
2023-12-07 更新

FSGS: Real-Time Few-shot View Synthesis using Gaussian Splatting

Authors:Zehao Zhu, Zhiwen Fan, Yifan Jiang, Zhangyang Wang

Novel view synthesis from limited observations remains an important and persistent task. However, high efficiency in existing NeRF-based few-shot view synthesis is often compromised to obtain an accurate 3D representation. To address this challenge, we propose a few-shot view synthesis framework based on 3D Gaussian Splatting that enables real-time and photo-realistic view synthesis with as few as three training views. The proposed method, dubbed FSGS, handles the extremely sparse initialized SfM points with a thoughtfully designed Gaussian Unpooling process. Our method iteratively distributes new Gaussians around the most representative locations, subsequently infilling local details in vacant areas. We also integrate a large-scale pre-trained monocular depth estimator within the Gaussians optimization process, leveraging online augmented views to guide the geometric optimization towards an optimal solution. Starting from sparse points observed from limited input viewpoints, our FSGS can accurately grow into unseen regions, comprehensively covering the scene and boosting the rendering quality of novel views. Overall, FSGS achieves state-of-the-art performance in both accuracy and rendering efficiency across diverse datasets, including LLFF, Mip-NeRF360, and Blender. Project website: https://zehaozhu.github.io/FSGS/.
PDF Project page: https://zehaozhu.github.io/FSGS/


PartSLIP++: Enhancing Low-Shot 3D Part Segmentation via Multi-View Instance Segmentation and Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Authors:Yuchen Zhou, Jiayuan Gu, Xuanlin Li, Minghua Liu, Yunhao Fang, Hao Su

Open-world 3D part segmentation is pivotal in diverse applications such as robotics and AR/VR. Traditional supervised methods often grapple with limited 3D data availability and struggle to generalize to unseen object categories. PartSLIP, a recent advancement, has made significant strides in zero- and few-shot 3D part segmentation. This is achieved by harnessing the capabilities of the 2D open-vocabulary detection module, GLIP, and introducing a heuristic method for converting and lifting multi-view 2D bounding box predictions into 3D segmentation masks. In this paper, we introduce PartSLIP++, an enhanced version designed to overcome the limitations of its predecessor. Our approach incorporates two major improvements. First, we utilize a pre-trained 2D segmentation model, SAM, to produce pixel-wise 2D segmentations, yielding more precise and accurate annotations than the 2D bounding boxes used in PartSLIP. Second, PartSLIP++ replaces the heuristic 3D conversion process with an innovative modified Expectation-Maximization algorithm. This algorithm conceptualizes 3D instance segmentation as unobserved latent variables, and then iteratively refines them through an alternating process of 2D-3D matching and optimization with gradient descent. Through extensive evaluations, we show that PartSLIP++ demonstrates better performance over PartSLIP in both low-shot 3D semantic and instance-based object part segmentation tasks. Code released at https://github.com/zyc00/PartSLIP2.


Diversified in-domain synthesis with efficient fine-tuning for few-shot classification

Authors:Victor G. Turrisi da Costa, Nicola Dall’Asen, Yiming Wang, Nicu Sebe, Elisa Ricci

Few-shot image classification aims to learn an image classifier using only a small set of labeled examples per class. A recent research direction for improving few-shot classifiers involves augmenting the labelled samples with synthetic images created by state-of-the-art text-to-image generation models. Following this trend, we propose Diversified in-domain synthesis with efficient fine-tuning (DISEF), a novel approach which addresses the generalization challenge in few-shot learning using synthetic data. DISEF consists of two main components. First, we propose a novel text-to-image augmentation pipeline that, by leveraging the real samples and their rich semantics coming from an advanced captioning model, promotes in-domain sample diversity for better generalization. Second, we emphasize the importance of effective model fine-tuning in few-shot recognition, proposing to use Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) for joint adaptation of the text and image encoders in a Vision Language Model. We validate our method in ten different benchmarks, consistently outperforming baselines and establishing a new state-of-the-art for few-shot classification. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/vturrisi/disef}
PDF 14 pages, 6 figures, 8 tables


DGInStyle: Domain-Generalizable Semantic Segmentation with Image Diffusion Models and Stylized Semantic Control

Authors:Yuru Jia, Lukas Hoyer, Shengyu Huang, Tianfu Wang, Luc Van Gool, Konrad Schindler, Anton Obukhov

