
2023-12-26 更新

Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation for Driving Scenes

Authors:Dongseob Kim, Seungho Lee, Junsuk Choe, Hyunjung Shim

State-of-the-art techniques in weakly-supervised semantic segmentation (WSSS) using image-level labels exhibit severe performance degradation on driving scene datasets such as Cityscapes. To address this challenge, we develop a new WSSS framework tailored to driving scene datasets. Based on extensive analysis of dataset characteristics, we employ Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) as our baseline to obtain pseudo-masks. However, CLIP introduces two key challenges: (1) pseudo-masks from CLIP lack in representing small object classes, and (2) these masks contain notable noise. We propose solutions for each issue as follows. (1) We devise Global-Local View Training that seamlessly incorporates small-scale patches during model training, thereby enhancing the model’s capability to handle small-sized yet critical objects in driving scenes (e.g., traffic light). (2) We introduce Consistency-Aware Region Balancing (CARB), a novel technique that discerns reliable and noisy regions through evaluating the consistency between CLIP masks and segmentation predictions. It prioritizes reliable pixels over noisy pixels via adaptive loss weighting. Notably, the proposed method achieves 51.8\% mIoU on the Cityscapes test dataset, showcasing its potential as a strong WSSS baseline on driving scene datasets. Experimental results on CamVid and WildDash2 demonstrate the effectiveness of our method across diverse datasets, even with small-scale datasets or visually challenging conditions. The code is available at https://github.com/k0u-id/CARB.
PDF AAAI 2024 accepted. First two authors contributed equally


Context Enhanced Transformer for Single Image Object Detection

Authors:Seungjun An, Seonghoon Park, Gyeongnyeon Kim, Jeongyeol Baek, Byeongwon Lee, Seungryong Kim

With the increasing importance of video data in real-world applications, there is a rising need for efficient object detection methods that utilize temporal information. While existing video object detection (VOD) techniques employ various strategies to address this challenge, they typically depend on locally adjacent frames or randomly sampled images within a clip. Although recent Transformer-based VOD methods have shown promising results, their reliance on multiple inputs and additional network complexity to incorporate temporal information limits their practical applicability. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to single image object detection, called Context Enhanced TRansformer (CETR), by incorporating temporal context into DETR using a newly designed memory module. To efficiently store temporal information, we construct a class-wise memory that collects contextual information across data. Additionally, we present a classification-based sampling technique to selectively utilize the relevant memory for the current image. In the testing, We introduce a test-time memory adaptation method that updates individual memory functions by considering the test distribution. Experiments with CityCam and ImageNet VID datasets exhibit the efficiency of the framework on various video systems. The project page and code will be made available at: https://ku-cvlab.github.io/CETR.
PDF The project page and code will be made available at: https://ku-cvlab.github.io/CETR


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