Domain Adaptation

2023-12-01 更新

Aligning Non-Causal Factors for Transformer-Based Source-Free Domain Adaptation

Authors:Sunandini Sanyal, Ashish Ramayee Asokan, Suvaansh Bhambri, Pradyumna YM, Akshay Kulkarni, Jogendra Nath Kundu, R Venkatesh Babu

Conventional domain adaptation algorithms aim to achieve better generalization by aligning only the task-discriminative causal factors between a source and target domain. However, we find that retaining the spurious correlation between causal and non-causal factors plays a vital role in bridging the domain gap and improving target adaptation. Therefore, we propose to build a framework that disentangles and supports causal factor alignment by aligning the non-causal factors first. We also investigate and find that the strong shape bias of vision transformers, coupled with its multi-head attention, make it a suitable architecture for realizing our proposed disentanglement. Hence, we propose to build a Causality-enforcing Source-Free Transformer framework (C-SFTrans) to achieve disentanglement via a novel two-stage alignment approach: a) non-causal factor alignment: non-causal factors are aligned using a style classification task which leads to an overall global alignment, b) task-discriminative causal factor alignment: causal factors are aligned via target adaptation. We are the first to investigate the role of vision transformers (ViTs) in a privacy-preserving source-free setting. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art results in several DA benchmarks.
PDF WACV 2024. Project Page:


Progressive Target-Styled Feature Augmentation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on Point Clouds

Authors:Zicheng Wang, Zhen Zhao, Yiming Wu, Luping Zhou, Dong Xu

Unsupervised domain adaptation is a critical challenge in the field of point cloud analysis, as models trained on one set of data often struggle to perform well in new scenarios due to domain shifts. Previous works tackle the problem by using adversarial training or self-supervised learning for feature extractor adaptation, but ensuring that features extracted from the target domain can be distinguished by the source-supervised classifier remains challenging. In this work, we propose a novel approach called progressive target-styled feature augmentation (PTSFA). Unlike previous works that focus on feature extractor adaptation, our PTSFA approach focuses on classifier adaptation. It aims to empower the classifier to recognize target-styled source features and progressively adapt to the target domain. To enhance the reliability of predictions within the PTSFA framework and encourage discriminative feature extraction, we further introduce a new intermediate domain approaching (IDA) strategy. We validate our method on the benchmark datasets, where our method achieves new state-of-the-art performance. Our code is available at
PDF 14 pages, 6 figures, 8 tables


Source-Free Domain Adaptation with Frozen Multimodal Foundation Model

Authors:Song Tang, Wenxin Su, Mao Ye, Xiatian Zhu

Source-Free Domain Adaptation (SFDA) aims to adapt a source model for a target domain, with only access to unlabeled target training data and the source model pre-trained on a supervised source domain. Relying on pseudo labeling and/or auxiliary supervision, conventional methods are inevitably error-prone. To mitigate this limitation, in this work we for the first time explore the potentials of off-the-shelf vision-language (ViL) multimodal models (e.g.,CLIP) with rich whilst heterogeneous knowledge. We find that directly applying the ViL model to the target domain in a zero-shot fashion is unsatisfactory, as it is not specialized for this particular task but largely generic. To make it task specific, we propose a novel Distilling multimodal Foundation model(DIFO)approach. Specifically, DIFO alternates between two steps during adaptation: (i) Customizing the ViL model by maximizing the mutual information with the target model in a prompt learning manner, (ii) Distilling the knowledge of this customized ViL model to the target model. For more fine-grained and reliable distillation, we further introduce two effective regularization terms, namely most-likely category encouragement and predictive consistency. Extensive experiments show that DIFO significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art alternatives. Our source code will be released.


