2023-12-13 更新

EAGLES: Efficient Accelerated 3D Gaussians with Lightweight EncodingS

Authors:Sharath Girish, Kamal Gupta, Abhinav Shrivastava

Recently, 3D Gaussian splatting (3D-GS) has gained popularity in novel-view scene synthesis. It addresses the challenges of lengthy training times and slow rendering speeds associated with Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs). Through rapid, differentiable rasterization of 3D Gaussians, 3D-GS achieves real-time rendering and accelerated training. They, however, demand substantial memory resources for both training and storage, as they require millions of Gaussians in their point cloud representation for each scene. We present a technique utilizing quantized embeddings to significantly reduce memory storage requirements and a coarse-to-fine training strategy for a faster and more stable optimization of the Gaussian point clouds. Our approach results in scene representations with fewer Gaussians and quantized representations, leading to faster training times and rendering speeds for real-time rendering of high resolution scenes. We reduce memory by more than an order of magnitude all while maintaining the reconstruction quality. We validate the effectiveness of our approach on a variety of datasets and scenes preserving the visual quality while consuming 10-20x less memory and faster training/inference speed. Project page and code is available
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MuRF: Multi-Baseline Radiance Fields

Authors:Haofei Xu, Anpei Chen, Yuedong Chen, Christos Sakaridis, Yulun Zhang, Marc Pollefeys, Andreas Geiger, Fisher Yu

We present Multi-Baseline Radiance Fields (MuRF), a general feed-forward approach to solving sparse view synthesis under multiple different baseline settings (small and large baselines, and different number of input views). To render a target novel view, we discretize the 3D space into planes parallel to the target image plane, and accordingly construct a target view frustum volume. Such a target volume representation is spatially aligned with the target view, which effectively aggregates relevant information from the input views for high-quality rendering. It also facilitates subsequent radiance field regression with a convolutional network thanks to its axis-aligned nature. The 3D context modeled by the convolutional network enables our method to synthesis sharper scene structures than prior works. Our MuRF achieves state-of-the-art performance across multiple different baseline settings and diverse scenarios ranging from simple objects (DTU) to complex indoor and outdoor scenes (RealEstate10K and LLFF). We also show promising zero-shot generalization abilities on the Mip-NeRF 360 dataset, demonstrating the general applicability of MuRF.
PDF Project page:


VOODOO 3D: Volumetric Portrait Disentanglement for One-Shot 3D Head Reenactment

Authors:Phong Tran, Egor Zakharov, Long-Nhat Ho, Anh Tuan Tran, Liwen Hu, Hao Li

We present a 3D-aware one-shot head reenactment method based on a fully volumetric neural disentanglement framework for source appearance and driver expressions. Our method is real-time and produces high-fidelity and view-consistent output, suitable for 3D teleconferencing systems based on holographic displays. Existing cutting-edge 3D-aware reenactment methods often use neural radiance fields or 3D meshes to produce view-consistent appearance encoding, but, at the same time, they rely on linear face models, such as 3DMM, to achieve its disentanglement with facial expressions. As a result, their reenactment results often exhibit identity leakage from the driver or have unnatural expressions. To address these problems, we propose a neural self-supervised disentanglement approach that lifts both the source image and driver video frame into a shared 3D volumetric representation based on tri-planes. This representation can then be freely manipulated with expression tri-planes extracted from the driving images and rendered from an arbitrary view using neural radiance fields. We achieve this disentanglement via self-supervised learning on a large in-the-wild video dataset. We further introduce a highly effective fine-tuning approach to improve the generalizability of the 3D lifting using the same real-world data. We demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of datasets, and also showcase high-quality 3D-aware head reenactment on highly challenging and diverse subjects, including non-frontal head poses and complex expressions for both source and driver.


