
2023-12-07 更新

Defense Against Adversarial Attacks using Convolutional Auto-Encoders

Authors:Shreyasi Mandal

Deep learning models, while achieving state-of-the-art performance on many tasks, are susceptible to adversarial attacks that exploit inherent vulnerabilities in their architectures. Adversarial attacks manipulate the input data with imperceptible perturbations, causing the model to misclassify the data or produce erroneous outputs. This work is based on enhancing the robustness of targeted classifier models against adversarial attacks. To achieve this, an convolutional autoencoder-based approach is employed that effectively counters adversarial perturbations introduced to the input images. By generating images closely resembling the input images, the proposed methodology aims to restore the model’s accuracy.
PDF 9 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables


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