Face Swapping

2023-12-01 更新

Improved Prototypical Semi-Supervised Learning with Foundation Models: Prototype Selection, Parametric vMF-SNE Pretraining and Multi-view Pseudolabelling

Authors:Evelyn Mannix, Howard Bondell

In this paper we present an improved approach to prototypical semi-supervised learning for computer vision, in the context of leveraging a frozen foundation model as the backbone of our neural network. As a general tool, we propose parametric von-Mises Fisher Stochastic Neighbour Embedding (vMF-SNE) to create mappings with neural networks between high-dimensional latent spaces that preserve local structure. This enables us to pretrain the projection head of our network using the high-quality embeddings of the foundation model with vMF-SNE. We also propose soft multi-view pseudolabels, where predictions across multiple views are combined to provide a more reliable supervision signal compared to a consistency or swapped assignment approach. We demonstrate that these ideas improve upon P}redicting View-Assignments with Support Samples (PAWS), a current state-of-the-art semi-supervised learning method, as well as Robust PAWS (RoPAWS), over a range of benchmarking datasets. We also introduce simple $k$-means prototype selection, a technique that provides superior performance to other unsupervised label selection approaches in this context. These changes improve upon PAWS by an average of +2.9% for CIFAR-10 and +5.7% for CIFAR-100 with four labels per class, and by +15.2% for DeepWeeds, a particularly challenging dataset for semi-supervised learning. We also achieve new state-of-the-art results in semi-supervised learning in this small label regime for CIFAR-10 - 95.8% (+0.7%) and CIFAR-100 - 76.6% (+12.0%).


Vulnerability of Automatic Identity Recognition to Audio-Visual Deepfakes

Authors:Pavel Korshunov, Haolin Chen, Philip N. Garner, Sebastien Marcel

The task of deepfakes detection is far from being solved by speech or vision researchers. Several publicly available databases of fake synthetic video and speech were built to aid the development of detection methods. However, existing databases typically focus on visual or voice modalities and provide no proof that their deepfakes can in fact impersonate any real person. In this paper, we present the first realistic audio-visual database of deepfakes SWAN-DF, where lips and speech are well synchronized and video have high visual and audio qualities. We took the publicly available SWAN dataset of real videos with different identities to create audio-visual deepfakes using several models from DeepFaceLab and blending techniques for face swapping and HiFiVC, DiffVC, YourTTS, and FreeVC models for voice conversion. From the publicly available speech dataset LibriTTS, we also created a separate database of only audio deepfakes LibriTTS-DF using several latest text to speech methods: YourTTS, Adaspeech, and TorToiSe. We demonstrate the vulnerability of a state of the art speaker recognition system, such as ECAPA-TDNN-based model from SpeechBrain, to the synthetic voices. Similarly, we tested face recognition system based on the MobileFaceNet architecture to several variants of our visual deepfakes. The vulnerability assessment show that by tuning the existing pretrained deepfake models to specific identities, one can successfully spoof the face and speaker recognition systems in more than 90% of the time and achieve a very realistic looking and sounding fake video of a given person.
PDF 10 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables


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