Turn Down the Noise: Leveraging Diffusion Models for Test-time Adaptation via Pseudo-label Ensembling

Authors:Mrigank Raman, Rohan Shah, Akash Kannan, Pranit Chawla

The goal of test-time adaptation is to adapt a source-pretrained model to a continuously changing target domain without relying on any source data. Typically, this is either done by updating the parameters of the model (model adaptation) using inputs from the target domain or by modifying the inputs themselves (input adaptation). However, methods that modify the model suffer from the issue of compounding noisy updates whereas methods that modify the input need to adapt to every new data point from scratch while also struggling with certain domain shifts. We introduce an approach that leverages a pre-trained diffusion model to project the target domain images closer to the source domain and iteratively updates the model via pseudo-label ensembling. Our method combines the advantages of model and input adaptations while mitigating their shortcomings. Our experiments on CIFAR-10C demonstrate the superiority of our approach, outperforming the strongest baseline by an average of 1.7% across 15 diverse corruptions and surpassing the strongest input adaptation baseline by an average of 18%.
PDF Accepted to Workshop on Distribution Shifts: New Frontiers with Foundation Models at Neurips 2023


Few-shot Image Generation via Style Adaptation and Content Preservation

Authors:Xiaosheng He, Fan Yang, Fayao Liu, Guosheng Lin

Training a generative model with limited data (e.g., 10) is a very challenging task. Many works propose to fine-tune a pre-trained GAN model. However, this can easily result in overfitting. In other words, they manage to adapt the style but fail to preserve the content, where \textit{style} denotes the specific properties that defines a domain while \textit{content} denotes the domain-irrelevant information that represents diversity. Recent works try to maintain a pre-defined correspondence to preserve the content, however, the diversity is still not enough and it may affect style adaptation. In this work, we propose a paired image reconstruction approach for content preservation. We propose to introduce an image translation module to GAN transferring, where the module teaches the generator to separate style and content, and the generator provides training data to the translation module in return. Qualitative and quantitative experiments show that our method consistently surpasses the state-of-the-art methods in few shot setting.


Sketch Input Method Editor: A Comprehensive Dataset and Methodology for Systematic Input Recognition

Authors:Guangming Zhu, Siyuan Wang, Qing Cheng, Kelong Wu, Hao Li, Liang Zhang

With the recent surge in the use of touchscreen devices, free-hand sketching has emerged as a promising modality for human-computer interaction. While previous research has focused on tasks such as recognition, retrieval, and generation of familiar everyday objects, this study aims to create a Sketch Input Method Editor (SketchIME) specifically designed for a professional C4I system. Within this system, sketches are utilized as low-fidelity prototypes for recommending standardized symbols in the creation of comprehensive situation maps. This paper also presents a systematic dataset comprising 374 specialized sketch types, and proposes a simultaneous recognition and segmentation architecture with multilevel supervision between recognition and segmentation to improve performance and enhance interpretability. By incorporating few-shot domain adaptation and class-incremental learning, the network’s ability to adapt to new users and extend to new task-specific classes is significantly enhanced. Results from experiments conducted on both the proposed dataset and the SPG dataset illustrate the superior performance of the proposed architecture. Our dataset and code are publicly available at
PDF The paper has been accepted by ACM Multimedia 2023


Each Test Image Deserves A Specific Prompt: Continual Test-Time Adaptation for 2D Medical Image Segmentation

Authors:Ziyang Chen, Yiwen Ye, Mengkang Lu, Yongsheng Pan, Yong Xia

Distribution shift widely exists in medical images acquired from different medical centres and poses a significant obstacle to deploying the pre-trained semantic segmentation model in real-world applications. Test-time adaptation has proven its effectiveness in tackling the cross-domain distribution shift during inference. However, most existing methods achieve adaptation by updating the pre-trained models, rendering them susceptible to error accumulation and catastrophic forgetting when encountering a series of distribution shifts (i.e., under the continual test-time adaptation setup). To overcome these challenges caused by updating the models, in this paper, we freeze the pre-trained model and propose the Visual Prompt-based Test-Time Adaptation (VPTTA) method to train a specific prompt for each test image to align the statistics in the batch normalization layers. Specifically, we present the low-frequency prompt, which is lightweight with only a few parameters and can be effectively trained in a single iteration. To enhance prompt initialization, we equip VPTTA with a memory bank to benefit the current prompt from previous ones. Additionally, we design a warm-up mechanism, which mixes source and target statistics to construct warm-up statistics, thereby facilitating the training process. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our VPTTA over other state-of-the-art methods on two medical image segmentation benchmark tasks. The code and weights of pre-trained source models are available at


