
2023-11-11 更新

A comparative analysis between Conformer-Transducer, Whisper, and wav2vec2 for improving the child speech recognition

Authors:Andrei Barcovschi, Rishabh Jain, Peter Corcoran

Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems have progressed significantly in their performance on adult speech data; however, transcribing child speech remains challenging due to the acoustic differences in the characteristics of child and adult voices. This work aims to explore the potential of adapting state-of-the-art Conformer-transducer models to child speech to improve child speech recognition performance. Furthermore, the results are compared with those of self-supervised wav2vec2 models and semi-supervised multi-domain Whisper models that were previously finetuned on the same data. We demonstrate that finetuning Conformer-transducer models on child speech yields significant improvements in ASR performance on child speech, compared to the non-finetuned models. We also show Whisper and wav2vec2 adaptation on different child speech datasets. Our detailed comparative analysis shows that wav2vec2 provides the most consistent performance improvements among the three methods studied.
PDF Presented at SpeD 23


GPU-Accelerated WFST Beam Search Decoder for CTC-based Speech Recognition

Authors:Daniel Galvez, Tim Kaldewey

While Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) models deliver state-of-the-art accuracy in automated speech recognition (ASR) pipelines, their performance has been limited by CPU-based beam search decoding. We introduce a GPU-accelerated Weighted Finite State Transducer (WFST) beam search decoder compatible with current CTC models. It increases pipeline throughput and decreases latency, supports streaming inference, and also supports advanced features like utterance-specific word boosting via on-the-fly composition. We provide pre-built DLPack-based python bindings for ease of use with Python-based machine learning frameworks at https://github.com/nvidia-riva/riva-asrlib-decoder. We evaluated our decoder for offline and online scenarios, demonstrating that it is the fastest beam search decoder for CTC models. In the offline scenario it achieves up to 7 times more throughput than the current state-of-the-art CPU decoder and in the online streaming scenario, it achieves nearly 8 times lower latency, with same or better word error rate.


Improving Whispered Speech Recognition Performance using Pseudo-whispered based Data Augmentation

Authors:Zhaofeng Lin, Tanvina Patel, Odette Scharenborg

Whispering is a distinct form of speech known for its soft, breathy, and hushed characteristics, often used for private communication. The acoustic characteristics of whispered speech differ substantially from normally phonated speech and the scarcity of adequate training data leads to low automatic speech recognition (ASR) performance. To address the data scarcity issue, we use a signal processing-based technique that transforms the spectral characteristics of normal speech to those of pseudo-whispered speech. We augment an End-to-End ASR with pseudo-whispered speech and achieve an 18.2% relative reduction in word error rate for whispered speech compared to the baseline. Results for the individual speaker groups in the wTIMIT database show the best results for US English. Further investigation showed that the lack of glottal information in whispered speech has the largest impact on whispered speech ASR performance.
PDF Accepted to ASRU 2023


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