2023-12-06 更新

Creative Agents: Empowering Agents with Imagination for Creative Tasks

Authors:Chi Zhang, Penglin Cai, Yuhui Fu, Haoqi Yuan, Zongqing Lu

We study building embodied agents for open-ended creative tasks. While existing methods build instruction-following agents that can perform diverse open-ended tasks, none of them demonstrates creativity — the ability to give novel and diverse task solutions implicit in the language instructions. This limitation comes from their inability to convert abstract language instructions into concrete task goals in the environment and perform long-horizon planning for such complicated goals. Given the observation that humans perform creative tasks with the help of imagination, we propose a class of solutions for creative agents, where the controller is enhanced with an imaginator that generates detailed imaginations of task outcomes conditioned on language instructions. We introduce several approaches to implementing the components of creative agents. We implement the imaginator with either a large language model for textual imagination or a diffusion model for visual imagination. The controller can either be a behavior-cloning policy learned from data or a pre-trained foundation model generating executable codes in the environment. We benchmark creative tasks with the challenging open-world game Minecraft, where the agents are asked to create diverse buildings given free-form language instructions. In addition, we propose novel evaluation metrics for open-ended creative tasks utilizing GPT-4V, which holds many advantages over existing metrics. We perform a detailed experimental analysis of creative agents, showing that creative agents are the first AI agents accomplishing diverse building creation in the survival mode of Minecraft. Our benchmark and models are open-source for future research on creative agents (https://github.com/PKU-RL/Creative-Agents).
PDF The first two authors contribute equally


Machine Vision Therapy: Multimodal Large Language Models Can Enhance Visual Robustness via Denoising In-Context Learning

Authors:Zhuo Huang, Chang Liu, Yinpeng Dong, Hang Su, Shibao Zheng, Tongliang Liu

Although vision models such as Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training (CLIP) show impressive generalization performance, their zero-shot robustness is still limited under Out-of-Distribution (OOD) scenarios without fine-tuning. Instead of undesirably providing human supervision as commonly done, it is possible to take advantage of Multi-modal Large Language Models (MLLMs) that hold powerful visual understanding abilities. However, MLLMs are shown to struggle with vision problems due to the incompatibility of tasks, thus hindering their utilization. In this paper, we propose to effectively leverage MLLMs to conduct Machine Vision Therapy which aims to rectify the noisy predictions from vision models. By fine-tuning with the denoised labels, the learning model performance can be boosted in an unsupervised manner. To solve the incompatibility issue, we propose a novel Denoising In-Context Learning (DICL) strategy to align vision tasks with MLLMs. Concretely, by estimating a transition matrix that captures the probability of one class being confused with another, an instruction containing a correct exemplar and an erroneous one from the most probable noisy class can be constructed. Such an instruction can help any MLLMs with ICL ability to detect and rectify incorrect predictions of vision models. Through extensive experiments on ImageNet, WILDS, DomainBed, and other OOD datasets, we carefully validate the quantitative and qualitative effectiveness of our method. Our code is available at https://github.com/tmllab/Machine_Vision_Therapy.
PDF 37 pages, 19 figures, and 13 tables


Neural Sign Actors: A diffusion model for 3D sign language production from text

Authors:Vasileios Baltatzis, Rolandos Alexandros Potamias, Evangelos Ververas, Guanxiong Sun, Jiankang Deng, Stefanos Zafeiriou

Sign Languages (SL) serve as the predominant mode of communication for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities. The advent of deep learning has aided numerous methods in SL recognition and translation, achieving remarkable results. However, Sign Language Production (SLP) poses a challenge for the computer vision community as the motions generated must be realistic and have precise semantic meanings. Most SLP methods rely on 2D data, thus impeding their ability to attain a necessary level of realism. In this work, we propose a diffusion-based SLP model trained on a curated large-scale dataset of 4D signing avatars and their corresponding text transcripts. The proposed method can generate dynamic sequences of 3D avatars from an unconstrained domain of discourse using a diffusion process formed on a novel and anatomically informed graph neural network defined on the SMPL-X body skeleton. Through a series of quantitative and qualitative experiments, we show that the proposed method considerably outperforms previous methods of SLP. We believe that this work presents an important and necessary step towards realistic neural sign avatars, bridging the communication gap between Deaf and hearing communities. The code, method and generated data will be made publicly available.


