
2024-01-12 更新

Attention versus Contrastive Learning of Tabular Data — A Data-centric Benchmarking

Authors:Shourav B. Rabbani, Ivan V. Medri, Manar D. Samad

Despite groundbreaking success in image and text learning, deep learning has not achieved significant improvements against traditional machine learning (ML) when it comes to tabular data. This performance gap underscores the need for data-centric treatment and benchmarking of learning algorithms. Recently, attention and contrastive learning breakthroughs have shifted computer vision and natural language processing paradigms. However, the effectiveness of these advanced deep models on tabular data is sparsely studied using a few data sets with very large sample sizes, reporting mixed findings after benchmarking against a limited number of baselines. We argue that the heterogeneity of tabular data sets and selective baselines in the literature can bias the benchmarking outcomes. This article extensively evaluates state-of-the-art attention and contrastive learning methods on a wide selection of 28 tabular data sets (14 easy and 14 hard-to-classify) against traditional deep and machine learning. Our data-centric benchmarking demonstrates when traditional ML is preferred over deep learning and vice versa because no best learning method exists for all tabular data sets. Combining between-sample and between-feature attentions conquers the invincible traditional ML on tabular data sets by a significant margin but fails on high dimensional data, where contrastive learning takes a robust lead. While a hybrid attention-contrastive learning strategy mostly wins on hard-to-classify data sets, traditional methods are frequently superior on easy-to-classify data sets with presumably simpler decision boundaries. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first benchmarking paper with statistical analyses of attention and contrastive learning performances on a diverse selection of tabular data sets against traditional deep and machine learning baselines to facilitate further advances in this field.


ECC-PolypDet: Enhanced CenterNet with Contrastive Learning for Automatic Polyp Detection

Authors:Yuncheng Jiang, Zixun Zhang, Yiwen Hu, Guanbin Li, Xiang Wan, Song Wu, Shuguang Cui, Silin Huang, Zhen Li

Accurate polyp detection is critical for early colorectal cancer diagnosis. Although remarkable progress has been achieved in recent years, the complex colon environment and concealed polyps with unclear boundaries still pose severe challenges in this area. Existing methods either involve computationally expensive context aggregation or lack prior modeling of polyps, resulting in poor performance in challenging cases. In this paper, we propose the Enhanced CenterNet with Contrastive Learning (ECC-PolypDet), a two-stage training \& end-to-end inference framework that leverages images and bounding box annotations to train a general model and fine-tune it based on the inference score to obtain a final robust model. Specifically, we conduct Box-assisted Contrastive Learning (BCL) during training to minimize the intra-class difference and maximize the inter-class difference between foreground polyps and backgrounds, enabling our model to capture concealed polyps. Moreover, to enhance the recognition of small polyps, we design the Semantic Flow-guided Feature Pyramid Network (SFFPN) to aggregate multi-scale features and the Heatmap Propagation (HP) module to boost the model’s attention on polyp targets. In the fine-tuning stage, we introduce the IoU-guided Sample Re-weighting (ISR) mechanism to prioritize hard samples by adaptively adjusting the loss weight for each sample during fine-tuning. Extensive experiments on six large-scale colonoscopy datasets demonstrate the superiority of our model compared with previous state-of-the-art detectors.
PDF codes available at https://github.com/yuncheng97/ECC-PolypDet/tree/main


Learn From Zoom: Decoupled Supervised Contrastive Learning For WCE Image Classification

Authors:Kunpeng Qiu, Zhiying Zhou, Yongxin Guo

Accurate lesion classification in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy (WCE) images is vital for early diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal (GI) cancers. However, this task is confronted with challenges like tiny lesions and background interference. Additionally, WCE images exhibit higher intra-class variance and inter-class similarities, adding complexity. To tackle these challenges, we propose Decoupled Supervised Contrastive Learning for WCE image classification, learning robust representations from zoomed-in WCE images generated by Saliency Augmentor. Specifically, We use uniformly down-sampled WCE images as anchors and WCE images from the same class, especially their zoomed-in images, as positives. This approach empowers the Feature Extractor to capture rich representations from various views of the same image, facilitated by Decoupled Supervised Contrastive Learning. Training a linear Classifier on these representations within 10 epochs yields an impressive 92.01% overall accuracy, surpassing the prior state-of-the-art (SOTA) by 0.72% on a blend of two publicly accessible WCE datasets. Code is available at: https://github.com/Qiukunpeng/DSCL.
PDF Accepted by ICASSP2024


ConKeD: Multiview contrastive descriptor learning for keypoint-based retinal image registration

Authors:David Rivas-Villar, Álvaro S. Hervella, José Rouco, Jorge Novo

Retinal image registration is of utmost importance due to its wide applications in medical practice. In this context, we propose ConKeD, a novel deep learning approach to learn descriptors for retinal image registration. In contrast to current registration methods, our approach employs a novel multi-positive multi-negative contrastive learning strategy that enables the utilization of additional information from the available training samples. This makes it possible to learn high quality descriptors from limited training data. To train and evaluate ConKeD, we combine these descriptors with domain-specific keypoints, particularly blood vessel bifurcations and crossovers, that are detected using a deep neural network. Our experimental results demonstrate the benefits of the novel multi-positive multi-negative strategy, as it outperforms the widely used triplet loss technique (single-positive and single-negative) as well as the single-positive multi-negative alternative. Additionally, the combination of ConKeD with the domain-specific keypoints produces comparable results to the state-of-the-art methods for retinal image registration, while offering important advantages such as avoiding pre-processing, utilizing fewer training samples, and requiring fewer detected keypoints, among others. Therefore, ConKeD shows a promising potential towards facilitating the development and application of deep learning-based methods for retinal image registration.


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