2023-12-01 更新

ESG Accountability Made Easy: DocQA at Your Service

Authors:Lokesh Mishra, Cesar Berrospi, Kasper Dinkla, Diego Antognini, Francesco Fusco, Benedikt Bothur, Maksym Lysak, Nikolaos Livathinos, Ahmed Nassar, Panagiotis Vagenas, Lucas Morin, Christoph Auer, Michele Dolfi, Peter Staar

We present Deep Search DocQA. This application enables information extraction from documents via a question-answering conversational assistant. The system integrates several technologies from different AI disciplines consisting of document conversion to machine-readable format (via computer vision), finding relevant data (via natural language processing), and formulating an eloquent response (via large language models). Users can explore over 10,000 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) disclosure reports from over 2000 corporations. The Deep Search platform can be accessed at: https://ds4sd.github.io.
PDF Accepted at the Demonstration Track of the 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 24)


Semantic-Aware Frame-Event Fusion based Pattern Recognition via Large Vision-Language Models

Authors:Dong Li, Jiandong Jin, Yuhao Zhang, Yanlin Zhong, Yaoyang Wu, Lan Chen, Xiao Wang, Bin Luo

Pattern recognition through the fusion of RGB frames and Event streams has emerged as a novel research area in recent years. Current methods typically employ backbone networks to individually extract the features of RGB frames and event streams, and subsequently fuse these features for pattern recognition. However, we posit that these methods may suffer from key issues like sematic gaps and small-scale backbone networks. In this study, we introduce a novel pattern recognition framework that consolidates the semantic labels, RGB frames, and event streams, leveraging pre-trained large-scale vision-language models. Specifically, given the input RGB frames, event streams, and all the predefined semantic labels, we employ a pre-trained large-scale vision model (CLIP vision encoder) to extract the RGB and event features. To handle the semantic labels, we initially convert them into language descriptions through prompt engineering, and then obtain the semantic features using the pre-trained large-scale language model (CLIP text encoder). Subsequently, we integrate the RGB/Event features and semantic features using multimodal Transformer networks. The resulting frame and event tokens are further amplified using self-attention layers. Concurrently, we propose to enhance the interactions between text tokens and RGB/Event tokens via cross-attention. Finally, we consolidate all three modalities using self-attention and feed-forward layers for recognition. Comprehensive experiments on the HARDVS and PokerEvent datasets fully substantiate the efficacy of our proposed SAFE model. The source code will be made available at https://github.com/Event-AHU/SAFE_LargeVLM.
PDF In Peer Review


ArthModel: Enhance Arithmetic Skills to Large Language Model

Authors:Yingdi Guo

With the great success of ChatGPT, the research of large language models has become increasingly popular. However, the models have several limitations, such as toxicity and pool performance of arithmetic solving. Meanwhile, LLM may have some potential abilities that have yet to be exploited. In this paper, we choose a different way to enhance the arithmetic ability of LLM. We propose to train LLM to generate a postfix expression related to the arithmetic problem and incorporate it with small pretrained models. Moreover, this small model transfers the token embeddings into real dense numbers and invokes native functions of a deep learning platform to get the correct answer. To generate the final result, we propose prompt injection for adding the result outputs by the small model to LLM. This work provides different ways of thinking, training and using a language model. The codes and models will be released at \url{https://github.com/eteced/arithmetic_finetuning_v1}.
PDF 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table


Detailed Human-Centric Text Description-Driven Large Scene Synthesis

Authors:Gwanghyun Kim, Dong Un Kang, Hoigi Seo, Hayeon Kim, Se Young Chun

Text-driven large scene image synthesis has made significant progress with diffusion models, but controlling it is challenging. While using additional spatial controls with corresponding texts has improved the controllability of large scene synthesis, it is still challenging to faithfully reflect detailed text descriptions without user-provided controls. Here, we propose DetText2Scene, a novel text-driven large-scale image synthesis with high faithfulness, controllability, and naturalness in a global context for the detailed human-centric text description. Our DetText2Scene consists of 1) hierarchical keypoint-box layout generation from the detailed description by leveraging large language model (LLM), 2) view-wise conditioned joint diffusion process to synthesize a large scene from the given detailed text with LLM-generated grounded keypoint-box layout and 3) pixel perturbation-based pyramidal interpolation to progressively refine the large scene for global coherence. Our DetText2Scene significantly outperforms prior arts in text-to-large scene synthesis qualitatively and quantitatively, demonstrating strong faithfulness with detailed descriptions, superior controllability, and excellent naturalness in a global context.


RaDialog: A Large Vision-Language Model for Radiology Report Generation and Conversational Assistance

Authors:Chantal Pellegrini, Ege Özsoy, Benjamin Busam, Nassir Navab, Matthias Keicher

Conversational AI tools that can generate and discuss clinically correct radiology reports for a given medical image have the potential to transform radiology. Such a human-in-the-loop radiology assistant could facilitate a collaborative diagnostic process, thus saving time and improving the quality of reports. Towards this goal, we introduce RaDialog, the first thoroughly evaluated and publicly available large vision-language model for radiology report generation and interactive dialog. RaDialog effectively integrates visual image features and structured pathology findings with a large language model (LLM) while simultaneously adapting it to a specialized domain using parameter-efficient fine-tuning. To keep the conversational abilities of the underlying LLM, we propose a comprehensive, semi-automatically labeled, image-grounded instruct dataset for chest X-ray radiology tasks. By training with this dataset, our method achieves state-of-the-art clinical correctness in report generation and shows impressive abilities in interactive tasks such as correcting reports and answering questions, serving as a foundational step toward clinical dialog systems. Our code is available on github: https://github.com/ChantalMP/RaDialog.
PDF 12 pages, 7 figures


