Vision Transformer

2023-12-01 更新

Spiking Neural Networks with Dynamic Time Steps for Vision Transformers

Authors:Gourav Datta, Zeyu Liu, Anni Li, Peter A. Beerel

Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) have emerged as a popular spatio-temporal computing paradigm for complex vision tasks. Recently proposed SNN training algorithms have significantly reduced the number of time steps (down to 1) for improved latency and energy efficiency, however, they target only convolutional neural networks (CNN). These algorithms, when applied on the recently spotlighted vision transformers (ViT), either require a large number of time steps or fail to converge. Based on analysis of the histograms of the ANN and SNN activation maps, we hypothesize that each ViT block has a different sensitivity to the number of time steps. We propose a novel training framework that dynamically allocates the number of time steps to each ViT module depending on a trainable score assigned to each timestep. In particular, we generate a scalar binary time step mask that filters spikes emitted by each neuron in a leaky-integrate-and-fire (LIF) layer. The resulting SNNs have high activation sparsity and require only accumulate operations (AC), except for the input embedding layer, in contrast to expensive multiply-and-accumulates (MAC) needed in traditional ViTs. This yields significant improvements in energy efficiency. We evaluate our training framework and resulting SNNs on image recognition tasks including CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and ImageNet with different ViT architectures. We obtain a test accuracy of 95.97% with 4.97 time steps with direct encoding on CIFAR10.
PDF Under review


Rethinking Mixup for Improving the Adversarial Transferability

Authors:Xiaosen Wang, Zeyuan Yin

Mixup augmentation has been widely integrated to generate adversarial examples with superior adversarial transferability when immigrating from a surrogate model to other models. However, the underlying mechanism influencing the mixup’s effect on transferability remains unexplored. In this work, we posit that the adversarial examples located at the convergence of decision boundaries across various categories exhibit better transferability and identify that Admix tends to steer the adversarial examples towards such regions. However, we find the constraint on the added image in Admix decays its capability, resulting in limited transferability. To address such an issue, we propose a new input transformation-based attack called Mixing the Image but Separating the gradienT (MIST). Specifically, MIST randomly mixes the input image with a randomly shifted image and separates the gradient of each loss item for each mixed image. To counteract the imprecise gradient, MIST calculates the gradient on several mixed images for each input sample. Extensive experimental results on the ImageNet dataset demonstrate that MIST outperforms existing SOTA input transformation-based attacks with a clear margin on both Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Vision Transformers (ViTs) w/wo defense mechanisms, supporting MIST’s high effectiveness and generality.
PDF 13 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables


DAP: Domain-aware Prompt Learning for Vision-and-Language Navigation

Authors:Ting Liu, Yue Hu, Wansen Wu, Youkai Wang, Kai Xu, Quanjun Yin

Following language instructions to navigate in unseen environments is a challenging task for autonomous embodied agents. With strong representation capabilities, pretrained vision-and-language models are widely used in VLN. However, most of them are trained on web-crawled general-purpose datasets, which incurs a considerable domain gap when used for VLN tasks. To address the problem, we propose a novel and model-agnostic domain-aware prompt learning (DAP) framework. For equipping the pretrained models with specific object-level and scene-level cross-modal alignment in VLN tasks, DAP applies a low-cost prompt tuning paradigm to learn soft visual prompts for extracting in-domain image semantics. Specifically, we first generate a set of in-domain image-text pairs with the help of the CLIP model. Then we introduce soft visual prompts in the input space of the visual encoder in a pretrained model. DAP injects in-domain visual knowledge into the visual encoder of the pretrained model in an efficient way. Experimental results on both R2R and REVERIE show the superiority of DAP compared to existing state-of-the-art methods.
PDF 4 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2309.03661


Contrastive Vision-Language Alignment Makes Efficient Instruction Learner

Authors:Lizhao Liu, Xinyu Sun, Tianhang Xiang, Zhuangwei Zhuang, Liuren Yin, Mingkui Tan

We study the task of extending the large language model (LLM) into a vision-language instruction-following model. This task is crucial but challenging since the LLM is trained on text modality only, making it hard to effectively digest the visual modality. To address this, existing methods typically train a visual adapter to align the representation between a pre-trained vision transformer (ViT) and the LLM by a generative image captioning loss. However, we find that the generative objective can only produce weak alignment for vision and language, making the aligned vision-language model very hungry for the instruction fine-tuning data. In this paper, we propose CG-VLM that applies both Contrastive and Generative alignment objectives to effectively align the representation of ViT and LLM. Different from image level and sentence level alignment in common contrastive learning settings, CG-VLM aligns the image-patch level features and text-token level embeddings, which, however, is very hard to achieve as no explicit grounding patch-token relation provided in standard image captioning datasets. To address this issue, we propose to maximize the averaged similarity between pooled image-patch features and text-token embeddings. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed CG-VLM produces strong vision-language alignment and is an efficient instruction learner. For example, using only 10% instruction tuning data, we reach 95% performance of state-of-the-art method LLaVA [29] on the zero-shot ScienceQA-Image benchmark.
PDF 17 pages, 10 pages for main paper, 7 pages for supplementary


