
2023-11-20 更新

Open-Set Image Tagging with Multi-Grained Text Supervision

Authors:Xinyu Huang, Yi-Jie Huang, Youcai Zhang, Weiwei Tian, Rui Feng, Yuejie Zhang, Yanchun Xie, Yaqian Li, Lei Zhang

In this paper, we introduce the Recognize Anything Plus Model (RAM++), an open-set image tagging model effectively leveraging multi-grained text supervision. Previous approaches (e.g., CLIP) primarily utilize global text supervision paired with images, leading to sub-optimal performance in recognizing multiple individual semantic tags. In contrast, RAM++ seamlessly integrates individual tag supervision with global text supervision, all within a unified alignment framework. This integration not only ensures efficient recognition of predefined tag categories, but also enhances generalization capabilities for diverse open-set categories. Furthermore, RAM++ employs large language models (LLMs) to convert semantically constrained tag supervision into more expansive tag description supervision, thereby enriching the scope of open-set visual description concepts. Comprehensive evaluations on various image recognition benchmarks demonstrate RAM++ exceeds existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) open-set image tagging models on most aspects. Specifically, for predefined commonly used tag categories, RAM++ showcases 10.2 mAP and 15.4 mAP enhancements over CLIP on OpenImages and ImageNet. For open-set categories beyond predefined, RAM++ records improvements of 5.0 mAP and 6.4 mAP over CLIP and RAM respectively on OpenImages. For diverse human-object interaction phrases, RAM++ achieves 7.8 mAP and 4.7 mAP improvements on the HICO benchmark. Code, datasets and pre-trained models are available at \url{}.
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SSB: Simple but Strong Baseline for Boosting Performance of Open-Set Semi-Supervised Learning

Authors:Yue Fan, Anna Kukleva, Dengxin Dai, Bernt Schiele

Semi-supervised learning (SSL) methods effectively leverage unlabeled data to improve model generalization. However, SSL models often underperform in open-set scenarios, where unlabeled data contain outliers from novel categories that do not appear in the labeled set. In this paper, we study the challenging and realistic open-set SSL setting, where the goal is to both correctly classify inliers and to detect outliers. Intuitively, the inlier classifier should be trained on inlier data only. However, we find that inlier classification performance can be largely improved by incorporating high-confidence pseudo-labeled data, regardless of whether they are inliers or outliers. Also, we propose to utilize non-linear transformations to separate the features used for inlier classification and outlier detection in the multi-task learning framework, preventing adverse effects between them. Additionally, we introduce pseudo-negative mining, which further boosts outlier detection performance. The three ingredients lead to what we call Simple but Strong Baseline (SSB) for open-set SSL. In experiments, SSB greatly improves both inlier classification and outlier detection performance, outperforming existing methods by a large margin. Our code will be released at
PDF Paper accepted in ICCV 2023


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