
2023-12-24 更新

CLASS-M: Adaptive stain separation-based contrastive learning with pseudo-labeling for histopathological image classification

Authors:Bodong Zhang, Hamid Manoochehri, Man Minh Ho, Fahimeh Fooladgar, Yosep Chong, Beatrice S. Knudsen, Deepika Sirohi, Tolga Tasdizen

Histopathological image classification is one of the critical aspects in medical image analysis. Due to the high expense associated with the labeled data in model training, semi-supervised learning methods have been proposed to alleviate the need of extensively labeled datasets. In this work, we propose a model for semi-supervised classification tasks on digital histopathological Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) images. We call the new model Contrastive Learning with Adaptive Stain Separation and MixUp (CLASS-M). Our model is formed by two main parts: contrastive learning between adaptively stain separated Hematoxylin images and Eosin images, and pseudo-labeling using MixUp. We compare our model with other state-of-the-art models on clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) datasets from our institution and The Cancer Genome Atlas Program (TCGA). We demonstrate that our CLASS-M model has the best performance on both datasets. The contributions of different parts in our model are also analyzed.


C-BEV: Contrastive Bird’s Eye View Training for Cross-View Image Retrieval and 3-DoF Pose Estimation

Authors:Florian Fervers, Sebastian Bullinger, Christoph Bodensteiner, Michael Arens, Rainer Stiefelhagen

To find the geolocation of a street-view image, cross-view geolocalization (CVGL) methods typically perform image retrieval on a database of georeferenced aerial images and determine the location from the visually most similar match. Recent approaches focus mainly on settings where street-view and aerial images are preselected to align w.r.t. translation or orientation, but struggle in challenging real-world scenarios where varying camera poses have to be matched to the same aerial image. We propose a novel trainable retrieval architecture that uses bird’s eye view (BEV) maps rather than vectors as embedding representation, and explicitly addresses the many-to-one ambiguity that arises in real-world scenarios. The BEV-based retrieval is trained using the same contrastive setting and loss as classical retrieval. Our method C-BEV surpasses the state-of-the-art on the retrieval task on multiple datasets by a large margin. It is particularly effective in challenging many-to-one scenarios, e.g. increasing the top-1 recall on VIGOR’s cross-area split with unknown orientation from 31.1% to 65.0%. Although the model is supervised only through a contrastive objective applied on image pairings, it additionally learns to infer the 3-DoF camera pose on the matching aerial image, and even yields a lower mean pose error than recent methods that are explicitly trained with metric groundtruth.


ReCoRe: Regularized Contrastive Representation Learning of World Model

Authors:Rudra P. K. Poudel, Harit Pandya, Stephan Liwicki, Roberto Cipolla

While recent model-free Reinforcement Learning (RL) methods have demonstrated human-level effectiveness in gaming environments, their success in everyday tasks like visual navigation has been limited, particularly under significant appearance variations. This limitation arises from (i) poor sample efficiency and (ii) over-fitting to training scenarios. To address these challenges, we present a world model that learns invariant features using (i) contrastive unsupervised learning and (ii) an intervention-invariant regularizer. Learning an explicit representation of the world dynamics i.e. a world model, improves sample efficiency while contrastive learning implicitly enforces learning of invariant features, which improves generalization. However, the naive integration of contrastive loss to world models fails due to a lack of supervisory signals to the visual encoder, as world-model-based RL methods independently optimize representation learning and agent policy. To overcome this issue, we propose an intervention-invariant regularizer in the form of an auxiliary task such as depth prediction, image denoising, etc., that explicitly enforces invariance to style-interventions. Our method outperforms current state-of-the-art model-based and model-free RL methods and significantly on out-of-distribution point navigation task evaluated on the iGibson benchmark. We further demonstrate that our approach, with only visual observations, outperforms recent language-guided foundation models for point navigation, which is essential for deployment on robots with limited computation capabilities. Finally, we demonstrate that our proposed model excels at the sim-to-real transfer of its perception module on Gibson benchmark.
PDF arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2209.14932