DreamSync: Aligning Text-to-Image Generation with Image Understanding Feedback

Authors:Jiao Sun, Deqing Fu, Yushi Hu, Su Wang, Royi Rassin, Da-Cheng Juan, Dana Alon, Charles Herrmann, Sjoerd van Steenkiste, Ranjay Krishna, Cyrus Rashtchian

Despite their wide-spread success, Text-to-Image models (T2I) still struggle to produce images that are both aesthetically pleasing and faithful to the user’s input text. We introduce DreamSync, a model-agnostic training algorithm by design that improves T2I models to be faithful to the text input. DreamSync builds off a recent insight from TIFA’s evaluation framework — that large vision-language models (VLMs) can effectively identify the fine-grained discrepancies between generated images and the text inputs. DreamSync uses this insight to train T2I models without any labeled data; it improves T2I models using its own generations. First, it prompts the model to generate several candidate images for a given input text. Then, it uses two VLMs to select the best generation: a Visual Question Answering model that measures the alignment of generated images to the text, and another that measures the generation’s aesthetic quality. After selection, we use LoRA to iteratively finetune the T2I model to guide its generation towards the selected best generations. DreamSync does not need any additional human annotation. model architecture changes, or reinforcement learning. Despite its simplicity, DreamSync improves both the semantic alignment and aesthetic appeal of two diffusion-based T2I models, evidenced by multiple benchmarks (+1.7% on TIFA, +2.9% on DSG1K, +3.4% on VILA aesthetic) and human evaluation.


Improving Faithfulness for Vision Transformers

Authors:Lijie Hu, Yixin Liu, Ninghao Liu, Mengdi Huai, Lichao Sun, Di Wang

Vision Transformers (ViTs) have achieved state-of-the-art performance for various vision tasks. One reason behind the success lies in their ability to provide plausible innate explanations for the behavior of neural architectures. However, ViTs suffer from issues with explanation faithfulness, as their focal points are fragile to adversarial attacks and can be easily changed with even slight perturbations on the input image. In this paper, we propose a rigorous approach to mitigate these issues by introducing Faithful ViTs (FViTs). Briefly speaking, an FViT should have the following two properties: (1) The top-$k$ indices of its self-attention vector should remain mostly unchanged under input perturbation, indicating stable explanations; (2) The prediction distribution should be robust to perturbations. To achieve this, we propose a new method called Denoised Diffusion Smoothing (DDS), which adopts randomized smoothing and diffusion-based denoising. We theoretically prove that processing ViTs directly with DDS can turn them into FViTs. We also show that Gaussian noise is nearly optimal for both $\ell2$ and $\ell\infty$-norm cases. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through comprehensive experiments and evaluations. Specifically, we compare our FViTs with other baselines through visual interpretation and robustness accuracy under adversarial attacks. Results show that FViTs are more robust against adversarial attacks while maintaining the explainability of attention, indicating higher faithfulness.


HKUST at SemEval-2023 Task 1: Visual Word Sense Disambiguation with Context Augmentation and Visual Assistance

Authors:Zhuohao Yin, Xin Huang

Visual Word Sense Disambiguation (VWSD) is a multi-modal task that aims to select, among a batch of candidate images, the one that best entails the target word’s meaning within a limited context. In this paper, we propose a multi-modal retrieval framework that maximally leverages pretrained Vision-Language models, as well as open knowledge bases and datasets. Our system consists of the following key components: (1) Gloss matching: a pretrained bi-encoder model is used to match contexts with proper senses of the target words; (2) Prompting: matched glosses and other textual information, such as synonyms, are incorporated using a prompting template; (3) Image retrieval: semantically matching images are retrieved from large open datasets using prompts as queries; (4) Modality fusion: contextual information from different modalities are fused and used for prediction. Although our system does not produce the most competitive results at SemEval-2023 Task 1, we are still able to beat nearly half of the teams. More importantly, our experiments reveal acute insights for the field of Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) and multi-modal learning. Our code is available on GitHub.


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