
2023-11-28 更新

Mug-STAN: Adapting Image-Language Pretrained Models for General Video Understanding

Authors:Ruyang Liu, Jingjia Huang, Wei Gao, Thomas H. Li, Ge Li

Large-scale image-language pretrained models, e.g., CLIP, have demonstrated remarkable proficiency in acquiring general multi-modal knowledge through web-scale image-text data. Despite the impressive performance of image-language models on various image tasks, how to effectively expand them on general video understanding remains an area of ongoing exploration. In this paper, we investigate the image-to-video transferring from the perspective of the model and the data, unveiling two key obstacles impeding the adaptation of image-language models: non-generalizable temporal modeling and partially misaligned video-text data. To address these challenges, we propose Spatial-Temporal Auxiliary Network with Mutual-guided alignment module (Mug-STAN), a simple yet effective framework extending image-text model to diverse video tasks and video-text data.Specifically, STAN adopts a branch structure with decomposed spatial-temporal modules to enable generalizable temporal modeling, while Mug suppresses misalignment by introducing token-wise feature aggregation of either modality from the other. Extensive experimental results verify Mug-STAN significantly improves adaptation of language-image pretrained models such as CLIP and CoCa at both video-text post-pretraining and finetuning stages. With our solution, state-of-the-art zero-shot and finetuning results on various downstream datasets, including MSR-VTT, DiDeMo, LSMDC, Kinetics-400, Something-Something-2, HMDB-51, UCF- 101, and AVA, are achieved. Moreover, by integrating pretrained Mug-STAN with the emerging multimodal dialogue model, we can realize zero-shot video chatting. Codes are available at https://github.com/farewellthree/STAN


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