2023-11-19 更新

Instant3D: Fast Text-to-3D with Sparse-View Generation and Large Reconstruction Model

Authors:Jiahao Li, Hao Tan, Kai Zhang, Zexiang Xu, Fujun Luan, Yinghao Xu, Yicong Hong, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Greg Shakhnarovich, Sai Bi

Text-to-3D with diffusion models have achieved remarkable progress in recent years. However, existing methods either rely on score distillation-based optimization which suffer from slow inference, low diversity and Janus problems, or are feed-forward methods that generate low quality results due to the scarcity of 3D training data. In this paper, we propose Instant3D, a novel method that generates high-quality and diverse 3D assets from text prompts in a feed-forward manner. We adopt a two-stage paradigm, which first generates a sparse set of four structured and consistent views from text in one shot with a fine-tuned 2D text-to-image diffusion model, and then directly regresses the NeRF from the generated images with a novel transformer-based sparse-view reconstructor. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our method can generate high-quality, diverse and Janus-free 3D assets within 20 seconds, which is two order of magnitude faster than previous optimization-based methods that can take 1 to 10 hours. Our project webpage:
PDF Project webpage:


$L0$-Sampler: An $L{0}$ Model Guided Volume Sampling for NeRF

Authors:Liangchen Li, Juyong Zhang

Since being proposed, Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) have achieved great success in related tasks, mainly adopting the hierarchical volume sampling (HVS) strategy for volume rendering. However, the HVS of NeRF approximates distributions using piecewise constant functions, which provides a relatively rough estimation. Based on the observation that a well-trained weight function $w(t)$ and the $L_0$ distance between points and the surface have very high similarity, we propose $L_0$-Sampler by incorporating the $L_0$ model into $w(t)$ to guide the sampling process. Specifically, we propose to use piecewise exponential functions rather than piecewise constant functions for interpolation, which can not only approximate quasi-$L_0$ weight distributions along rays quite well but also can be easily implemented with few lines of code without additional computational burden. Stable performance improvements can be achieved by applying $L_0$-Sampler to NeRF and its related tasks like 3D reconstruction. Code is available at .
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Drivable 3D Gaussian Avatars

Authors:Wojciech Zielonka, Timur Bagautdinov, Shunsuke Saito, Michael Zollhöfer, Justus Thies, Javier Romero

We present Drivable 3D Gaussian Avatars (D3GA), the first 3D controllable model for human bodies rendered with Gaussian splats. Current photorealistic drivable avatars require either accurate 3D registrations during training, dense input images during testing, or both. The ones based on neural radiance fields also tend to be prohibitively slow for telepresence applications. This work uses the recently presented 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) technique to render realistic humans at real-time framerates, using dense calibrated multi-view videos as input. To deform those primitives, we depart from the commonly used point deformation method of linear blend skinning (LBS) and use a classic volumetric deformation method: cage deformations. Given their smaller size, we drive these deformations with joint angles and keypoints, which are more suitable for communication applications. Our experiments on nine subjects with varied body shapes, clothes, and motions obtain higher-quality results than state-of-the-art methods when using the same training and test data.
PDF Website:


Spiking NeRF: Representing the Real-World Geometry by a Discontinuous Representation

Authors:Zhanfeng Liao, Qian Zheng, Yan Liu, Gang Pan

A crucial reason for the success of existing NeRF-based methods is to build a neural density field for the geometry representation via multiple perceptron layers (MLPs). MLPs are continuous functions, however, real geometry or density field is frequently discontinuous at the interface between the air and the surface. Such a contrary brings the problem of unfaithful geometry representation. To this end, this paper proposes spiking NeRF, which leverages spiking neuron and a hybrid Artificial Neural Network (ANN)-Spiking Neural Network (SNN) framework to build a discontinuous density field for faithful geometry representation. Specifically, we first demonstrate the reason why continuous density fields will bring inaccuracy. Then, we propose to use the spiking neurons to build a discontinuous density field. We conduct comprehensive analysis for the problem of existing spiking neuron models and then provide the numerical relationship between the parameter of spiking neuron and the theoretical accuracy of geometry, Based on this, we propose a bounded spiking neuron to build the discontinuous density field. Our results achieve SOTA performance. Our code and data will be released to the public.


DMV3D: Denoising Multi-View Diffusion using 3D Large Reconstruction Model

Authors:Yinghao Xu, Hao Tan, Fujun Luan, Sai Bi, Peng Wang, Jiahao Li, Zifan Shi, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Gordon Wetzstein, Zexiang Xu, Kai Zhang

We propose \textbf{DMV3D}, a novel 3D generation approach that uses a transformer-based 3D large reconstruction model to denoise multi-view diffusion. Our reconstruction model incorporates a triplane NeRF representation and can denoise noisy multi-view images via NeRF reconstruction and rendering, achieving single-stage 3D generation in $\sim$30s on single A100 GPU. We train \textbf{DMV3D} on large-scale multi-view image datasets of highly diverse objects using only image reconstruction losses, without accessing 3D assets. We demonstrate state-of-the-art results for the single-image reconstruction problem where probabilistic modeling of unseen object parts is required for generating diverse reconstructions with sharp textures. We also show high-quality text-to-3D generation results outperforming previous 3D diffusion models. Our project website is at: .
PDF Project Page:


Single-Image 3D Human Digitization with Shape-Guided Diffusion

Authors:Badour AlBahar, Shunsuke Saito, Hung-Yu Tseng, Changil Kim, Johannes Kopf, Jia-Bin Huang

We present an approach to generate a 360-degree view of a person with a consistent, high-resolution appearance from a single input image. NeRF and its variants typically require videos or images from different viewpoints. Most existing approaches taking monocular input either rely on ground-truth 3D scans for supervision or lack 3D consistency. While recent 3D generative models show promise of 3D consistent human digitization, these approaches do not generalize well to diverse clothing appearances, and the results lack photorealism. Unlike existing work, we utilize high-capacity 2D diffusion models pretrained for general image synthesis tasks as an appearance prior of clothed humans. To achieve better 3D consistency while retaining the input identity, we progressively synthesize multiple views of the human in the input image by inpainting missing regions with shape-guided diffusion conditioned on silhouette and surface normal. We then fuse these synthesized multi-view images via inverse rendering to obtain a fully textured high-resolution 3D mesh of the given person. Experiments show that our approach outperforms prior methods and achieves photorealistic 360-degree synthesis of a wide range of clothed humans with complex textures from a single image.
PDF SIGGRAPH Asia 2023. Project website:


Reconstructing Continuous Light Field From Single Coded Image

Authors:Yuya Ishikawa, Keita Takahashi, Chihiro Tsutake, Toshiaki Fujii

We propose a method for reconstructing a continuous light field of a target scene from a single observed image. Our method takes the best of two worlds: joint aperture-exposure coding for compressive light-field acquisition, and a neural radiance field (NeRF) for view synthesis. Joint aperture-exposure coding implemented in a camera enables effective embedding of 3-D scene information into an observed image, but in previous works, it was used only for reconstructing discretized light-field views. NeRF-based neural rendering enables high quality view synthesis of a 3-D scene from continuous viewpoints, but when only a single image is given as the input, it struggles to achieve satisfactory quality. Our method integrates these two techniques into an efficient and end-to-end trainable pipeline. Trained on a wide variety of scenes, our method can reconstruct continuous light fields accurately and efficiently without any test time optimization. To our knowledge, this is the first work to bridge two worlds: camera design for efficiently acquiring 3-D information and neural rendering.


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