TeG-DG: Textually Guided Domain Generalization for Face Anti-Spoofing

Authors:Lianrui Mu, Jianhong Bai, Xiaoxuan He, Jiangnan Ye, Xiaoyu Liang, Yuchen Yang, Jiedong Zhuang, Haoji Hu

Enhancing the domain generalization performance of Face Anti-Spoofing (FAS) techniques has emerged as a research focus. Existing methods are dedicated to extracting domain-invariant features from various training domains. Despite the promising performance, the extracted features inevitably contain residual style feature bias (e.g., illumination, capture device), resulting in inferior generalization performance. In this paper, we propose an alternative and effective solution, the Textually Guided Domain Generalization (TeG-DG) framework, which can effectively leverage text information for cross-domain alignment. Our core insight is that text, as a more abstract and universal form of expression, can capture the commonalities and essential characteristics across various attacks, bridging the gap between different image domains. Contrary to existing vision-language models, the proposed framework is elaborately designed to enhance the domain generalization ability of the FAS task. Concretely, we first design a Hierarchical Attention Fusion (HAF) module to enable adaptive aggregation of visual features at different levels; Then, a Textual-Enhanced Visual Discriminator (TEVD) is proposed for not only better alignment between the two modalities but also to regularize the classifier with unbiased text features. TeG-DG significantly outperforms previous approaches, especially in situations with extremely limited source domain data (~14% and ~12% improvements on HTER and AUC respectively), showcasing impressive few-shot performance.


Overcoming Label Noise for Source-free Unsupervised Video Domain Adaptation

Authors:Avijit Dasgupta, C. V. Jawahar, Karteek Alahari

Despite the progress seen in classification methods, current approaches for handling videos with distribution shifts in source and target domains remain source-dependent as they require access to the source data during the adaptation stage. In this paper, we present a self-training based source-free video domain adaptation approach to address this challenge by bridging the gap between the source and the target domains. We use the source pre-trained model to generate pseudo-labels for the target domain samples, which are inevitably noisy. Thus, we treat the problem of source-free video domain adaptation as learning from noisy labels and argue that the samples with correct pseudo-labels can help us in adaptation. To this end, we leverage the cross-entropy loss as an indicator of the correctness of the pseudo-labels and use the resulting small-loss samples from the target domain for fine-tuning the model. We further enhance the adaptation performance by implementing a teacher-student framework, in which the teacher, which is updated gradually, produces reliable pseudo-labels. Meanwhile, the student undergoes fine-tuning on the target domain videos using these generated pseudo-labels to improve its performance. Extensive experimental evaluations show that our methods, termed as CleanAdapt, CleanAdapt + TS, achieve state-of-the-art results, outperforming the existing approaches on various open datasets. Our source code is publicly available at
PDF Extended version of our ICVGIP paper


DiffCAD: Weakly-Supervised Probabilistic CAD Model Retrieval and Alignment from an RGB Image

Authors:Daoyi Gao, Dávid Rozenberszki, Stefan Leutenegger, Angela Dai

Perceiving 3D structures from RGB images based on CAD model primitives can enable an effective, efficient 3D object-based representation of scenes. However, current approaches rely on supervision from expensive annotations of CAD models associated with real images, and encounter challenges due to the inherent ambiguities in the task — both in depth-scale ambiguity in monocular perception, as well as inexact matches of CAD database models to real observations. We thus propose DiffCAD, the first weakly-supervised probabilistic approach to CAD retrieval and alignment from an RGB image. We formulate this as a conditional generative task, leveraging diffusion to learn implicit probabilistic models capturing the shape, pose, and scale of CAD objects in an image. This enables multi-hypothesis generation of different plausible CAD reconstructions, requiring only a few hypotheses to characterize ambiguities in depth/scale and inexact shape matches. Our approach is trained only on synthetic data, leveraging monocular depth and mask estimates to enable robust zero-shot adaptation to various real target domains. Despite being trained solely on synthetic data, our multi-hypothesis approach can even surpass the supervised state-of-the-art on the Scan2CAD dataset by 5.9% with 8 hypotheses.
PDF Project page: Video:


