2023-11-27 更新

Boosting3D: High-Fidelity Image-to-3D by Boosting 2D Diffusion Prior to 3D Prior with Progressive Learning

Authors:Kai Yu, Jinlin Liu, Mengyang Feng, Miaomiao Cui, Xuansong Xie

We present Boosting3D, a multi-stage single image-to-3D generation method that can robustly generate reasonable 3D objects in different data domains. The point of this work is to solve the view consistency problem in single image-guided 3D generation by modeling a reasonable geometric structure. For this purpose, we propose to utilize better 3D prior to training the NeRF. More specifically, we train an object-level LoRA for the target object using original image and the rendering output of NeRF. And then we train the LoRA and NeRF using a progressive training strategy. The LoRA and NeRF will boost each other while training. After the progressive training, the LoRA learns the 3D information of the generated object and eventually turns to an object-level 3D prior. In the final stage, we extract the mesh from the trained NeRF and use the trained LoRA to optimize the structure and appearance of the mesh. The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Boosting3D learns object-specific 3D prior which is beyond the ability of pre-trained diffusion priors and achieves state-of-the-art performance in the single image-to-3d generation task.
PDF 8 pages, 7 figures, 1 table


Compact 3D Gaussian Representation for Radiance Field

Authors:Joo Chan Lee, Daniel Rho, Xiangyu Sun, Jong Hwan Ko, Eunbyung Park

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) have demonstrated remarkable potential in capturing complex 3D scenes with high fidelity. However, one persistent challenge that hinders the widespread adoption of NeRFs is the computational bottleneck due to the volumetric rendering. On the other hand, 3D Gaussian splatting (3DGS) has recently emerged as an alternative representation that leverages a 3D Gaussisan-based representation and adopts the rasterization pipeline to render the images rather than volumetric rendering, achieving very fast rendering speed and promising image quality. However, a significant drawback arises as 3DGS entails a substantial number of 3D Gaussians to maintain the high fidelity of the rendered images, which requires a large amount of memory and storage. To address this critical issue, we place a specific emphasis on two key objectives: reducing the number of Gaussian points without sacrificing performance and compressing the Gaussian attributes, such as view-dependent color and covariance. To this end, we propose a learnable mask strategy that significantly reduces the number of Gaussians while preserving high performance. In addition, we propose a compact but effective representation of view-dependent color by employing a grid-based neural field rather than relying on spherical harmonics. Finally, we learn codebooks to compactly represent the geometric attributes of Gaussian by vector quantization. In our extensive experiments, we consistently show over 10$\times$ reduced storage and enhanced rendering speed, while maintaining the quality of the scene representation, compared to 3DGS. Our work provides a comprehensive framework for 3D scene representation, achieving high performance, fast training, compactness, and real-time rendering. Our project page is available at
PDF Project page:


GaussianEditor: Swift and Controllable 3D Editing with Gaussian Splatting

Authors:Yiwen Chen, Zilong Chen, Chi Zhang, Feng Wang, Xiaofeng Yang, Yikai Wang, Zhongang Cai, Lei Yang, Huaping Liu, Guosheng Lin

3D editing plays a crucial role in many areas such as gaming and virtual reality. Traditional 3D editing methods, which rely on representations like meshes and point clouds, often fall short in realistically depicting complex scenes. On the other hand, methods based on implicit 3D representations, like Neural Radiance Field (NeRF), render complex scenes effectively but suffer from slow processing speeds and limited control over specific scene areas. In response to these challenges, our paper presents GaussianEditor, an innovative and efficient 3D editing algorithm based on Gaussian Splatting (GS), a novel 3D representation. GaussianEditor enhances precision and control in editing through our proposed Gaussian semantic tracing, which traces the editing target throughout the training process. Additionally, we propose Hierarchical Gaussian splatting (HGS) to achieve stabilized and fine results under stochastic generative guidance from 2D diffusion models. We also develop editing strategies for efficient object removal and integration, a challenging task for existing methods. Our comprehensive experiments demonstrate GaussianEditor’s superior control, efficacy, and rapid performance, marking a significant advancement in 3D editing. Project Page:
PDF Project Page:


Neural Style Transfer for Computer Games

Authors:Eleftherios Ioannou, Steve Maddock

Neural Style Transfer (NST) research has been applied to images, videos, 3D meshes and radiance fields, but its application to 3D computer games remains relatively unexplored. Whilst image and video NST systems can be used as a post-processing effect for a computer game, this results in undesired artefacts and diminished post-processing effects. Here, we present an approach for injecting depth-aware NST as part of the 3D rendering pipeline. Qualitative and quantitative experiments are used to validate our in-game stylisation framework. We demonstrate temporally consistent results of artistically stylised game scenes, outperforming state-of-the-art image and video NST methods.
PDF 11 pages, 6 figures


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