2024-01-18 更新

Augmenting Math Word Problems via Iterative Question Composing

Authors:Haoxiong Liu, Andrew Chi-Chih Yao

Despite recent progress in improving the mathematical reasoning ability of large language models(LLMs), solving competition-level math problems without the use of external tools remains challenging for open-source LLMs. In this work, we introduce the MMIQC dataset, a mixture of processed web data and synthetic question-response pairs, to equip base models with better mathematical reasoning skills. Mistral-7B-MMIQC, the model obtained by fine-tuning Mistral-7B(arXiv:2310.06825) on MMIQC, achieves 36.0\% accuracy on MATH(arXiv:2103.03874), 5.8\% higher than the previous (model size $\sim$7B) SOTA. Our experiments also show that a large part of the improvement attributes to our novel augmentation method IQC(Iterative Question Composing), where we iteratively ask an LLM to compose new questions from the given seed problems and do rejection sampling from another LLM. MMIQC has now been released on https://huggingface.co/datasets/Vivacem/MMIQC.


LLMs for Relational Reasoning: How Far are We?

Authors:Zhiming Li, Yushi Cao, Xiufeng Xu, Junzhe Jiang, Xu Liu, Yon Shin Teo, Shang-wei Lin, Yang Liu

Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized many areas (e.g. natural language processing, software engineering, etc.) by achieving state-of-the-art performance on extensive downstream tasks. Aiming to achieve robust and general artificial intelligence, there has been a surge of interest in investigating the reasoning ability of the LLMs. Whereas the textual and numerical reasoning benchmarks adopted by previous works are rather shallow and simple, it is hard to conclude that the LLMs possess strong reasoning ability by merely achieving positive results on these benchmarks. Recent efforts have demonstrated that the LLMs are poor at solving sequential decision-making problems that require common-sense planning by evaluating their performance on the reinforcement learning benchmarks. In this work, we conduct an in-depth assessment of several state-of-the-art LLMs’ reasoning ability based on the inductive logic programming (ILP) benchmark, which is broadly recognized as a representative and challenging measurement for evaluating logic program induction/synthesis systems as it requires inducing strict cause-effect logic to achieve robust deduction on independent and identically distributed (IID) and out-of-distribution (OOD) test samples. Our evaluations illustrate that compared with the neural program induction systems which are much smaller in model size, the state-of-the-art LLMs are much poorer in terms of reasoning ability by achieving much lower performance and generalization using either natural language prompting or truth-value matrix prompting.
PDF Accepted by The First International Workshop on Large Language Models for Code (ICSE 2024)


Remote Sensing ChatGPT: Solving Remote Sensing Tasks with ChatGPT and Visual Models

Authors:Haonan Guo, Xin Su, Chen Wu, Bo Du, Liangpei Zhang, Deren Li

Recently, the flourishing large language models(LLM), especially ChatGPT, have shown exceptional performance in language understanding, reasoning, and interaction, attracting users and researchers from multiple fields and domains. Although LLMs have shown great capacity to perform human-like task accomplishment in natural language and natural image, their potential in handling remote sensing interpretation tasks has not yet been fully explored. Moreover, the lack of automation in remote sensing task planning hinders the accessibility of remote sensing interpretation techniques, especially to non-remote sensing experts from multiple research fields. To this end, we present Remote Sensing ChatGPT, an LLM-powered agent that utilizes ChatGPT to connect various AI-based remote sensing models to solve complicated interpretation tasks. More specifically, given a user request and a remote sensing image, we utilized ChatGPT to understand user requests, perform task planning according to the tasks’ functions, execute each subtask iteratively, and generate the final response according to the output of each subtask. Considering that LLM is trained with natural language and is not capable of directly perceiving visual concepts as contained in remote sensing images, we designed visual cues that inject visual information into ChatGPT. With Remote Sensing ChatGPT, users can simply send a remote sensing image with the corresponding request, and get the interpretation results as well as language feedback from Remote Sensing ChatGPT. Experiments and examples show that Remote Sensing ChatGPT can tackle a wide range of remote sensing tasks and can be extended to more tasks with more sophisticated models such as the remote sensing foundation model. The code and demo of Remote Sensing ChatGPT is publicly available at https://github.com/HaonanGuo/Remote-Sensing-ChatGPT .
PDF The manuscript is submitted to IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium(IGARSS2024). Looking forward to seeing you in July!