RaDialog: A Large Vision-Language Model for Radiology Report Generation and Conversational Assistance

Authors:Chantal Pellegrini, Ege Özsoy, Benjamin Busam, Nassir Navab, Matthias Keicher

Conversational AI tools that can generate and discuss clinically correct radiology reports for a given medical image have the potential to transform radiology. Such a human-in-the-loop radiology assistant could facilitate a collaborative diagnostic process, thus saving time and improving the quality of reports. Towards this goal, we introduce RaDialog, the first thoroughly evaluated and publicly available large vision-language model for radiology report generation and interactive dialog. RaDialog effectively integrates visual image features and structured pathology findings with a large language model (LLM) while simultaneously adapting it to a specialized domain using parameter-efficient fine-tuning. To keep the conversational abilities of the underlying LLM, we propose a comprehensive, semi-automatically labeled, image-grounded instruct dataset for chest X-ray radiology tasks. By training with this dataset, our method achieves state-of-the-art clinical correctness in report generation and shows impressive abilities in interactive tasks such as correcting reports and answering questions, serving as a foundational step toward clinical dialog systems. Our code is available on github:
PDF 12 pages, 7 figures


TransCORALNet: A Two-Stream Transformer CORAL Networks for Supply Chain Credit Assessment Cold Start

Authors:Jie Shi, Arno P. J. M. Siebes, Siamak Mehrkanoon

This paper proposes an interpretable two-stream transformer CORAL networks (TransCORALNet) for supply chain credit assessment under the segment industry and cold start problem. The model aims to provide accurate credit assessment prediction for new supply chain borrowers with limited historical data. Here, the two-stream domain adaptation architecture with correlation alignment (CORAL) loss is used as a core model and is equipped with transformer, which provides insights about the learned features and allow efficient parallelization during training. Thanks to the domain adaptation capability of the proposed model, the domain shift between the source and target domain is minimized. Therefore, the model exhibits good generalization where the source and target do not follow the same distribution, and a limited amount of target labeled instances exist. Furthermore, we employ Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations (LIME) to provide more insight into the model prediction and identify the key features contributing to supply chain credit assessment decisions. The proposed model addresses four significant supply chain credit assessment challenges: domain shift, cold start, imbalanced-class and interpretability. Experimental results on a real-world data set demonstrate the superiority of TransCORALNet over a number of state-of-the-art baselines in terms of accuracy. The code is available on GitHub .
PDF 13 pages, 7 figures


Exploiting Diffusion Prior for Generalizable Pixel-Level Semantic Prediction

Authors:Hsin-Ying Lee, Hung-Yu Tseng, Hsin-Ying Lee, Ming-Hsuan Yang

Contents generated by recent advanced Text-to-Image (T2I) diffusion models are sometimes too imaginative for existing off-the-shelf property semantic predictors to estimate due to the immitigable domain gap. We introduce DMP, a pipeline utilizing pre-trained T2I models as a prior for pixel-level semantic prediction tasks. To address the misalignment between deterministic prediction tasks and stochastic T2I models, we reformulate the diffusion process through a sequence of interpolations, establishing a deterministic mapping between input RGB images and output prediction distributions. To preserve generalizability, we use low-rank adaptation to fine-tune pre-trained models. Extensive experiments across five tasks, including 3D property estimation, semantic segmentation, and intrinsic image decomposition, showcase the efficacy of the proposed method. Despite limited-domain training data, the approach yields faithful estimations for arbitrary images, surpassing existing state-of-the-art algorithms.
PDF Project page:


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