Vision Transformer

2024-01-17 更新

A Study on Self-Supervised Pretraining for Vision Problems in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Authors:Edward Sanderson, Bogdan J. Matuszewski

Solutions to vision tasks in gastrointestinal endoscopy (GIE) conventionally use image encoders pretrained in a supervised manner with ImageNet-1k as backbones. However, the use of modern self-supervised pretraining algorithms and a recent dataset of 100k unlabelled GIE images (Hyperkvasir-unlabelled) may allow for improvements. In this work, we study the fine-tuned performance of models with ResNet50 and ViT-B backbones pretrained in self-supervised and supervised manners with ImageNet-1k and Hyperkvasir-unlabelled (self-supervised only) in a range of GIE vision tasks. In addition to identifying the most suitable pretraining pipeline and backbone architecture for each task, out of those considered, our results suggest: that self-supervised pretraining generally produces more suitable backbones for GIE vision tasks than supervised pretraining; that self-supervised pretraining with ImageNet-1k is typically more suitable than pretraining with Hyperkvasir-unlabelled, with the notable exception of monocular depth estimation in colonoscopy; and that ViT-Bs are more suitable in polyp segmentation and monocular depth estimation in colonoscopy, ResNet50s are more suitable in polyp detection, and both architectures perform similarly in anatomical landmark recognition and pathological finding characterisation. We hope this work draws attention to the complexity of pretraining for GIE vision tasks, informs this development of more suitable approaches than the convention, and inspires further research on this topic to help advance this development. Code available: \underline{}


Make Prompts Adaptable: Bayesian Modeling for Vision-Language Prompt Learning with Data-Dependent Prior

Authors:Youngjae Cho, HeeSun Bae, Seungjae Shin, Yeo Dong Youn, Weonyoung Joo, Il-Chul Moon

Recent Vision-Language Pretrained (VLP) models have become the backbone for many downstream tasks, but they are utilized as frozen model without learning. Prompt learning is a method to improve the pre-trained VLP model by adding a learnable context vector to the inputs of the text encoder. In a few-shot learning scenario of the downstream task, MLE training can lead the context vector to over-fit dominant image features in the training data. This overfitting can potentially harm the generalization ability, especially in the presence of a distribution shift between the training and test dataset. This paper presents a Bayesian-based framework of prompt learning, which could alleviate the overfitting issues on few-shot learning application and increase the adaptability of prompts on unseen instances. Specifically, modeling data-dependent prior enhances the adaptability of text features for both seen and unseen image features without the trade-off of performance between them. Based on the Bayesian framework, we utilize the Wasserstein Gradient Flow in the estimation of our target posterior distribution, which enables our prompt to be flexible in capturing the complex modes of image features. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on benchmark datasets for several experiments by showing statistically significant improvements on performance compared to existing methods. The code is available at
PDF Accepted to AAAI-2024


APLe: Token-Wise Adaptive for Multi-Modal Prompt Learning

Authors:Guiming Cao, Kaize Shi, Hong Fu, Huaiwen Zhang, Guandong Xu

Pre-trained Vision-Language (V-L) models set the benchmark for generalization to downstream tasks among the noteworthy contenders. Many characteristics of the V-L model have been explored in existing research including the challenge of the sensitivity to text input and the tuning process across multi-modal prompts. With the advanced utilization of the V-L model like CLIP, recent approaches deploy learnable prompts instead of hand-craft prompts to boost the generalization performance and address the aforementioned challenges. Inspired by layer-wise training, which is wildly used in image fusion, we note that using a sequential training process to adapt different modalities branches of CLIP efficiently facilitates the improvement of generalization. In the context of addressing the multi-modal prompting challenge, we propose Token-wise Adaptive for Multi-modal Prompt Learning (APLe) for tuning both modalities prompts, vision and language, as tokens in a sequential manner. APLe addresses the challenges in V-L models to promote prompt learning across both modalities, which indicates a competitive generalization performance in line with the state-of-the-art. Preeminently, APLe shows robustness and favourable performance in prompt-length experiments with an absolute advantage in adopting the V-L models.
PDF 7 pages,3 figures


MIMIC: Mask Image Pre-training with Mix Contrastive Fine-tuning for Facial Expression Recognition

Authors:Fan Zhang, Xiaobao Guo, Xiaojiang Peng, Alex Kot

Cutting-edge research in facial expression recognition (FER) currently favors the utilization of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) backbone which is supervisedly pre-trained on face recognition datasets for feature extraction. However, due to the vast scale of face recognition datasets and the high cost associated with collecting facial labels, this pre-training paradigm incurs significant expenses. Towards this end, we propose to pre-train vision Transformers (ViTs) through a self-supervised approach on a mid-scale general image dataset. In addition, when compared with the domain disparity existing between face datasets and FER datasets, the divergence between general datasets and FER datasets is more pronounced. Therefore, we propose a contrastive fine-tuning approach to effectively mitigate this domain disparity. Specifically, we introduce a novel FER training paradigm named Mask Image pre-training with MIx Contrastive fine-tuning (MIMIC). In the initial phase, we pre-train the ViT via masked image reconstruction on general images. Subsequently, in the fine-tuning stage, we introduce a mix-supervised contrastive learning process, which enhances the model with a more extensive range of positive samples by the mixing strategy. Through extensive experiments conducted on three benchmark datasets, we demonstrate that our MIMIC outperforms the previous training paradigm, showing its capability to learn better representations. Remarkably, the results indicate that the vanilla ViT can achieve impressive performance without the need for intricate, auxiliary-designed modules. Moreover, when scaling up the model size, MIMIC exhibits no performance saturation and is superior to the current state-of-the-art methods.


Concept-Guided Prompt Learning for Generalization in Vision-Language Models

Authors:Yi Zhang, Ce Zhang, Ke Yu, Yushun Tang, Zhihai He

Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining (CLIP) model has exhibited remarkable efficacy in establishing cross-modal connections between texts and images, yielding impressive performance across a broad spectrum of downstream applications through fine-tuning. However, for generalization tasks, the current fine-tuning methods for CLIP, such as CoOp and CoCoOp, demonstrate relatively low performance on some fine-grained datasets. We recognize the underlying reason is that these previous methods only projected global features into the prompt, neglecting the various visual concepts, such as colors, shapes, and sizes, which are naturally transferable across domains and play a crucial role in generalization tasks. To address this issue, in this work, we propose Concept-Guided Prompt Learning (CPL) for vision-language models. Specifically, we leverage the well-learned knowledge of CLIP to create a visual concept cache to enable concept-guided prompting. In order to refine the text features, we further develop a projector that transforms multi-level visual features into text features. We observe that this concept-guided prompt learning approach is able to achieve enhanced consistency between visual and linguistic modalities. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our CPL method significantly improves generalization capabilities compared to the current state-of-the-art methods.
PDF Accepted by AAAI 2024


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