Generating Fine-Grained Human Motions Using ChatGPT-Refined Descriptions

Authors:Xu Shi, Chuanchen Luo, Junran Peng, Hongwen Zhang, Yunlian Sun

Recently, significant progress has been made in text-based motion generation, enabling the generation of diverse and high-quality human motions that conform to textual descriptions. However, it remains challenging to generate fine-grained or stylized motions due to the lack of datasets annotated with detailed textual descriptions. By adopting a divide-and-conquer strategy, we propose a new framework named Fine-Grained Human Motion Diffusion Model (FG-MDM) for human motion generation. Specifically, we first parse previous vague textual annotation into fine-grained description of different body parts by leveraging a large language model (GPT-3.5). We then use these fine-grained descriptions to guide a transformer-based diffusion model. FG-MDM can generate fine-grained and stylized motions even outside of the distribution of the training data. Our experimental results demonstrate the superiority of FG-MDM over previous methods, especially the strong generalization capability. We will release our fine-grained textual annotations for HumanML3D and KIT.
PDF Project Page: https://sx0207.github.io/fg-mdm/


Large Language Models on Graphs: A Comprehensive Survey

Authors:Bowen Jin, Gang Liu, Chi Han, Meng Jiang, Heng Ji, Jiawei Han

Large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT and LLaMA, are creating significant advancements in natural language processing, due to their strong text encoding/decoding ability and newly found emergent capability (e.g., reasoning). While LLMs are mainly designed to process pure texts, there are many real-world scenarios where text data are associated with rich structure information in the form of graphs (e.g., academic networks, and e-commerce networks) or scenarios where graph data are paired with rich textual information (e.g., molecules with descriptions). Besides, although LLMs have shown their pure text-based reasoning ability, it is underexplored whether such ability can be generalized to graph scenarios (i.e., graph-based reasoning). In this paper, we provide a systematic review of scenarios and techniques related to large language models on graphs. We first summarize potential scenarios of adopting LLMs on graphs into three categories, namely pure graphs, text-rich graphs, and text-paired graphs. We then discuss detailed techniques for utilizing LLMs on graphs, including LLM as Predictor, LLM as Encoder, and LLM as Aligner, and compare the advantages and disadvantages of different schools of models. Furthermore, we mention the real-world applications of such methods and summarize open-source codes and benchmark datasets. Finally, we conclude with potential future research directions in this fast-growing field. The related source can be found at https://github.com/PeterGriffinJin/Awesome-Language-Model-on-Graphs.
PDF 26 pages


Leveraging Domain Adaptation and Data Augmentation to Improve Qur’anic IR in English and Arabic

Authors:Vera Pavlova

In this work, we approach the problem of Qur’anic information retrieval (IR) in Arabic and English. Using the latest state-of-the-art methods in neural IR, we research what helps to tackle this task more efficiently. Training retrieval models requires a lot of data, which is difficult to obtain for training in-domain. Therefore, we commence with training on a large amount of general domain data and then continue training on in-domain data. To handle the lack of in-domain data, we employed a data augmentation technique, which considerably improved results in MRR@10 and NDCG@5 metrics, setting the state-of-the-art in Qur’anic IR for both English and Arabic. The absence of an Islamic corpus and domain-specific model for IR task in English motivated us to address this lack of resources and take preliminary steps of the Islamic corpus compilation and domain-specific language model (LM) pre-training, which helped to improve the performance of the retrieval models that use the domain-specific LM as the shared backbone. We examined several language models (LMs) in Arabic to select one that efficiently deals with the Qur’anic IR task. Besides transferring successful experiments from English to Arabic, we conducted additional experiments with retrieval task in Arabic to amortize the scarcity of general domain datasets used to train the retrieval models. Handling Qur’anic IR task combining English and Arabic allowed us to enhance the comparison and share valuable insights across models and languages.