Bridging Research and Readers: A Multi-Modal Automated Academic Papers Interpretation System

Authors:Feng Jiang, Kuang Wang, Haizhou Li

In the contemporary information era, significantly accelerated by the advent of Large-scale Language Models, the proliferation of scientific literature is reaching unprecedented levels. Researchers urgently require efficient tools for reading and summarizing academic papers, uncovering significant scientific literature, and employing diverse interpretative methodologies. To address this burgeoning demand, the role of automated scientific literature interpretation systems has become paramount. However, prevailing models, both commercial and open-source, confront notable challenges: they often overlook multimodal data, grapple with summarizing over-length texts, and lack diverse user interfaces. In response, we introduce an open-source multi-modal automated academic paper interpretation system (MMAPIS) with three-step process stages, incorporating LLMs to augment its functionality. Our system first employs the hybrid modality preprocessing and alignment module to extract plain text, and tables or figures from documents separately. It then aligns this information based on the section names they belong to, ensuring that data with identical section names are categorized under the same section. Following this, we introduce a hierarchical discourse-aware summarization method. It utilizes the extracted section names to divide the article into shorter text segments, facilitating specific summarizations both within and between sections via LLMs with specific prompts. Finally, we have designed four types of diversified user interfaces, including paper recommendation, multimodal Q\&A, audio broadcasting, and interpretation blog, which can be widely applied across various scenarios. Our qualitative and quantitative evaluations underscore the system’s superiority, especially in scientific summarization, where it outperforms solutions relying solely on GPT-4.


Beyond Anti-Forgetting: Multimodal Continual Instruction Tuning with Positive Forward Transfer

Authors:Junhao Zheng, Qianli Ma, Zhen Liu, Binquan Wu, Huawen Feng

Multimodal Continual Instruction Tuning (MCIT) enables Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) to meet continuously emerging requirements without expensive retraining. MCIT faces two major obstacles: catastrophic forgetting (where old knowledge is forgotten) and negative forward transfer (where the performance of future tasks is degraded). Although existing methods have greatly alleviated catastrophic forgetting, they still suffer from negative forward transfer. By performing singular value decomposition (SVD) on input embeddings, we discover a large discrepancy in different input embeddings. The discrepancy results in the model learning irrelevant information for old and pre-trained tasks, which leads to catastrophic forgetting and negative forward transfer. To address these issues, we propose Fwd-Prompt, a prompt-based method projecting prompt gradient to the residual space to minimize the interference between tasks and to the pre-trained subspace for reusing pre-trained knowledge. Our experiments demonstrate that Fwd-Prompt achieves state-of-the-art performance while updating fewer parameters and requiring no old samples. Our research sheds light on the potential of continuously adapting MLLMs to new tasks under the instruction tuning paradigm and encourages future studies to explore MCIT. The code will soon be publicly available.


Machines Do See Color: A Guideline to Classify Different Forms of Racist Discourse in Large Corpora

Authors:Diana Davila Gordillo, Joan Timoneda, Sebastian Vallejo Vera

Current methods to identify and classify racist language in text rely on small-n qualitative approaches or large-n approaches focusing exclusively on overt forms of racist discourse. This article provides a step-by-step generalizable guideline to identify and classify different forms of racist discourse in large corpora. In our approach, we start by conceptualizing racism and its different manifestations. We then contextualize these racist manifestations to the time and place of interest, which allows researchers to identify their discursive form. Finally, we apply XLM-RoBERTa (XLM-R), a cross-lingual model for supervised text classification with a cutting-edge contextual understanding of text. We show that XLM-R and XLM-R-Racismo, our pretrained model, outperform other state-of-the-art approaches in classifying racism in large corpora. We illustrate our approach using a corpus of tweets relating to the Ecuadorian ind\’igena community between 2018 and 2021.
PDF 37 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables


Efficient slot labelling

Authors:Vladimir Vlasov

Slot labelling is an essential component of any dialogue system, aiming to find important arguments in every user turn. Common approaches involve large pre-trained language models (PLMs) like BERT or RoBERTa, but they face challenges such as high computational requirements and dependence on pre-training data. In this work, we propose a lightweight method which performs on par or better than the state-of-the-art PLM-based methods, while having almost 10x less trainable parameters. This makes it especially applicable for real-life industry scenarios.


