
2023-12-01 更新

MVBench: A Comprehensive Multi-modal Video Understanding Benchmark

Authors:Kunchang Li, Yali Wang, Yinan He, Yizhuo Li, Yi Wang, Yi Liu, Zun Wang, Jilan Xu, Guo Chen, Ping Luo, Limin Wang, Yu Qiao

With the rapid development of Multi-modal Large Language Models (MLLMs), a number of diagnostic benchmarks have recently emerged to evaluate the comprehension capabilities of these models. However, most benchmarks predominantly assess spatial understanding in the static image tasks, while overlooking temporal understanding in the dynamic video tasks. To alleviate this issue, we introduce a comprehensive Multi-modal Video understanding Benchmark, namely MVBench, which covers 20 challenging video tasks that cannot be effectively solved with a single frame. Specifically, we first introduce a novel static-to-dynamic method to define these temporal-related tasks. By transforming various static tasks into dynamic ones, we enable the systematic generation of video tasks that require a broad spectrum of temporal skills, ranging from perception to cognition. Then, guided by the task definition, we automatically convert public video annotations into multiple-choice QA to evaluate each task. On one hand, such a distinct paradigm allows us to build MVBench efficiently, without much manual intervention. On the other hand, it guarantees evaluation fairness with ground-truth video annotations, avoiding the biased scoring of LLMs. Moreover, we further develop a robust video MLLM baseline, i.e., VideoChat2, by progressive multi-modal training with diverse instruction-tuning data. The extensive results on our MVBench reveal that, the existing MLLMs are far from satisfactory in temporal understanding, while our VideoChat2 largely surpasses these leading models by over 15% on MVBench. All models and data are available at https://github.com/OpenGVLab/Ask-Anything.
PDF 18 pages, 7 figures, 19 tables


AdaFocus: Towards End-to-end Weakly Supervised Learning for Long-Video Action Understanding

Authors:Jiaming Zhou, Hanjun Li, Kun-Yu Lin, Junwei Liang

Developing end-to-end models for long-video action understanding tasks presents significant computational and memory challenges. Existing works generally build models on long-video features extracted by off-the-shelf action recognition models, which are trained on short-video datasets in different domains, making the extracted features suffer domain discrepancy. To avoid this, action recognition models can be end-to-end trained on clips, which are trimmed from long videos and labeled using action interval annotations. Such fully supervised annotations are expensive to collect. Thus, a weakly supervised method is needed for long-video action understanding at scale. Under the weak supervision setting, action labels are provided for the whole video without precise start and end times of the action clip. To this end, we propose an AdaFocus framework. AdaFocus estimates the spike-actionness and temporal positions of actions, enabling it to adaptively focus on action clips that facilitate better training without the need for precise annotations. Experiments on three long-video datasets show its effectiveness. Remarkably, on two of datasets, models trained with AdaFocus under weak supervision outperform those trained under full supervision. Furthermore, we form a weakly supervised feature extraction pipeline with our AdaFocus, which enables significant improvements on three long-video action understanding tasks.


Spacewalk-18: A Benchmark for Multimodal and Long-form Procedural Video Understanding in Novel Domains

Authors:Rohan Myer Krishnan, Zitian Tang, Zhiqiu Yu, Chen Sun

Learning from videos is an emerging research area that enables robots to acquire skills from human demonstrations, such as procedural videos. To do this, video-language models must be able to obtain structured understandings, such as the temporal segmentation of a demonstration into sequences of actions and skills, and to generalize the understandings to novel domains. In pursuit of this goal, we introduce Spacewalk-18, a benchmark containing two tasks: (1) step recognition and (2) intra-video retrieval over a dataset of temporally segmented and labeled tasks in International Space Station spacewalk recordings. In tandem, the two tasks quantify a model’s ability to make use of: (1) out-of-domain visual information; (2) a high temporal context window; and (3) multimodal (text + video) domains. This departs from existing benchmarks for procedural video understanding, which typically deal with short context lengths and can be solved with a single modality. Spacewalk-18, with its inherent multimodal and long-form complexity, exposes the high difficulty of task recognition and segmentation. We find that state-of-the-art methods perform poorly on our benchmark, demonstrating that the goal of generalizable procedural video understanding models is far out and underscoring the need to develop new approaches to these tasks. Data, model, and code will be publicly released.
PDF Under submission. Code and models will be released at https://brown-palm.github.io/Spacewalk-18/


Just Add $π$! Pose Induced Video Transformers for Understanding Activities of Daily Living

Authors:Dominick Reilly, Srijan Das

Video transformers have become the de facto standard for human action recognition, yet their exclusive reliance on the RGB modality still limits their adoption in certain domains. One such domain is Activities of Daily Living (ADL), where RGB alone is not sufficient to distinguish between visually similar actions, or actions observed from multiple viewpoints. To facilitate the adoption of video transformers for ADL, we hypothesize that the augmentation of RGB with human pose information, known for its sensitivity to fine-grained motion and multiple viewpoints, is essential. Consequently, we introduce the first Pose Induced Video Transformer: PI-ViT (or $\pi$-ViT), a novel approach that augments the RGB representations learned by video transformers with 2D and 3D pose information. The key elements of $\pi$-ViT are two plug-in modules, 2D Skeleton Induction Module and 3D Skeleton Induction Module, that are responsible for inducing 2D and 3D pose information into the RGB representations. These modules operate by performing pose-aware auxiliary tasks, a design choice that allows $\pi$-ViT to discard the modules during inference. Notably, $\pi$-ViT achieves the state-of-the-art performance on three prominent ADL datasets, encompassing both real-world and large-scale RGB-D datasets, without requiring poses or additional computational overhead at inference.
PDF Code and models will be released at: https://github.com/dominickrei/pi-vit


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