Text-Guided Face Recognition using Multi-Granularity Cross-Modal Contrastive Learning

Authors:Md Mahedi Hasan, Shoaib Meraj Sami, Nasser Nasrabadi

State-of-the-art face recognition (FR) models often experience a significant performance drop when dealing with facial images in surveillance scenarios where images are in low quality and often corrupted with noise. Leveraging facial characteristics, such as freckles, scars, gender, and ethnicity, becomes highly beneficial in improving FR performance in such scenarios. In this paper, we introduce text-guided face recognition (TGFR) to analyze the impact of integrating facial attributes in the form of natural language descriptions. We hypothesize that adding semantic information into the loop can significantly improve the image understanding capability of an FR algorithm compared to other soft biometrics. However, learning a discriminative joint embedding within the multimodal space poses a considerable challenge due to the semantic gap in the unaligned image-text representations, along with the complexities arising from ambiguous and incoherent textual descriptions of the face. To address these challenges, we introduce a face-caption alignment module (FCAM), which incorporates cross-modal contrastive losses across multiple granularities to maximize the mutual information between local and global features of the face-caption pair. Within FCAM, we refine both facial and textual features for learning aligned and discriminative features. We also design a face-caption fusion module (FCFM) that applies fine-grained interactions and coarse-grained associations among cross-modal features. Through extensive experiments conducted on three face-caption datasets, proposed TGFR demonstrates remarkable improvements, particularly on low-quality images, over existing FR models and outperforms other related methods and benchmarks.
PDF Accepted at IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2024


Cross-Age Contrastive Learning for Age-Invariant Face Recognition

Authors:Haoyi Wang, Victor Sanchez, Chang-Tsun Li

Cross-age facial images are typically challenging and expensive to collect, making noise-free age-oriented datasets relatively small compared to widely-used large-scale facial datasets. Additionally, in real scenarios, images of the same subject at different ages are usually hard or even impossible to obtain. Both of these factors lead to a lack of supervised data, which limits the versatility of supervised methods for age-invariant face recognition, a critical task in applications such as security and biometrics. To address this issue, we propose a novel semi-supervised learning approach named Cross-Age Contrastive Learning (CACon). Thanks to the identity-preserving power of recent face synthesis models, CACon introduces a new contrastive learning method that leverages an additional synthesized sample from the input image. We also propose a new loss function in association with CACon to perform contrastive learning on a triplet of samples. We demonstrate that our method not only achieves state-of-the-art performance in homogeneous-dataset experiments on several age-invariant face recognition benchmarks but also outperforms other methods by a large margin in cross-dataset experiments.


CLIM: Contrastive Language-Image Mosaic for Region Representation

Authors:Size Wu, Wenwei Zhang, Lumin Xu, Sheng Jin, Wentao Liu, Chen Change Loy

Detecting objects accurately from a large or open vocabulary necessitates the vision-language alignment on region representations. However, learning such a region-text alignment by obtaining high-quality box annotations with text labels or descriptions is expensive and infeasible. In contrast, collecting image-text pairs is simpler but lacks precise object location information to associate regions with texts. In this paper, we propose a novel approach called Contrastive Language-Image Mosaic (CLIM), which leverages large-scale image-text pairs effectively for aligning region and text representations. CLIM combines multiple images into a mosaicked image and treats each image as a `pseudo region’. The feature of each pseudo region is extracted and trained to be similar to the corresponding text embedding while dissimilar from others by a contrastive loss, enabling the model to learn the region-text alignment without costly box annotations. As a generally applicable approach, CLIM consistently improves different open-vocabulary object detection methods that use caption supervision. Furthermore, CLIM can effectively enhance the region representation of vision-language models, thus providing stronger backbones for open-vocabulary object detectors. Our experimental results demonstrate that CLIM improves different baseline open-vocabulary object detectors by a large margin on both OV-COCO and OV-LVIS benchmarks. The code is available at https://github.com/wusize/CLIM.