Stuck in the Quicksand of Numeracy, Far from AGI Summit: Evaluating LLMs’ Mathematical Competency through Ontology-guided Perturbations

Authors:Pengfei Hong, Deepanway Ghosal, Navonil Majumder, Somak Aditya, Rada Mihalcea, Soujanya Poria

Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have showcased striking results on existing logical reasoning benchmarks, with some models even surpassing human performance. However, the true depth of their competencies and robustness, in mathematical reasoning tasks, remains an open question. In response, we develop (i) an ontology of perturbations of maths questions, (ii) a semi-automatic method of perturbation, and (iii) a dataset of perturbed maths questions to probe the limits of LLM capabilities in mathematical reasoning tasks. These controlled perturbations span across multiple fine dimensions of the structural and representational aspects of maths questions. Using GPT-4, we generated the MORE dataset by perturbing randomly selected five seed questions from GSM8K. This process was guided by our ontology and involved a thorough automatic and manual filtering process, yielding a set of 216 maths problems. We conducted comprehensive evaluation of both closed-source and open-source LLMs on MORE. The results show a significant performance drop across all the models against the perturbed questions. This strongly suggests that current LLMs lack robust mathematical skills and deep reasoning abilities. This research not only identifies multiple gaps in the capabilities of current models, but also highlights multiple potential directions for future development. Our dataset will be made publicly available at https://huggingface.co/datasets/declare-lab/GSM8k_MORE.


Deciphering Textual Authenticity: A Generalized Strategy through the Lens of Large Language Semantics for Detecting Human vs. Machine-Generated Text

Authors:Mazal Bethany, Brandon Wherry, Emet Bethany, Nishant Vishwamitra, Peyman Najafirad

With the recent proliferation of Large Language Models (LLMs), there has been an increasing demand for tools to detect machine-generated text. The effective detection of machine-generated text face two pertinent problems: First, they are severely limited in generalizing against real-world scenarios, where machine-generated text is produced by a variety of generators, including but not limited to GPT-4 and Dolly, and spans diverse domains, ranging from academic manuscripts to social media posts. Second, existing detection methodologies treat texts produced by LLMs through a restrictive binary classification lens, neglecting the nuanced diversity of artifacts generated by different LLMs. In this work, we undertake a systematic study on the detection of machine-generated text in real-world scenarios. We first study the effectiveness of state-of-the-art approaches and find that they are severely limited against text produced by diverse generators and domains in the real world. Furthermore, t-SNE visualizations of the embeddings from a pretrained LLM’s encoder show that they cannot reliably distinguish between human and machine-generated text. Based on our findings, we introduce a novel system, T5LLMCipher, for detecting machine-generated text using a pretrained T5 encoder combined with LLM embedding sub-clustering to address the text produced by diverse generators and domains in the real world. We evaluate our approach across 9 machine-generated text systems and 9 domains and find that our approach provides state-of-the-art generalization ability, with an average increase in F1 score on machine-generated text of 19.6\% on unseen generators and domains compared to the top performing existing approaches and correctly attributes the generator of text with an accuracy of 93.6\%.


Vlogger: Make Your Dream A Vlog

Authors:Shaobin Zhuang, Kunchang Li, Xinyuan Chen, Yaohui Wang, Ziwei Liu, Yu Qiao, Yali Wang

In this work, we present Vlogger, a generic AI system for generating a minute-level video blog (i.e., vlog) of user descriptions. Different from short videos with a few seconds, vlog often contains a complex storyline with diversified scenes, which is challenging for most existing video generation approaches. To break through this bottleneck, our Vlogger smartly leverages Large Language Model (LLM) as Director and decomposes a long video generation task of vlog into four key stages, where we invoke various foundation models to play the critical roles of vlog professionals, including (1) Script, (2) Actor, (3) ShowMaker, and (4) Voicer. With such a design of mimicking human beings, our Vlogger can generate vlogs through explainable cooperation of top-down planning and bottom-up shooting. Moreover, we introduce a novel video diffusion model, ShowMaker, which serves as a videographer in our Vlogger for generating the video snippet of each shooting scene. By incorporating Script and Actor attentively as textual and visual prompts, it can effectively enhance spatial-temporal coherence in the snippet. Besides, we design a concise mixed training paradigm for ShowMaker, boosting its capacity for both T2V generation and prediction. Finally, the extensive experiments show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on zero-shot T2V generation and prediction tasks. More importantly, Vlogger can generate over 5-minute vlogs from open-world descriptions, without loss of video coherence on script and actor. The code and model is all available at https://github.com/zhuangshaobin/Vlogger.
PDF 16 pages, 8 figures, 11 tables


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