
2023-11-14 更新

Unsupervised and semi-supervised co-salient object detection via segmentation frequency statistics

Authors:Souradeep Chakraborty, Shujon Naha, Muhammet Bastan, Amit Kumar K C, Dimitris Samaras

In this paper, we address the detection of co-occurring salient objects (CoSOD) in an image group using frequency statistics in an unsupervised manner, which further enable us to develop a semi-supervised method. While previous works have mostly focused on fully supervised CoSOD, less attention has been allocated to detecting co-salient objects when limited segmentation annotations are available for training. Our simple yet effective unsupervised method US-CoSOD combines the object co-occurrence frequency statistics of unsupervised single-image semantic segmentations with salient foreground detections using self-supervised feature learning. For the first time, we show that a large unlabeled dataset e.g. ImageNet-1k can be effectively leveraged to significantly improve unsupervised CoSOD performance. Our unsupervised model is a great pre-training initialization for our semi-supervised model SS-CoSOD, especially when very limited labeled data is available for training. To avoid propagating erroneous signals from predictions on unlabeled data, we propose a confidence estimation module to guide our semi-supervised training. Extensive experiments on three CoSOD benchmark datasets show that both of our unsupervised and semi-supervised models outperform the corresponding state-of-the-art models by a significant margin (e.g., on the Cosal2015 dataset, our US-CoSOD model has an 8.8% F-measure gain over a SOTA unsupervised co-segmentation model and our SS-CoSOD model has an 11.81% F-measure gain over a SOTA semi-supervised CoSOD model).
PDF Accepted at IEEE WACV 2024


3DFusion, A real-time 3D object reconstruction pipeline based on streamed instance segmented data

Authors:Xi Sun, Derek Jacoby, Yvonne Coady

This paper presents a real-time segmentation and reconstruction system that utilizes RGB-D images to generate accurate and detailed individual 3D models of objects within a captured scene. Leveraging state-of-the-art instance segmentation techniques, the system performs pixel-level segmentation on RGB-D data, effectively separating foreground objects from the background. The segmented objects are then reconstructed into distinct 3D models in a high-performance computation platform. The real-time 3D modelling can be applied across various domains, including augmented/virtual reality, interior design, urban planning, road assistance, security systems, and more. To achieve real-time performance, the paper proposes a method that effectively samples consecutive frames to reduce network load while ensuring reconstruction quality. Additionally, a multi-process SLAM pipeline is adopted for parallel 3D reconstruction, enabling efficient cutting of the clustering objects into individuals. This system employs the industry-leading framework YOLO for instance segmentation. To improve YOLO’s performance and accuracy, modifications were made to resolve duplicated or false detection of similar objects, ensuring the reconstructed models align with the targets. Overall, this work establishes a robust real-time system with a significant enhancement for object segmentation and reconstruction in the indoor environment. It can potentially be extended to the outdoor scenario, opening up numerous opportunities for real-world applications.


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