FontDiffuser: One-Shot Font Generation via Denoising Diffusion with Multi-Scale Content Aggregation and Style Contrastive Learning

Authors:Zhenhua Yang, Dezhi Peng, Yuxin Kong, Yuyi Zhang, Cong Yao, Lianwen Jin

Automatic font generation is an imitation task, which aims to create a font library that mimics the style of reference images while preserving the content from source images. Although existing font generation methods have achieved satisfactory performance, they still struggle with complex characters and large style variations. To address these issues, we propose FontDiffuser, a diffusion-based image-to-image one-shot font generation method, which innovatively models the font imitation task as a noise-to-denoise paradigm. In our method, we introduce a Multi-scale Content Aggregation (MCA) block, which effectively combines global and local content cues across different scales, leading to enhanced preservation of intricate strokes of complex characters. Moreover, to better manage the large variations in style transfer, we propose a Style Contrastive Refinement (SCR) module, which is a novel structure for style representation learning. It utilizes a style extractor to disentangle styles from images, subsequently supervising the diffusion model via a meticulously designed style contrastive loss. Extensive experiments demonstrate FontDiffuser’s state-of-the-art performance in generating diverse characters and styles. It consistently excels on complex characters and large style changes compared to previous methods. The code is available at https://github.com/yeungchenwa/FontDiffuser.
PDF Accepted to AAAI 2024; Github Page: https://github.com/yeungchenwa/FontDiffuser


Expediting Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining via Self-distilled Encoders

Authors:Bumsoo Kim, Jinhyung Kim, Yeonsik Jo, Seung Hwan Kim

Recent advances in vision language pretraining (VLP) have been largely attributed to the large-scale data collected from the web. However, uncurated dataset contains weakly correlated image-text pairs, causing data inefficiency. To address the issue, knowledge distillation have been explored at the expense of extra image and text momentum encoders to generate teaching signals for misaligned image-text pairs. In this paper, our goal is to resolve the misalignment problem with an efficient distillation framework. To this end, we propose ECLIPSE: Expediting Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining with Self-distilled Encoders. ECLIPSE features a distinctive distillation architecture wherein a shared text encoder is utilized between an online image encoder and a momentum image encoder. This strategic design choice enables the distillation to operate within a unified projected space of text embedding, resulting in better performance. Based on the unified text embedding space, ECLIPSE compensates for the additional computational cost of the momentum image encoder by expediting the online image encoder. Through our extensive experiments, we validate that there is a sweet spot between expedition and distillation where the partial view from the expedited online image encoder interacts complementarily with the momentum teacher. As a result, ECLIPSE outperforms its counterparts while achieving substantial acceleration in inference speed.


Misalign, Contrast then Distill: Rethinking Misalignments in Language-Image Pretraining

Authors:Bumsoo Kim, Yeonsik Jo, Jinhyung Kim, Seung Hwan Kim

Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining has emerged as a prominent approach for training vision and text encoders with uncurated image-text pairs from the web. To enhance data-efficiency, recent efforts have introduced additional supervision terms that involve random-augmented views of the image. However, since the image augmentation process is unaware of its text counterpart, this procedure could cause various degrees of image-text misalignments during training. Prior methods either disregarded this discrepancy or introduced external models to mitigate the impact of misalignments during training. In contrast, we propose a novel metric learning approach that capitalizes on these misalignments as an additional training source, which we term “Misalign, Contrast then Distill (MCD)”. Unlike previous methods that treat augmented images and their text counterparts as simple positive pairs, MCD predicts the continuous scales of misalignment caused by the augmentation. Our extensive experimental results show that our proposed MCD achieves state-of-the-art transferability in multiple classification and retrieval downstream datasets.


文章作者: 木子已
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