Vision Transformer

2023-12-24 更新

Domain Prompt Learning with Quaternion Networks

Authors:Qinglong Cao, Zhengqin Xu, Yuntian Chen, Chao Ma, Xiaokang Yang

Prompt learning has emerged as an effective and data-efficient technique in large Vision-Language Models (VLMs). However, when adapting VLMs to specialized domains such as remote sensing and medical imaging, domain prompt learning remains underexplored. While large-scale domain-specific foundation models can help tackle this challenge, their concentration on a single vision level makes it challenging to prompt both vision and language modalities. To overcome this, we propose to leverage domain-specific knowledge from domain-specific foundation models to transfer the robust recognition ability of VLMs from generalized to specialized domains, using quaternion networks. Specifically, the proposed method involves using domain-specific vision features from domain-specific foundation models to guide the transformation of generalized contextual embeddings from the language branch into a specialized space within the quaternion networks. Moreover, we present a hierarchical approach that generates vision prompt features by analyzing intermodal relationships between hierarchical language prompt features and domain-specific vision features. In this way, quaternion networks can effectively mine the intermodal relationships in the specific domain, facilitating domain-specific vision-language contrastive learning. Extensive experiments on domain-specific datasets show that our proposed method achieves new state-of-the-art results in prompt learning.


SA$^2$VP: Spatially Aligned-and-Adapted Visual Prompt

Authors:Wenjie Pei, Tongqi Xia, Fanglin Chen, Jinsong Li, Jiandong Tian, Guangming Lu

As a prominent parameter-efficient fine-tuning technique in NLP, prompt tuning is being explored its potential in computer vision. Typical methods for visual prompt tuning follow the sequential modeling paradigm stemming from NLP, which represents an input image as a flattened sequence of token embeddings and then learns a set of unordered parameterized tokens prefixed to the sequence representation as the visual prompts for task adaptation of large vision models. While such sequential modeling paradigm of visual prompt has shown great promise, there are two potential limitations. First, the learned visual prompts cannot model the underlying spatial relations in the input image, which is crucial for image encoding. Second, since all prompt tokens play the same role of prompting for all image tokens without distinction, it lacks the fine-grained prompting capability, i.e., individual prompting for different image tokens. In this work, we propose the \mymodel model (\emph{SA$^2$VP}), which learns a two-dimensional prompt token map with equal (or scaled) size to the image token map, thereby being able to spatially align with the image map. Each prompt token is designated to prompt knowledge only for the spatially corresponding image tokens. As a result, our model can conduct individual prompting for different image tokens in a fine-grained manner. Moreover, benefiting from the capability of preserving the spatial structure by the learned prompt token map, our \emph{SA$^2$VP} is able to model the spatial relations in the input image, leading to more effective prompting. Extensive experiments on three challenging benchmarks for image classification demonstrate the superiority of our model over other state-of-the-art methods for visual prompt tuning. Code is available at \emph{}.
PDF Accepted by AAAI 2024


Simple Image-level Classification Improves Open-vocabulary Object Detection

Authors:Ruohuan Fang, Guansong Pang, Xiao Bai

Open-Vocabulary Object Detection (OVOD) aims to detect novel objects beyond a given set of base categories on which the detection model is trained. Recent OVOD methods focus on adapting the image-level pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs), such as CLIP, to a region-level object detection task via, eg., region-level knowledge distillation, regional prompt learning, or region-text pre-training, to expand the detection vocabulary. These methods have demonstrated remarkable performance in recognizing regional visual concepts, but they are weak in exploiting the VLMs’ powerful global scene understanding ability learned from the billion-scale image-level text descriptions. This limits their capability in detecting hard objects of small, blurred, or occluded appearance from novel/base categories, whose detection heavily relies on contextual information. To address this, we propose a novel approach, namely Simple Image-level Classification for Context-Aware Detection Scoring (SIC-CADS), to leverage the superior global knowledge yielded from CLIP for complementing the current OVOD models from a global perspective. The core of SIC-CADS is a multi-modal multi-label recognition (MLR) module that learns the object co-occurrence-based contextual information from CLIP to recognize all possible object categories in the scene. These image-level MLR scores can then be utilized to refine the instance-level detection scores of the current OVOD models in detecting those hard objects. This is verified by extensive empirical results on two popular benchmarks, OV-LVIS and OV-COCO, which show that SIC-CADS achieves significant and consistent improvement when combined with different types of OVOD models. Further, SIC-CADS also improves the cross-dataset generalization ability on Objects365 and OpenImages. The code is available at
PDF Accepted at AAAI 2024


