
2023-11-09 更新

TPSeNCE: Towards Artifact-Free Realistic Rain Generation for Deraining and Object Detection in Rain

Authors:Shen Zheng, Changjie Lu, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan

Rain generation algorithms have the potential to improve the generalization of deraining methods and scene understanding in rainy conditions. However, in practice, they produce artifacts and distortions and struggle to control the amount of rain generated due to a lack of proper constraints. In this paper, we propose an unpaired image-to-image translation framework for generating realistic rainy images. We first introduce a Triangular Probability Similarity (TPS) constraint to guide the generated images toward clear and rainy images in the discriminator manifold, thereby minimizing artifacts and distortions during rain generation. Unlike conventional contrastive learning approaches, which indiscriminately push negative samples away from the anchors, we propose a Semantic Noise Contrastive Estimation (SeNCE) strategy and reassess the pushing force of negative samples based on the semantic similarity between the clear and the rainy images and the feature similarity between the anchor and the negative samples. Experiments demonstrate realistic rain generation with minimal artifacts and distortions, which benefits image deraining and object detection in rain. Furthermore, the method can be used to generate realistic snowy and night images, underscoring its potential for broader applicability. Code is available at https://github.com/ShenZheng2000/TPSeNCE.


Patch-based Selection and Refinement for Early Object Detection

Authors:Tianyi Zhang, Kishore Kasichainula, Yaoxin Zhuo, Baoxin Li, Jae-Sun Seo, Yu Cao

Early object detection (OD) is a crucial task for the safety of many dynamic systems. Current OD algorithms have limited success for small objects at a long distance. To improve the accuracy and efficiency of such a task, we propose a novel set of algorithms that divide the image into patches, select patches with objects at various scales, elaborate the details of a small object, and detect it as early as possible. Our approach is built upon a transformer-based network and integrates the diffusion model to improve the detection accuracy. As demonstrated on BDD100K, our algorithms enhance the mAP for small objects from 1.03 to 8.93, and reduce the data volume in computation by more than 77\%. The source code is available at \href{https://github.com/destiny301/dpr}{https://github.com/destiny301/dpr}


PotholeGuard: A Pothole Detection Approach by Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Sahil Nawale, Dhruv Khut, Daksh Dave, Gauransh Sawhney, Pushkar Aggrawal, Dr. Kailas Devadakar

Pothole detection is crucial for road safety and maintenance, traditionally relying on 2D image segmentation. However, existing 3D Semantic Pothole Segmentation research often overlooks point cloud sparsity, leading to suboptimal local feature capture and segmentation accuracy. Our research presents an innovative point cloud-based pothole segmentation architecture. Our model efficiently identifies hidden features and uses a feedback mechanism to enhance local characteristics, improving feature presentation. We introduce a local relationship learning module to understand local shape relationships, enhancing structural insights. Additionally, we propose a lightweight adaptive structure for refining local point features using the K nearest neighbor algorithm, addressing point cloud density differences and domain selection. Shared MLP Pooling is integrated to learn deep aggregation features, facilitating semantic data exploration and segmentation guidance. Extensive experiments on three public datasets confirm PotholeGuard’s superior performance over state-of-the-art methods. Our approach offers a promising solution for robust and accurate 3D pothole segmentation, with applications in road maintenance and safety.
PDF 6 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables


FusionViT: Hierarchical 3D Object Detection via LiDAR-Camera Vision Transformer Fusion

Authors:Xinhao Xiang, Jiawei Zhang

For 3D object detection, both camera and lidar have been demonstrated to be useful sensory devices for providing complementary information about the same scenery with data representations in different modalities, e.g., 2D RGB image vs 3D point cloud. An effective representation learning and fusion of such multi-modal sensor data is necessary and critical for better 3D object detection performance. To solve the problem, in this paper, we will introduce a novel vision transformer-based 3D object detection model, namely FusionViT. Different from the existing 3D object detection approaches, FusionViT is a pure-ViT based framework, which adopts a hierarchical architecture by extending the transformer model to embed both images and point clouds for effective representation learning. Such multi-modal data embedding representations will be further fused together via a fusion vision transformer model prior to feeding the learned features to the object detection head for both detection and localization of the 3D objects in the input scenery. To demonstrate the effectiveness of FusionViT, extensive experiments have been done on real-world traffic object detection benchmark datasets KITTI and Waymo Open. Notably, our FusionViT model can achieve state-of-the-art performance and outperforms not only the existing baseline methods that merely rely on camera images or lidar point clouds, but also the latest multi-modal image-point cloud deep fusion approaches.


Detecting Any Human-Object Interaction Relationship: Universal HOI Detector with Spatial Prompt Learning on Foundation Models

Authors:Yichao Cao, Qingfei Tang, Xiu Su, Chen Song, Shan You, Xiaobo Lu, Chang Xu

Human-object interaction (HOI) detection aims to comprehend the intricate relationships between humans and objects, predicting $$ triplets, and serving as the foundation for numerous computer vision tasks. The complexity and diversity of human-object interactions in the real world, however, pose significant challenges for both annotation and recognition, particularly in recognizing interactions within an open world context. This study explores the universal interaction recognition in an open-world setting through the use of Vision-Language (VL) foundation models and large language models (LLMs). The proposed method is dubbed as \emph{\textbf{UniHOI}}. We conduct a deep analysis of the three hierarchical features inherent in visual HOI detectors and propose a method for high-level relation extraction aimed at VL foundation models, which we call HO prompt-based learning. Our design includes an HO Prompt-guided Decoder (HOPD), facilitates the association of high-level relation representations in the foundation model with various HO pairs within the image. Furthermore, we utilize a LLM (\emph{i.e.} GPT) for interaction interpretation, generating a richer linguistic understanding for complex HOIs. For open-category interaction recognition, our method supports either of two input types: interaction phrase or interpretive sentence. Our efficient architecture design and learning methods effectively unleash the potential of the VL foundation models and LLMs, allowing UniHOI to surpass all existing methods with a substantial margin, under both supervised and zero-shot settings. The code and pre-trained weights are available at: \url{https://github.com/Caoyichao/UniHOI}.