Reality’s Canvas, Language’s Brush: Crafting 3D Avatars from Monocular Video

Authors:Yuchen Rao, Eduardo Perez Pellitero, Benjamin Busam, Yiren Zhou, Jifei Song

Recent advancements in 3D avatar generation excel with multi-view supervision for photorealistic models. However, monocular counterparts lag in quality despite broader applicability. We propose ReCaLab to close this gap. ReCaLab is a fully-differentiable pipeline that learns high-fidelity 3D human avatars from just a single RGB video. A pose-conditioned deformable NeRF is optimized to volumetrically represent a human subject in canonical T-pose. The canonical representation is then leveraged to efficiently associate viewpoint-agnostic textures using 2D-3D correspondences. This enables to separately generate albedo and shading which jointly compose an RGB prediction. The design allows to control intermediate results for human pose, body shape, texture, and lighting with text prompts. An image-conditioned diffusion model thereby helps to animate appearance and pose of the 3D avatar to create video sequences with previously unseen human motion. Extensive experiments show that ReCaLab outperforms previous monocular approaches in terms of image quality for image synthesis tasks. ReCaLab even outperforms multi-view methods that leverage up to 19x more synchronized videos for the task of novel pose rendering. Moreover, natural language offers an intuitive user interface for creative manipulation of 3D human avatars.
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Learn to Optimize Denoising Scores for 3D Generation: A Unified and Improved Diffusion Prior on NeRF and 3D Gaussian Splatting

Authors:Xiaofeng Yang, Yiwen Chen, Cheng Chen, Chi Zhang, Yi Xu, Xulei Yang, Fayao Liu, Guosheng Lin

We propose a unified framework aimed at enhancing the diffusion priors for 3D generation tasks. Despite the critical importance of these tasks, existing methodologies often struggle to generate high-caliber results. We begin by examining the inherent limitations in previous diffusion priors. We identify a divergence between the diffusion priors and the training procedures of diffusion models that substantially impairs the quality of 3D generation. To address this issue, we propose a novel, unified framework that iteratively optimizes both the 3D model and the diffusion prior. Leveraging the different learnable parameters of the diffusion prior, our approach offers multiple configurations, affording various trade-offs between performance and implementation complexity. Notably, our experimental results demonstrate that our method markedly surpasses existing techniques, establishing new state-of-the-art in the realm of text-to-3D generation. Furthermore, our approach exhibits impressive performance on both NeRF and the newly introduced 3D Gaussian Splatting backbones. Additionally, our framework yields insightful contributions to the understanding of recent score distillation methods, such as the VSD and DDS loss.


TriHuman : A Real-time and Controllable Tri-plane Representation for Detailed Human Geometry and Appearance Synthesis

Authors:Heming Zhu, Fangneng Zhan, Christian Theobalt, Marc Habermann

Creating controllable, photorealistic, and geometrically detailed digital doubles of real humans solely from video data is a key challenge in Computer Graphics and Vision, especially when real-time performance is required. Recent methods attach a neural radiance field (NeRF) to an articulated structure, e.g., a body model or a skeleton, to map points into a pose canonical space while conditioning the NeRF on the skeletal pose. These approaches typically parameterize the neural field with a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) leading to a slow runtime. To address this drawback, we propose TriHuman a novel human-tailored, deformable, and efficient tri-plane representation, which achieves real-time performance, state-of-the-art pose-controllable geometry synthesis as well as photorealistic rendering quality. At the core, we non-rigidly warp global ray samples into our undeformed tri-plane texture space, which effectively addresses the problem of global points being mapped to the same tri-plane locations. We then show how such a tri-plane feature representation can be conditioned on the skeletal motion to account for dynamic appearance and geometry changes. Our results demonstrate a clear step towards higher quality in terms of geometry and appearance modeling of humans as well as runtime performance.


SwiftBrush: One-Step Text-to-Image Diffusion Model with Variational Score Distillation

Authors:Thuan Hoang Nguyen, Anh Tran

Despite their ability to generate high-resolution and diverse images from text prompts, text-to-image diffusion models often suffer from slow iterative sampling processes. Model distillation is one of the most effective directions to accelerate these models. However, previous distillation methods fail to retain the generation quality while requiring a significant amount of images for training, either from real data or synthetically generated by the teacher model. In response to this limitation, we present a novel image-free distillation scheme named $\textbf{SwiftBrush}$. Drawing inspiration from text-to-3D synthesis, in which a 3D neural radiance field that aligns with the input prompt can be obtained from a 2D text-to-image diffusion prior via a specialized loss without the use of any 3D data ground-truth, our approach re-purposes that same loss for distilling a pretrained multi-step text-to-image model to a student network that can generate high-fidelity images with just a single inference step. In spite of its simplicity, our model stands as one of the first one-step text-to-image generators that can produce images of comparable quality to Stable Diffusion without reliance on any training image data. Remarkably, SwiftBrush achieves an FID score of $\textbf{16.67}$ and a CLIP score of $\textbf{0.29}$ on the COCO-30K benchmark, achieving competitive results or even substantially surpassing existing state-of-the-art distillation techniques.
PDF Project Page:


Nuvo: Neural UV Mapping for Unruly 3D Representations

Authors:Pratul P. Srinivasan, Stephan J. Garbin, Dor Verbin, Jonathan T. Barron, Ben Mildenhall

Existing UV mapping algorithms are designed to operate on well-behaved meshes, instead of the geometry representations produced by state-of-the-art 3D reconstruction and generation techniques. As such, applying these methods to the volume densities recovered by neural radiance fields and related techniques (or meshes triangulated from such fields) results in texture atlases that are too fragmented to be useful for tasks such as view synthesis or appearance editing. We present a UV mapping method designed to operate on geometry produced by 3D reconstruction and generation techniques. Instead of computing a mapping defined on a mesh’s vertices, our method Nuvo uses a neural field to represent a continuous UV mapping, and optimizes it to be a valid and well-behaved mapping for just the set of visible points, i.e. only points that affect the scene’s appearance. We show that our model is robust to the challenges posed by ill-behaved geometry, and that it produces editable UV mappings that can represent detailed appearance.
PDF Project page at


360° Volumetric Portrait Avatar

Authors:Jalees Nehvi, Berna Kabadayi, Julien Valentin, Justus Thies

We propose 360{\deg} Volumetric Portrait (3VP) Avatar, a novel method for reconstructing 360{\deg} photo-realistic portrait avatars of human subjects solely based on monocular video inputs. State-of-the-art monocular avatar reconstruction methods rely on stable facial performance capturing. However, the common usage of 3DMM-based facial tracking has its limits; side-views can hardly be captured and it fails, especially, for back-views, as required inputs like facial landmarks or human parsing masks are missing. This results in incomplete avatar reconstructions that only cover the frontal hemisphere. In contrast to this, we propose a template-based tracking of the torso, head and facial expressions which allows us to cover the appearance of a human subject from all sides. Thus, given a sequence of a subject that is rotating in front of a single camera, we train a neural volumetric representation based on neural radiance fields. A key challenge to construct this representation is the modeling of appearance changes, especially, in the mouth region (i.e., lips and teeth). We, therefore, propose a deformation-field-based blend basis which allows us to interpolate between different appearance states. We evaluate our approach on captured real-world data and compare against state-of-the-art monocular reconstruction methods. In contrast to those, our method is the first monocular technique that reconstructs an entire 360{\deg} avatar.
PDF Project page:


Multi-view Inversion for 3D-aware Generative Adversarial Networks

Authors:Florian Barthel, Anna Hilsmann, Peter Eisert

Current 3D GAN inversion methods for human heads typically use only one single frontal image to reconstruct the whole 3D head model. This leaves out meaningful information when multi-view data or dynamic videos are available. Our method builds on existing state-of-the-art 3D GAN inversion techniques to allow for consistent and simultaneous inversion of multiple views of the same subject. We employ a multi-latent extension to handle inconsistencies present in dynamic face videos to re-synthesize consistent 3D representations from the sequence. As our method uses additional information about the target subject, we observe significant enhancements in both geometric accuracy and image quality, particularly when rendering from wide viewing angles. Moreover, we demonstrate the editability of our inverted 3D renderings, which distinguishes them from NeRF-based scene reconstructions.


R2-Talker: Realistic Real-Time Talking Head Synthesis with Hash Grid Landmarks Encoding and Progressive Multilayer Conditioning

Authors:Zhiling Ye, LiangGuo Zhang, Dingheng Zeng, Quan Lu, Ning Jiang

Dynamic NeRFs have recently garnered growing attention for 3D talking portrait synthesis. Despite advances in rendering speed and visual quality, challenges persist in enhancing efficiency and effectiveness. We present R2-Talker, an efficient and effective framework enabling realistic real-time talking head synthesis. Specifically, using multi-resolution hash grids, we introduce a novel approach for encoding facial landmarks as conditional features. This approach losslessly encodes landmark structures as conditional features, decoupling input diversity, and conditional spaces by mapping arbitrary landmarks to a unified feature space. We further propose a scheme of progressive multilayer conditioning in the NeRF rendering pipeline for effective conditional feature fusion. Our new approach has the following advantages as demonstrated by extensive experiments compared with the state-of-the-art works: 1) The lossless input encoding enables acquiring more precise features, yielding superior visual quality. The decoupling of inputs and conditional spaces improves generalizability. 2) The fusing of conditional features and MLP outputs at each MLP layer enhances conditional impact, resulting in more accurate lip synthesis and better visual quality. 3) It compactly structures the fusion of conditional features, significantly enhancing computational efficiency.