Let the LLMs Talk: Simulating Human-to-Human Conversational QA via Zero-Shot LLM-to-LLM Interactions

Authors:Zahra Abbasiantaeb, Yifei Yuan, Evangelos Kanoulas, Mohammad Aliannejadi

Conversational question-answering (CQA) systems aim to create interactive search systems that effectively retrieve information by interacting with users. To replicate human-to-human conversations, existing work uses human annotators to play the roles of the questioner (student) and the answerer (teacher). Despite its effectiveness, challenges exist as human annotation is time-consuming, inconsistent, and not scalable. To address this issue and investigate the applicability of large language models (LLMs) in CQA simulation, we propose a simulation framework that employs zero-shot learner LLMs for simulating teacher-student interactions. Our framework involves two LLMs interacting on a specific topic, with the first LLM acting as a student, generating questions to explore a given search topic. The second LLM plays the role of a teacher by answering questions and is equipped with additional information, including a text on the given topic. We implement both the student and teacher by zero-shot prompting the GPT-4 model. To assess the effectiveness of LLMs in simulating CQA interactions and understand the disparities between LLM- and human-generated conversations, we evaluate the simulated data from various perspectives. We begin by evaluating the teacher’s performance through both automatic and human assessment. Next, we evaluate the performance of the student, analyzing and comparing the disparities between questions generated by the LLM and those generated by humans. Furthermore, we conduct extensive analyses to thoroughly examine the LLM performance by benchmarking state-of-the-art reading comprehension models on both datasets. Our results reveal that the teacher LLM generates lengthier answers that tend to be more accurate and complete. The student LLM generates more diverse questions, covering more aspects of a given topic.
PDF Accepted at WSDM 2024


LLaVA-Grounding: Grounded Visual Chat with Large Multimodal Models

Authors:Hao Zhang, Hongyang Li, Feng Li, Tianhe Ren, Xueyan Zou, Shilong Liu, Shijia Huang, Jianfeng Gao, Lei Zhang, Chunyuan Li, Jianwei Yang

With the recent significant advancements in large multi-modal models (LMMs), the importance of their grounding capability in visual chat is increasingly recognized. Despite recent efforts to enable LMMs to support grounding, their capabilities for grounding and chat are usually separate, and their chat performance drops dramatically when asked to ground. The problem is the lack of a dataset for grounded visual chat (GVC). Existing grounding datasets only contain short captions. To address this issue, we have created GVC data that allows for the combination of grounding and chat capabilities. To better evaluate the GVC capabilities, we have introduced a benchmark called Grounding-Bench. Additionally, we have proposed a model design that can support GVC and various types of visual prompts by connecting segmentation models with language models. Experimental results demonstrate that our model outperforms other LMMs on Grounding-Bench. Furthermore, our model achieves competitive performance on classic grounding benchmarks like RefCOCO/+/g and Flickr30K Entities. Our code will be released at https://github.com/UX-Decoder/LLaVA-Grounding .


AmbiGen: Generating Ambigrams from Pre-trained Diffusion Model

Authors:Boheng Zhao, Rana Hanocka, Raymond A. Yeh

Ambigrams are calligraphic designs that have different meanings depending on the viewing orientation. Creating ambigrams is a challenging task even for skilled artists, as it requires maintaining the meaning under two different viewpoints at the same time. In this work, we propose to generate ambigrams by distilling a large-scale vision and language diffusion model, namely DeepFloyd IF, to optimize the letters’ outline for legibility in the two viewing orientations. Empirically, we demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing ambigram generation methods. On the 500 most common words in English, our method achieves more than an 11.6% increase in word accuracy and at least a 41.9% reduction in edit distance.
PDF Project page: https://raymond-yeh.com/AmbiGen/


Rank-without-GPT: Building GPT-Independent Listwise Rerankers on Open-Source Large Language Models

Authors:Xinyu Zhang, Sebastian Hofstätter, Patrick Lewis, Raphael Tang, Jimmy Lin

Listwise rerankers based on large language models (LLM) are the zero-shot state-of-the-art. However, current works in this direction all depend on the GPT models, making it a single point of failure in scientific reproducibility. Moreover, it raises the concern that the current research findings only hold for GPT models but not LLM in general. In this work, we lift this pre-condition and build for the first time effective listwise rerankers without any form of dependency on GPT. Our passage retrieval experiments show that our best list se reranker surpasses the listwise rerankers based on GPT-3.5 by 13% and achieves 97% effectiveness of the ones built on GPT-4. Our results also show that the existing training datasets, which were expressly constructed for pointwise ranking, are insufficient for building such listwise rerankers. Instead, high-quality listwise ranking data is required and crucial, calling for further work on building human-annotated listwise data resources.


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