AlignBench: Benchmarking Chinese Alignment of Large Language Models

Authors:Xiao Liu, Xuanyu Lei, Shengyuan Wang, Yue Huang, Zhuoer Feng, Bosi Wen, Jiale Cheng, Pei Ke, Yifan Xu, Weng Lam Tam, Xiaohan Zhang, Lichao Sun, Hongning Wang, Jing Zhang, Minlie Huang, Yuxiao Dong, Jie Tang

Alignment has become a critical step for instruction-tuned Large Language Models (LLMs) to become helpful assistants. However, effective evaluation of alignment for emerging Chinese LLMs is still significantly lacking, calling for real-scenario grounded, open-ended, challenging and automatic evaluations tailored for alignment. To fill in this gap, we introduce AlignBench, a comprehensive multi-dimensional benchmark for evaluating LLMs’ alignment in Chinese. Equipped with a human-in-the-loop data curation pipeline, our benchmark employs a rule-calibrated multi-dimensional LLM-as-Judge with Chain-of-Thought to generate explanations and final ratings as evaluations, ensuring high reliability and interpretability. Furthermore, we developed a dedicated companion evaluator LLM — CritiqueLLM, which recovers 95\% of GPT-4’s evaluation ability and will be provided via public APIs to researchers for evaluation of alignment in Chinese LLMs. All evaluation codes, data, and LLM generations are available at \url{https://github.com/THUDM/AlignBench}.


X-InstructBLIP: A Framework for aligning X-Modal instruction-aware representations to LLMs and Emergent Cross-modal Reasoning

Authors:Artemis Panagopoulou, Le Xue, Ning Yu, Junnan Li, Dongxu Li, Shafiq Joty, Ran Xu, Silvio Savarese, Caiming Xiong, Juan Carlos Niebles

Vision-language pre-training and instruction tuning have demonstrated general-purpose capabilities in 2D visual reasoning tasks by aligning visual encoders with state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs). In this paper, we introduce a simple, yet effective, cross-modality framework built atop frozen LLMs that allows the integration of various modalities without extensive modality-specific customization. To facilitate instruction-modality fine-tuning, we collect high-quality instruction tuning data in an automatic and scalable manner, composed of 24K QA samples for audio and 250K QA samples for 3D. Leveraging instruction-aware representations, our model performs comparably with leading-edge counterparts without the need of extensive modality-specific pre-training or customization. Furthermore, our approach demonstrates cross-modal reasoning abilities across two or more input modalities, despite each modality projection being trained individually. To study the model’s cross-modal abilities, we contribute a novel Discriminative Cross-modal Reasoning (DisCRn) evaluation task, comprising 9K audio-video QA samples and 28K image-3D QA samples that require the model to reason discriminatively across disparate input modalities.


What Do Llamas Really Think? Revealing Preference Biases in Language Model Representations

Authors:Raphael Tang, Xinyu Zhang, Jimmy Lin, Ferhan Ture

Do large language models (LLMs) exhibit sociodemographic biases, even when they decline to respond? To bypass their refusal to “speak,” we study this research question by probing contextualized embeddings and exploring whether this bias is encoded in its latent representations. We propose a logistic Bradley-Terry probe which predicts word pair preferences of LLMs from the words’ hidden vectors. We first validate our probe on three pair preference tasks and thirteen LLMs, where we outperform the word embedding association test (WEAT), a standard approach in testing for implicit association, by a relative 27% in error rate. We also find that word pair preferences are best represented in the middle layers. Next, we transfer probes trained on harmless tasks (e.g., pick the larger number) to controversial ones (compare ethnicities) to examine biases in nationality, politics, religion, and gender. We observe substantial bias for all target classes: for instance, the Mistral model implicitly prefers Europe to Africa, Christianity to Judaism, and left-wing to right-wing politics, despite declining to answer. This suggests that instruction fine-tuning does not necessarily debias contextualized embeddings. Our codebase is at https://github.com/castorini/biasprobe.
PDF 10 pages, 5 figures


PoseGPT: Chatting about 3D Human Pose

Authors:Yao Feng, Jing Lin, Sai Kumar Dwivedi, Yu Sun, Priyanka Patel, Michael J. Black

We introduce PoseGPT, a framework employing Large Language Models (LLMs) to understand and reason about 3D human poses from images or textual descriptions. Our work is motivated by the human ability to intuitively understand postures from a single image or a brief description, a process that intertwines image interpretation, world knowledge, and an understanding of body language. Traditional human pose estimation methods, whether image-based or text-based, often lack holistic scene comprehension and nuanced reasoning, leading to a disconnect between visual data and its real-world implications. PoseGPT addresses these limitations by embedding SMPL poses as a distinct signal token within a multi-modal LLM, enabling direct generation of 3D body poses from both textual and visual inputs. This approach not only simplifies pose prediction but also empowers LLMs to apply their world knowledge in reasoning about human poses, fostering two advanced tasks: speculative pose generation and reasoning about pose estimation. These tasks involve reasoning about humans to generate 3D poses from subtle text queries, possibly accompanied by images. We establish benchmarks for these tasks, moving beyond traditional 3D pose generation and estimation methods. Our results show that PoseGPT outperforms existing multimodal LLMs and task-sepcific methods on these newly proposed tasks. Furthermore, PoseGPT’s ability to understand and generate 3D human poses based on complex reasoning opens new directions in human pose analysis.
PDF Home page: https://yfeng95.github.io/posegpt


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