IL-NeRF: Incremental Learning for Neural Radiance Fields with Camera Pose Alignment

Authors:Letian Zhang, Ming Li, Chen Chen, Jie Xu

Neural radiance fields (NeRF) is a promising approach for generating photorealistic images and representing complex scenes. However, when processing data sequentially, it can suffer from catastrophic forgetting, where previous data is easily forgotten after training with new data. Existing incremental learning methods using knowledge distillation assume that continuous data chunks contain both 2D images and corresponding camera pose parameters, pre-estimated from the complete dataset. This poses a paradox as the necessary camera pose must be estimated from the entire dataset, even though the data arrives sequentially and future chunks are inaccessible. In contrast, we focus on a practical scenario where camera poses are unknown. We propose IL-NeRF, a novel framework for incremental NeRF training, to address this challenge. IL-NeRF’s key idea lies in selecting a set of past camera poses as references to initialize and align the camera poses of incoming image data. This is followed by a joint optimization of camera poses and replay-based NeRF distillation. Our experiments on real-world indoor and outdoor scenes show that IL-NeRF handles incremental NeRF training and outperforms the baselines by up to $54.04\%$ in rendering quality.


DreamControl: Control-Based Text-to-3D Generation with 3D Self-Prior

Authors:Tianyu Huang, Yihan Zeng, Zhilu Zhang, Wan Xu, Hang Xu, Songcen Xu, Rynson W. H. Lau, Wangmeng Zuo

3D generation has raised great attention in recent years. With the success of text-to-image diffusion models, the 2D-lifting technique becomes a promising route to controllable 3D generation. However, these methods tend to present inconsistent geometry, which is also known as the Janus problem. We observe that the problem is caused mainly by two aspects, i.e., viewpoint bias in 2D diffusion models and overfitting of the optimization objective. To address it, we propose a two-stage 2D-lifting framework, namely DreamControl, which optimizes coarse NeRF scenes as 3D self-prior and then generates fine-grained objects with control-based score distillation. Specifically, adaptive viewpoint sampling and boundary integrity metric are proposed to ensure the consistency of generated priors. The priors are then regarded as input conditions to maintain reasonable geometries, in which conditional LoRA and weighted score are further proposed to optimize detailed textures. DreamControl can generate high-quality 3D content in terms of both geometry consistency and texture fidelity. Moreover, our control-based optimization guidance is applicable to more downstream tasks, including user-guided generation and 3D animation. The project page is available at


CorresNeRF: Image Correspondence Priors for Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Yixing Lao, Xiaogang Xu, Zhipeng Cai, Xihui Liu, Hengshuang Zhao

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) have achieved impressive results in novel view synthesis and surface reconstruction tasks. However, their performance suffers under challenging scenarios with sparse input views. We present CorresNeRF, a novel method that leverages image correspondence priors computed by off-the-shelf methods to supervise NeRF training. We design adaptive processes for augmentation and filtering to generate dense and high-quality correspondences. The correspondences are then used to regularize NeRF training via the correspondence pixel reprojection and depth loss terms. We evaluate our methods on novel view synthesis and surface reconstruction tasks with density-based and SDF-based NeRF models on different datasets. Our method outperforms previous methods in both photometric and geometric metrics. We show that this simple yet effective technique of using correspondence priors can be applied as a plug-and-play module across different NeRF variants. The project page is at


Learning Naturally Aggregated Appearance for Efficient 3D Editing

Authors:Ka Leong Cheng, Qiuyu Wang, Zifan Shi, Kecheng Zheng, Yinghao Xu, Hao Ouyang, Qifeng Chen, Yujun Shen