Bi-directional Adapter for Multi-modal Tracking

Authors:Bing Cao, Junliang Guo, Pengfei Zhu, Qinghua Hu

Due to the rapid development of computer vision, single-modal (RGB) object tracking has made significant progress in recent years. Considering the limitation of single imaging sensor, multi-modal images (RGB, Infrared, etc.) are introduced to compensate for this deficiency for all-weather object tracking in complex environments. However, as acquiring sufficient multi-modal tracking data is hard while the dominant modality changes with the open environment, most existing techniques fail to extract multi-modal complementary information dynamically, yielding unsatisfactory tracking performance. To handle this problem, we propose a novel multi-modal visual prompt tracking model based on a universal bi-directional adapter, cross-prompting multiple modalities mutually. Our model consists of a universal bi-directional adapter and multiple modality-specific transformer encoder branches with sharing parameters. The encoders extract features of each modality separately by using a frozen pre-trained foundation model. We develop a simple but effective light feature adapter to transfer modality-specific information from one modality to another, performing visual feature prompt fusion in an adaptive manner. With adding fewer (0.32M) trainable parameters, our model achieves superior tracking performance in comparison with both the full fine-tuning methods and the prompt learning-based methods. Our code is available:
PDF Accepted by AAAI 2024. Code is available at


Pedestrian Attribute Recognition via CLIP based Prompt Vision-Language Fusion

Authors:Xiao Wang, Jiandong Jin, Chenglong Li, Jin Tang, Cheng Zhang, Wei Wang

Existing pedestrian attribute recognition (PAR) algorithms adopt pre-trained CNN (e.g., ResNet) as their backbone network for visual feature learning, which might obtain sub-optimal results due to the insufficient employment of the relations between pedestrian images and attribute labels. In this paper, we formulate PAR as a vision-language fusion problem and fully exploit the relations between pedestrian images and attribute labels. Specifically, the attribute phrases are first expanded into sentences, and then the pre-trained vision-language model CLIP is adopted as our backbone for feature embedding of visual images and attribute descriptions. The contrastive learning objective connects the vision and language modalities well in the CLIP-based feature space, and the Transformer layers used in CLIP can capture the long-range relations between pixels. Then, a multi-modal Transformer is adopted to fuse the dual features effectively and feed-forward network is used to predict attributes. To optimize our network efficiently, we propose the region-aware prompt tuning technique to adjust very few parameters (i.e., only the prompt vectors and classification heads) and fix both the pre-trained VL model and multi-modal Transformer. Our proposed PAR algorithm only adjusts 0.75% learnable parameters compared with the fine-tuning strategy. It also achieves new state-of-the-art performance on both standard and zero-shot settings for PAR, including RAPv1, RAPv2, WIDER, PA100K, and PETA-ZS, RAP-ZS datasets. The source code and pre-trained models will be released on
PDF In Peer Review


TIP: Text-Driven Image Processing with Semantic and Restoration Instructions

Authors:Chenyang Qi, Zhengzhong Tu, Keren Ye, Mauricio Delbracio, Peyman Milanfar, Qifeng Chen, Hossein Talebi

Text-driven diffusion models have become increasingly popular for various image editing tasks, including inpainting, stylization, and object replacement. However, it still remains an open research problem to adopt this language-vision paradigm for more fine-level image processing tasks, such as denoising, super-resolution, deblurring, and compression artifact removal. In this paper, we develop TIP, a Text-driven Image Processing framework that leverages natural language as a user-friendly interface to control the image restoration process. We consider the capacity of text information in two dimensions. First, we use content-related prompts to enhance the semantic alignment, effectively alleviating identity ambiguity in the restoration outcomes. Second, our approach is the first framework that supports fine-level instruction through language-based quantitative specification of the restoration strength, without the need for explicit task-specific design. In addition, we introduce a novel fusion mechanism that augments the existing ControlNet architecture by learning to rescale the generative prior, thereby achieving better restoration fidelity. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the superior restoration performance of TIP compared to the state of the arts, alongside offering the flexibility of text-based control over the restoration effects.
PDF Webpage: ; code will be released soon


DMT: Comprehensive Distillation with Multiple Self-supervised Teachers

Authors:Yuang Liu, Jing Wang, Qiang Zhou, Fan Wang, Jun Wang, Wei Zhang

Numerous self-supervised learning paradigms, such as contrastive learning and masked image modeling, have been proposed to acquire powerful and general representations from unlabeled data. However, these models are commonly pretrained within their specific framework alone, failing to consider the complementary nature of visual representations. To tackle this issue, we introduce Comprehensive Distillation with Multiple Self-supervised Teachers (DMT) for pretrained model compression, which leverages the strengths of multiple off-the-shelf self-supervised models. Our experimental results on prominent benchmark datasets exhibit that the proposed method significantly surpasses state-of-the-art competitors while retaining favorable efficiency metrics. On classification tasks, our DMT framework utilizing three different self-supervised ViT-Base teachers enhances the performance of both small/tiny models and the base model itself. For dense tasks, DMT elevates the AP/mIoU of standard SSL models on MS-COCO and ADE20K datasets by 4.0%.


