Vision Transformer

2023-11-25 更新

Multi-entity Video Transformers for Fine-Grained Video Representation Learning

Authors:Matthew Walmer, Rose Kanjirathinkal, Kai Sheng Tai, Keyur Muzumdar, Taipeng Tian, Abhinav Shrivastava

The area of temporally fine-grained video representation learning aims to generate frame-by-frame representations for temporally dense tasks. In this work, we advance the state-of-the-art for this area by re-examining the design of transformer architectures for video representation learning. A salient aspect of our self-supervised method is the improved integration of spatial information in the temporal pipeline by representing multiple entities per frame. Prior works use late fusion architectures that reduce frames to a single dimensional vector before any cross-frame information is shared, while our method represents each frame as a group of entities or tokens. Our Multi-entity Video Transformer (MV-Former) architecture achieves state-of-the-art results on multiple fine-grained video benchmarks. MV-Former leverages image features from self-supervised ViTs, and employs several strategies to maximize the utility of the extracted features while also avoiding the need to fine-tune the complex ViT backbone. This includes a Learnable Spatial Token Pooling strategy, which is used to identify and extract features for multiple salient regions per frame. Our experiments show that MV-Former not only outperforms previous self-supervised methods, but also surpasses some prior works that use additional supervision or training data. When combined with additional pre-training data from Kinetics-400, MV-Former achieves a further performance boost. The code for MV-Former is available at


Morphology-Enhanced CAM-Guided SAM for weakly supervised Breast Lesion Segmentation

Authors:Xin Yue, Qing Zhao, Jianqiang Li, Xiaoling Liu, Changwei Song, Suqin Liu, Guanghui Fu

Breast cancer diagnosis challenges both patients and clinicians, with early detection being crucial for effective treatment. Ultrasound imaging plays a key role in this, but its utility is hampered by the need for precise lesion segmentation-a task that is both time-consuming and labor-intensive. To address these challenges, we propose a new framework: a morphology-enhanced, Class Activation Map (CAM)-guided model, which is optimized using a computer vision foundation model known as SAM. This innovative framework is specifically designed for weakly supervised lesion segmentation in early-stage breast ultrasound images. Our approach uniquely leverages image-level annotations, which removes the requirement for detailed pixel-level annotation. Initially, we perform a preliminary segmentation using breast lesion morphology knowledge. Following this, we accurately localize lesions by extracting semantic information through a CAM-based heatmap. These two elements are then fused together, serving as a prompt to guide the SAM in performing refined segmentation. Subsequently, post-processing techniques are employed to rectify topological errors made by the SAM. Our method not only simplifies the segmentation process but also attains accuracy comparable to supervised learning methods that rely on pixel-level annotation. Our framework achieves a Dice score of 74.39% on the test set, demonstrating compareable performance with supervised learning methods. Additionally, it outperforms a supervised learning model, in terms of the Hausdorff distance, scoring 24.27 compared to Deeplabv3+’s 32.22. These experimental results showcase its feasibility and superior performance in integrating weakly supervised learning with SAM. The code is made available at:


Few-Shot Classification & Segmentation Using Large Language Models Agent

Authors:Tian Meng, Yang Tao, Wuliang Yin

The task of few-shot image classification and segmentation (FS-CS) requires the classification and segmentation of target objects in a query image, given only a few examples of the target classes. We introduce a method that utilises large language models (LLM) as an agent to address the FS-CS problem in a training-free manner. By making the LLM the task planner and off-the-shelf vision models the tools, the proposed method is capable of classifying and segmenting target objects using only image-level labels. Specifically, chain-of-thought prompting and in-context learning guide the LLM to observe support images like human; vision models such as Segment Anything Model (SAM) and GPT-4Vision assist LLM understand spatial and semantic information at the same time. Ultimately, the LLM uses its summarizing and reasoning capabilities to classify and segment the query image. The proposed method’s modular framework makes it easily extendable. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on the Pascal-5i dataset.


White-Box Transformers via Sparse Rate Reduction: Compression Is All There Is?

Authors:Yaodong Yu, Sam Buchanan, Druv Pai, Tianzhe Chu, Ziyang Wu, Shengbang Tong, Hao Bai, Yuexiang Zhai, Benjamin D. Haeffele, Yi Ma

In this paper, we contend that a natural objective of representation learning is to compress and transform the distribution of the data, say sets of tokens, towards a low-dimensional Gaussian mixture supported on incoherent subspaces. The goodness of such a representation can be evaluated by a principled measure, called sparse rate reduction, that simultaneously maximizes the intrinsic information gain and extrinsic sparsity of the learned representation. From this perspective, popular deep network architectures, including transformers, can be viewed as realizing iterative schemes to optimize this measure. Particularly, we derive a transformer block from alternating optimization on parts of this objective: the multi-head self-attention operator compresses the representation by implementing an approximate gradient descent step on the coding rate of the features, and the subsequent multi-layer perceptron sparsifies the features. This leads to a family of white-box transformer-like deep network architectures, named CRATE, which are mathematically fully interpretable. We show, by way of a novel connection between denoising and compression, that the inverse to the aforementioned compressive encoding can be realized by the same class of CRATE architectures. Thus, the so-derived white-box architectures are universal to both encoders and decoders. Experiments show that these networks, despite their simplicity, indeed learn to compress and sparsify representations of large-scale real-world image and text datasets, and achieve performance very close to highly engineered transformer-based models: ViT, MAE, DINO, BERT, and GPT2. We believe the proposed computational framework demonstrates great potential in bridging the gap between theory and practice of deep learning, from a unified perspective of data compression. Code is available at: .
PDF This paper integrates the works arXiv:2306.01129 and arXiv:2308.16271, as well as this under-review work: into a complete story. In this paper, we improve the writing and organization, and also add conceptual, empirical, and theoretical improvements over the previous work


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