Neural radiance fields, which represent a 3D scene as a color field and a density field, have demonstrated great progress in novel view synthesis yet are unfavorable for editing due to the implicitness. In view of such a deficiency, we propose to replace the color field with an explicit 2D appearance aggregation, also called canonical image, with which users can easily customize their 3D editing via 2D image processing. To avoid the distortion effect and facilitate convenient editing, we complement the canonical image with a projection field that maps 3D points onto 2D pixels for texture lookup. This field is carefully initialized with a pseudo canonical camera model and optimized with offset regularity to ensure naturalness of the aggregated appearance. Extensive experimental results on three datasets suggest that our representation, dubbed AGAP, well supports various ways of 3D editing (e.g., stylization, interactive drawing, and content extraction) with no need of re-optimization for each case, demonstrating its generalizability and efficiency. Project page is available at
PDF Project Webpage:, Code:


TeTriRF: Temporal Tri-Plane Radiance Fields for Efficient Free-Viewpoint Video

Authors:Minye Wu, Zehao Wang, Georgios Kouros, Tinne Tuytelaars

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) revolutionize the realm of visual media by providing photorealistic Free-Viewpoint Video (FVV) experiences, offering viewers unparalleled immersion and interactivity. However, the technology’s significant storage requirements and the computational complexity involved in generation and rendering currently limit its broader application. To close this gap, this paper presents Temporal Tri-Plane Radiance Fields (TeTriRF), a novel technology that significantly reduces the storage size for Free-Viewpoint Video (FVV) while maintaining low-cost generation and rendering. TeTriRF introduces a hybrid representation with tri-planes and voxel grids to support scaling up to long-duration sequences and scenes with complex motions or rapid changes. We propose a group training scheme tailored to achieving high training efficiency and yielding temporally consistent, low-entropy scene representations. Leveraging these properties of the representations, we introduce a compression pipeline with off-the-shelf video codecs, achieving an order of magnitude less storage size compared to the state-of-the-art. Our experiments demonstrate that TeTriRF can achieve competitive quality with a higher compression rate.
PDF 13 pages, 11 figures


COLMAP-Free 3D Gaussian Splatting

Authors:Yang Fu, Sifei Liu, Amey Kulkarni, Jan Kautz, Alexei A. Efros, Xiaolong Wang

While neural rendering has led to impressive advances in scene reconstruction and novel view synthesis, it relies heavily on accurately pre-computed camera poses. To relax this constraint, multiple efforts have been made to train Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) without pre-processed camera poses. However, the implicit representations of NeRFs provide extra challenges to optimize the 3D structure and camera poses at the same time. On the other hand, the recently proposed 3D Gaussian Splatting provides new opportunities given its explicit point cloud representations. This paper leverages both the explicit geometric representation and the continuity of the input video stream to perform novel view synthesis without any SfM preprocessing. We process the input frames in a sequential manner and progressively grow the 3D Gaussians set by taking one input frame at a time, without the need to pre-compute the camera poses. Our method significantly improves over previous approaches in view synthesis and camera pose estimation under large motion changes. Our project page is
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SMERF: Streamable Memory Efficient Radiance Fields for Real-Time Large-Scene Exploration

Authors:Daniel Duckworth, Peter Hedman, Christian Reiser, Peter Zhizhin, Jean-François Thibert, Mario Lučić, Richard Szeliski, Jonathan T. Barron

Recent techniques for real-time view synthesis have rapidly advanced in fidelity and speed, and modern methods are capable of rendering near-photorealistic scenes at interactive frame rates. At the same time, a tension has arisen between explicit scene representations amenable to rasterization and neural fields built on ray marching, with state-of-the-art instances of the latter surpassing the former in quality while being prohibitively expensive for real-time applications. In this work, we introduce SMERF, a view synthesis approach that achieves state-of-the-art accuracy among real-time methods on large scenes with footprints up to 300 m$^2$ at a volumetric resolution of 3.5 mm$^3$. Our method is built upon two primary contributions: a hierarchical model partitioning scheme, which increases model capacity while constraining compute and memory consumption, and a distillation training strategy that simultaneously yields high fidelity and internal consistency. Our approach enables full six degrees of freedom (6DOF) navigation within a web browser and renders in real-time on commodity smartphones and laptops. Extensive experiments show that our method exceeds the current state-of-the-art in real-time novel view synthesis by 0.78 dB on standard benchmarks and 1.78 dB on large scenes, renders frames three orders of magnitude faster than state-of-the-art radiance field models, and achieves real-time performance across a wide variety of commodity devices, including smartphones. We encourage the reader to explore these models in person at our project website:
PDF Project website:


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