Hierarchical Vision Transformers for Context-Aware Prostate Cancer Grading in Whole Slide Images

Authors:Clément Grisi, Geert Litjens, Jeroen van der Laak

Vision Transformers (ViTs) have ushered in a new era in computer vision, showcasing unparalleled performance in many challenging tasks. However, their practical deployment in computational pathology has largely been constrained by the sheer size of whole slide images (WSIs), which result in lengthy input sequences. Transformers faced a similar limitation when applied to long documents, and Hierarchical Transformers were introduced to circumvent it. Given the analogous challenge with WSIs and their inherent hierarchical structure, Hierarchical Vision Transformers (H-ViTs) emerge as a promising solution in computational pathology. This work delves into the capabilities of H-ViTs, evaluating their efficiency for prostate cancer grading in WSIs. Our results show that they achieve competitive performance against existing state-of-the-art solutions.
PDF Accepted at Medical Imaging meets NeurIPS 2023 workshop


MetaSegNet: Metadata-collaborative Vision-Language Representation Learning for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images

Authors:Libo Wang, Sijun Dong, Ying Chen, Xiaoliang Meng, Shenghui Fang

Semantic segmentation of remote sensing images plays a vital role in a wide range of Earth Observation (EO) applications, such as land use land cover mapping, environment monitoring, and sustainable development. Driven by rapid developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI), deep learning (DL) has emerged as the mainstream tool for semantic segmentation and achieved many breakthroughs in the field of remote sensing. However, the existing DL-based methods mainly focus on unimodal visual data while ignoring the rich multimodal information involved in the real world, usually demonstrating weak reliability and generlization. Inspired by the success of Vision Transformers and large language models, we propose a novel metadata-collaborative multimodal segmentation network (MetaSegNet) that applies vision-language representation learning for semantic segmentation of remote sensing images. Unlike the common model structure that only uses unimodal visual data, we extract the key characteristic (i.e. the climate zone) from freely available remote sensing image metadata and transfer it into knowledge-based text prompts via the generic ChatGPT. Then, we construct an image encoder, a text encoder and a crossmodal attention fusion subnetwork to extract the image and text feature and apply image-text interaction. Benefiting from such a design, the proposed MetaSegNet demonstrates superior generalization and achieves competitive accuracy with state-of-the-art semantic segmentation methods on the large-scale OpenEarthMap dataset (68.6% mIoU) and Potsdam dataset (93.3% mean F1 score) as well as LoveDA dataset (52.2% mIoU).


ECAMP: Entity-centered Context-aware Medical Vision Language Pre-training

Authors:Rongsheng Wang, Qingsong Yao, Haoran Lai, Zhiyang He, Xiaodong Tao, Zihang Jiang, S. Kevin Zhou

Despite significant advancements in medical vision-language pre-training, existing methods have largely overlooked the inherent entity-specific context within radiology reports and the complex cross-modality contextual relationships between text and images. To close this gap, we propose a novel Entity-centered Context-aware Medical Vision-language Pre-training (ECAMP) framework, which is designed to enable a more entity-centered and context-sensitive interpretation of medical data. Utilizing the recent powerful large language model, we distill entity-centered context from medical reports, which enables ECAMP to gain more effective supervision from the text modality. By further pre-training our model with carefully designed entity-aware, context-enhanced masked language modeling and context-guided super-resolution tasks, ECAMP significantly refines the interplay between text and image modalities, leading to an enhanced ability to extract entity-centered contextual features. Besides, our proposed multi-scale context fusion design also improves the semantic integration of both coarse and fine-level image representations, prompting better performance for multi-scale downstream applications. Combining these components leads to significant performance leaps over current state-of-the-art methods and establishes a new standard for cross-modality learning in medical imaging, whose effectiveness is demonstrated by our extensive experiments on various tasks including classification, segmentation, and detection across several public datasets. Code and models are available at


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