Reconstruction in a Diffusion Framework

Authors:Junkun Jiang, Jie Chen

Monocular 3D human pose estimation poses significant challenges due to the inherent depth ambiguities that arise during the reprojection process from 2D to 3D. Conventional approaches that rely on estimating an over-fit projection matrix struggle to effectively address these challenges and often result in noisy outputs. Recent advancements in diffusion models have shown promise in incorporating structural priors to address reprojection ambiguities. However, there is still ample room for improvement as these methods often overlook the exploration of correlation between the 2D and 3D joint-level features. In this study, we propose a novel cross-channel embedding framework that aims to fully explore the correlation between joint-level features of 3D coordinates and their 2D projections. In addition, we introduce a context guidance mechanism to facilitate the propagation of joint graph attention across latent channels during the iterative diffusion process. To evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed method, we conduct experiments on two benchmark datasets, namely Human3.6M and MPI-INF-3DHP. Our results demonstrate a significant improvement in terms of reconstruction accuracy compared to state-of-the-art methods. The code for our method will be made available online for further reference.


BlenDA: Domain Adaptive Object Detection through diffusion-based blending

Authors:Tzuhsuan Huang, Chen-Che Huang, Chung-Hao Ku, Jun-Cheng Chen

Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) aims to transfer a model learned using labeled data from the source domain to unlabeled data in the target domain. To address the large domain gap issue between the source and target domains, we propose a novel regularization method for domain adaptive object detection, BlenDA, by generating the pseudo samples of the intermediate domains and their corresponding soft domain labels for adaptation training. The intermediate samples are generated by dynamically blending the source images with their corresponding translated images using an off-the-shelf pre-trained text-to-image diffusion model which takes the text label of the target domain as input and has demonstrated superior image-to-image translation quality. Based on experimental results from two adaptation benchmarks, our proposed approach can significantly enhance the performance of the state-of-the-art domain adaptive object detector, Adversarial Query Transformer (AQT). Particularly, in the Cityscapes to Foggy Cityscapes adaptation, we achieve an impressive 53.4% mAP on the Foggy Cityscapes dataset, surpassing the previous state-of-the-art by 1.5%. It is worth noting that our proposed method is also applicable to various paradigms of domain adaptive object detection. The code is available at:https://github.com/aiiu-lab/BlenDA
PDF ICASSP(2024):2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing


CustomVideo: Customizing Text-to-Video Generation with Multiple Subjects

Authors:Zhao Wang, Aoxue Li, Enze Xie, Lingting Zhu, Yong Guo, Qi Dou, Zhenguo Li

Customized text-to-video generation aims to generate high-quality videos guided by text prompts and subject references. Current approaches designed for single subjects suffer from tackling multiple subjects, which is a more challenging and practical scenario. In this work, we aim to promote multi-subject guided text-to-video customization. We propose CustomVideo, a novel framework that can generate identity-preserving videos with the guidance of multiple subjects. To be specific, firstly, we encourage the co-occurrence of multiple subjects via composing them in a single image. Further, upon a basic text-to-video diffusion model, we design a simple yet effective attention control strategy to disentangle different subjects in the latent space of diffusion model. Moreover, to help the model focus on the specific object area, we segment the object from given reference images and provide a corresponding object mask for attention learning. Also, we collect a multi-subject text-to-video generation dataset as a comprehensive benchmark, with 69 individual subjects and 57 meaningful pairs. Extensive qualitative, quantitative, and user study results demonstrate the superiority of our method, compared with the previous state-of-the-art approaches.
PDF 10 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables


FreGrad: Lightweight and Fast Frequency-aware Diffusion Vocoder

Authors:Tan Dat Nguyen, Ji-Hoon Kim, Youngjoon Jang, Jaehun Kim, Joon Son Chung

The goal of this paper is to generate realistic audio with a lightweight and fast diffusion-based vocoder, named FreGrad. Our framework consists of the following three key components: (1) We employ discrete wavelet transform that decomposes a complicated waveform into sub-band wavelets, which helps FreGrad to operate on a simple and concise feature space, (2) We design a frequency-aware dilated convolution that elevates frequency awareness, resulting in generating speech with accurate frequency information, and (3) We introduce a bag of tricks that boosts the generation quality of the proposed model. In our experiments, FreGrad achieves 3.7 times faster training time and 2.2 times faster inference speed compared to our baseline while reducing the model size by 0.6 times (only 1.78M parameters) without sacrificing the output quality. Audio samples are available at: https://mm.kaist.ac.kr/projects/FreGrad.
PDF Accepted to ICASSP 2024


DiffusionGPT: LLM-Driven Text-to-Image Generation System

Authors:Jie Qin, Jie Wu, Weifeng Chen, Yuxi Ren, Huixia Li, Hefeng Wu, Xuefeng Xiao, Rui Wang, Shilei Wen

Diffusion models have opened up new avenues for the field of image generation, resulting in the proliferation of high-quality models shared on open-source platforms. However, a major challenge persists in current text-to-image systems are often unable to handle diverse inputs, or are limited to single model results. Current unified attempts often fall into two orthogonal aspects: i) parse Diverse Prompts in input stage; ii) activate expert model to output. To combine the best of both worlds, we propose DiffusionGPT, which leverages Large Language Models (LLM) to offer a unified generation system capable of seamlessly accommodating various types of prompts and integrating domain-expert models. DiffusionGPT constructs domain-specific Trees for various generative models based on prior knowledge. When provided with an input, the LLM parses the prompt and employs the Trees-of-Thought to guide the selection of an appropriate model, thereby relaxing input constraints and ensuring exceptional performance across diverse domains. Moreover, we introduce Advantage Databases, where the Tree-of-Thought is enriched with human feedback, aligning the model selection process with human preferences. Through extensive experiments and comparisons, we demonstrate the effectiveness of DiffusionGPT, showcasing its potential for pushing the boundaries of image synthesis in diverse domains.


Motion-Zero: Zero-Shot Moving Object Control Framework for Diffusion-Based Video Generation

Authors:Changgu Chen, Junwei Shu, Lianggangxu Chen, Gaoqi He, Changbo Wang, Yang Li

Recent large-scale pre-trained diffusion models have demonstrated a powerful generative ability to produce high-quality videos from detailed text descriptions. However, exerting control over the motion of objects in videos generated by any video diffusion model is a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a novel zero-shot moving object trajectory control framework, Motion-Zero, to enable a bounding-box-trajectories-controlled text-to-video diffusion model.To this end, an initial noise prior module is designed to provide a position-based prior to improve the stability of the appearance of the moving object and the accuracy of position. In addition, based on the attention map of the U-net, spatial constraints are directly applied to the denoising process of diffusion models, which further ensures the positional and spatial consistency of moving objects during the inference. Furthermore, temporal consistency is guaranteed with a proposed shift temporal attention mechanism. Our method can be flexibly applied to various state-of-the-art video diffusion models without any training process. Extensive experiments demonstrate our proposed method can control the motion trajectories of objects and generate high-quality videos.
PDF 9 pages, 4 figures, IJCAI paper


A Simple Latent Diffusion Approach for Panoptic Segmentation and Mask Inpainting

Authors:Wouter Van Gansbeke, Bert De Brabandere

Panoptic and instance segmentation networks are often trained with specialized object detection modules, complex loss functions, and ad-hoc post-processing steps to handle the permutation-invariance of the instance masks. This work builds upon Stable Diffusion and proposes a latent diffusion approach for panoptic segmentation, resulting in a simple architecture which omits these complexities. Our training process consists of two steps: (1) training a shallow autoencoder to project the segmentation masks to latent space; (2) training a diffusion model to allow image-conditioned sampling in latent space. The use of a generative model unlocks the exploration of mask completion or inpainting, which has applications in interactive segmentation. The experimental validation yields promising results for both panoptic segmentation and mask inpainting. While not setting a new state-of-the-art, our model’s simplicity, generality, and mask completion capability are desirable properties.
PDF Code: https://github.com/segments-ai/latent-diffusion-segmentation


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