Large, pretrained latent diffusion models (LDMs) have demonstrated an extraordinary ability to generate creative content, specialize to user data through few-shot fine-tuning, and condition their output on other modalities, such as semantic maps. However, are they usable as large-scale data generators, e.g., to improve tasks in the perception stack, like semantic segmentation? We investigate this question in the context of autonomous driving, and answer it with a resounding “yes”. We propose an efficient data generation pipeline termed DGInStyle. First, we examine the problem of specializing a pretrained LDM to semantically-controlled generation within a narrow domain. Second, we design a Multi-resolution Latent Fusion technique to overcome the bias of LDMs towards dominant objects. Third, we propose a Style Swap technique to endow the rich generative prior with the learned semantic control. Using DGInStyle, we generate a diverse dataset of street scenes, train a domain-agnostic semantic segmentation model on it, and evaluate the model on multiple popular autonomous driving datasets. Our approach consistently increases the performance of several domain generalization methods, in some cases by +2.5 mIoU compared to the previous state-of-the-art method without our generative augmentation scheme. Source code and dataset are available at https://dginstyle.github.io .


Can language agents be alternatives to PPO? A Preliminary Empirical Study On OpenAI Gym

Authors:Junjie Sheng, Zixiao Huang, Chuyun Shen, Wenhao Li, Yun Hua, Bo Jin, Hongyuan Zha, Xiangfeng Wang

The formidable capacity for zero- or few-shot decision-making in language agents encourages us to pose a compelling question: Can language agents be alternatives to PPO agents in traditional sequential decision-making tasks? To investigate this, we first take environments collected in OpenAI Gym as our testbeds and ground them to textual environments that construct the TextGym simulator. This allows for straightforward and efficient comparisons between PPO agents and language agents, given the widespread adoption of OpenAI Gym. To ensure a fair and effective benchmarking, we introduce $5$ levels of scenario for accurate domain-knowledge controlling and a unified RL-inspired framework for language agents. Additionally, we propose an innovative explore-exploit-guided language (EXE) agent to solve tasks within TextGym. Through numerical experiments and ablation studies, we extract valuable insights into the decision-making capabilities of language agents and make a preliminary evaluation of their potential to be alternatives to PPO in classical sequential decision-making problems. This paper sheds light on the performance of language agents and paves the way for future research in this exciting domain. Our code is publicly available at~\url{https://github.com/mail-ecnu/Text-Gym-Agents}.


Improving the Generalization of Segmentation Foundation Model under Distribution Shift via Weakly Supervised Adaptation

Authors:Haojie Zhang, Yongyi Su, Xun Xu, Kui Jia

The success of large language models has inspired the computer vision community to explore image segmentation foundation model that is able to zero/few-shot generalize through prompt engineering. Segment-Anything(SAM), among others, is the state-of-the-art image segmentation foundation model demonstrating strong zero/few-shot generalization. Despite the success, recent studies reveal the weakness of SAM under strong distribution shift. In particular, SAM performs awkwardly on corrupted natural images, camouflaged images, medical images, etc. Motivated by the observations, we aim to develop a self-training based strategy to adapt SAM to target distribution. Given the unique challenges of large source dataset, high computation cost and incorrect pseudo label, we propose a weakly supervised self-training architecture with anchor regularization and low-rank finetuning to improve the robustness and computation efficiency of adaptation. We validate the effectiveness on 5 types of downstream segmentation tasks including natural clean/corrupted images, medical images, camouflaged images and robotic images. Our proposed method is task-agnostic in nature and outperforms pre-trained SAM and state-of-the-art domain adaptation methods on almost all downstream tasks with the same testing prompt inputs.
PDF 20 pages, 12 figures


Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning of Audio Spectrogram Transformers

Authors:Umberto Cappellazzo, Daniele Falavigna, Alessio Brutti, Mirco Ravanelli

The common modus operandi of fine-tuning large pre-trained Transformer models entails the adaptation of all their parameters (i.e., full fine-tuning). While achieving striking results on multiple tasks, this approach becomes unfeasible as the model size and the number of downstream tasks increase. In natural language processing and computer vision, parameter-efficient approaches like prompt-tuning and adapters have emerged as solid alternatives by fine-tuning only a small number of extra parameters, without sacrificing performance accuracy. Specifically, adapters, due to their flexibility, have recently garnered significant attention, leading to several variants. For audio classification tasks, the Audio Spectrogram Transformer model shows impressive results. However, surprisingly, how to efficiently adapt it to several downstream tasks has not been tackled before. In this paper, we bridge this gap and present a detailed investigation of common parameter-efficient methods, revealing that adapters consistently outperform the other methods across four benchmarks. This trend is also confirmed in few-shot learning settings and when the total number of trainable parameters increases, demonstrating adapters superior scalability. We finally study the best adapter configuration, as well as the role of residual connections in the learning process. Our code is available at: https://github.com/umbertocappellazzo/PETL AST.
PDF The code is available at: https://github.com/umbertocappellazzo/PETL_AST


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