3DiffTection: 3D Object Detection with Geometry-Aware Diffusion Features

Authors:Chenfeng Xu, Huan Ling, Sanja Fidler, Or Litany

We present 3DiffTection, a state-of-the-art method for 3D object detection from single images, leveraging features from a 3D-aware diffusion model. Annotating large-scale image data for 3D detection is resource-intensive and time-consuming. Recently, pretrained large image diffusion models have become prominent as effective feature extractors for 2D perception tasks. However, these features are initially trained on paired text and image data, which are not optimized for 3D tasks, and often exhibit a domain gap when applied to the target data. Our approach bridges these gaps through two specialized tuning strategies: geometric and semantic. For geometric tuning, we fine-tune a diffusion model to perform novel view synthesis conditioned on a single image, by introducing a novel epipolar warp operator. This task meets two essential criteria: the necessity for 3D awareness and reliance solely on posed image data, which are readily available (e.g., from videos) and does not require manual annotation. For semantic refinement, we further train the model on target data with detection supervision. Both tuning phases employ ControlNet to preserve the integrity of the original feature capabilities. In the final step, we harness these enhanced capabilities to conduct a test-time prediction ensemble across multiple virtual viewpoints. Through our methodology, we obtain 3D-aware features that are tailored for 3D detection and excel in identifying cross-view point correspondences. Consequently, our model emerges as a powerful 3D detector, substantially surpassing previous benchmarks, e.g., Cube-RCNN, a precedent in single-view 3D detection by 9.43\% in AP3D on the Omni3D-ARkitscene dataset. Furthermore, 3DiffTection showcases robust data efficiency and generalization to cross-domain data.
PDF Project page: \url{https://research.nvidia.com/labs/toronto-ai/3difftection/}


SKU-Patch: Towards Efficient Instance Segmentation for Unseen Objects in Auto-Store

Authors:Biqi Yang, Weiliang Tang, Xiaojie Gao, Xianzhi Li, Yun-Hui Liu, Chi-Wing Fu, Pheng-Ann Heng

In large-scale storehouses, precise instance masks are crucial for robotic bin picking but are challenging to obtain. Existing instance segmentation methods typically rely on a tedious process of scene collection, mask annotation, and network fine-tuning for every single Stock Keeping Unit (SKU). This paper presents SKU-Patch, a new patch-guided instance segmentation solution, leveraging only a few image patches for each incoming new SKU to predict accurate and robust masks, without tedious manual effort and model re-training. Technical-wise, we design a novel transformer-based network with (i) a patch-image correlation encoder to capture multi-level image features calibrated by patch information and (ii) a patch-aware transformer decoder with parallel task heads to generate instance masks. Extensive experiments on four storehouse benchmarks manifest that SKU-Patch is able to achieve the best performance over the state-of-the-art methods. Also, SKU-Patch yields an average of nearly 100% grasping success rate on more than 50 unseen SKUs in a robot-aided auto-store logistic pipeline, showing its effectiveness and practicality.


Domain Adaptive Object Detection via Balancing Between Self-Training and Adversarial Learning

Authors:Muhammad Akhtar Munir, Muhammad Haris Khan, M. Saquib Sarfraz, Mohsen Ali

Deep learning based object detectors struggle generalizing to a new target domain bearing significant variations in object and background. Most current methods align domains by using image or instance-level adversarial feature alignment. This often suffers due to unwanted background and lacks class-specific alignment. A straightforward approach to promote class-level alignment is to use high confidence predictions on unlabeled domain as pseudo-labels. These predictions are often noisy since model is poorly calibrated under domain shift. In this paper, we propose to leverage model’s predictive uncertainty to strike the right balance between adversarial feature alignment and class-level alignment. We develop a technique to quantify predictive uncertainty on class assignments and bounding-box predictions. Model predictions with low uncertainty are used to generate pseudo-labels for self-training, whereas the ones with higher uncertainty are used to generate tiles for adversarial feature alignment. This synergy between tiling around uncertain object regions and generating pseudo-labels from highly certain object regions allows capturing both image and instance-level context during the model adaptation. We report thorough ablation study to reveal the impact of different components in our approach. Results on five diverse and challenging adaptation scenarios show that our approach outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods with noticeable margins.
PDF Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (Volume: 45, Issue: 12, December 2023). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2110.00249


Towards Few-Annotation Learning in Computer Vision: Application to Image Classification and Object Detection tasks

Authors:Quentin Bouniot

In this thesis, we develop theoretical, algorithmic and experimental contributions for Machine Learning with limited labels, and more specifically for the tasks of Image Classification and Object Detection in Computer Vision. In a first contribution, we are interested in bridging the gap between theory and practice for popular Meta-Learning algorithms used in Few-Shot Classification. We make connections to Multi-Task Representation Learning, which benefits from solid theoretical foundations, to verify the best conditions for a more efficient meta-learning. Then, to leverage unlabeled data when training object detectors based on the Transformer architecture, we propose both an unsupervised pretraining and a semi-supervised learning method in two other separate contributions. For pretraining, we improve Contrastive Learning for object detectors by introducing the localization information. Finally, our semi-supervised method is the first tailored to transformer-based detectors.
PDF PhD Thesis


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