
2023-11-25 更新

Multi-modal In-Context Learning Makes an Ego-evolving Scene Text Recognizer

Authors:Zhen Zhao, Can Huang, Binghong Wu, Chunhui Lin, Hao Liu, Zhizhong Zhang, Xin Tan, Jingqun Tang, Yuan Xie

Scene text recognition (STR) in the wild frequently encounters challenges when coping with domain variations, font diversity, shape deformations, etc. A straightforward solution is performing model fine-tuning tailored to a specific scenario, but it is computationally intensive and requires multiple model copies for various scenarios. Recent studies indicate that large language models (LLMs) can learn from a few demonstration examples in a training-free manner, termed “In-Context Learning” (ICL). Nevertheless, applying LLMs as a text recognizer is unacceptably resource-consuming. Moreover, our pilot experiments on LLMs show that ICL fails in STR, mainly attributed to the insufficient incorporation of contextual information from diverse samples in the training stage. To this end, we introduce E$^2$STR, a STR model trained with context-rich scene text sequences, where the sequences are generated via our proposed in-context training strategy. E$^2$STR demonstrates that a regular-sized model is sufficient to achieve effective ICL capabilities in STR. Extensive experiments show that E$^2$STR exhibits remarkable training-free adaptation in various scenarios and outperforms even the fine-tuned state-of-the-art approaches on public benchmarks.


Recognition-Guided Diffusion Model for Scene Text Image Super-Resolution

Authors:Yuxuan Zhou, Liangcai Gao, Zhi Tang, Baole Wei

Scene Text Image Super-Resolution (STISR) aims to enhance the resolution and legibility of text within low-resolution (LR) images, consequently elevating recognition accuracy in Scene Text Recognition (STR). Previous methods predominantly employ discriminative Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) augmented with diverse forms of text guidance to address this issue. Nevertheless, they remain deficient when confronted with severely blurred images, due to their insufficient generation capability when little structural or semantic information can be extracted from original images. Therefore, we introduce RGDiffSR, a Recognition-Guided Diffusion model for scene text image Super-Resolution, which exhibits great generative diversity and fidelity even in challenging scenarios. Moreover, we propose a Recognition-Guided Denoising Network, to guide the diffusion model generating LR-consistent results through succinct semantic guidance. Experiments on the TextZoom dataset demonstrate the superiority of RGDiffSR over prior state-of-the-art methods in both text recognition accuracy and image fidelity.


文章作者: 木子已
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