2023-11-06 更新

PDF: Point Diffusion Implicit Function for Large-scale Scene Neural Representation

Authors:Yuhan Ding, Fukun Yin, Jiayuan Fan, Hui Li, Xin Chen, Wen Liu, Chongshan Lu, Gang YU, Tao Chen

Recent advances in implicit neural representations have achieved impressive results by sampling and fusing individual points along sampling rays in the sampling space. However, due to the explosively growing sampling space, finely representing and synthesizing detailed textures remains a challenge for unbounded large-scale outdoor scenes. To alleviate the dilemma of using individual points to perceive the entire colossal space, we explore learning the surface distribution of the scene to provide structural priors and reduce the samplable space and propose a Point Diffusion implicit Function, PDF, for large-scale scene neural representation. The core of our method is a large-scale point cloud super-resolution diffusion module that enhances the sparse point cloud reconstructed from several training images into a dense point cloud as an explicit prior. Then in the rendering stage, only sampling points with prior points within the sampling radius are retained. That is, the sampling space is reduced from the unbounded space to the scene surface. Meanwhile, to fill in the background of the scene that cannot be provided by point clouds, the region sampling based on Mip-NeRF 360 is employed to model the background representation. Expensive experiments have demonstrated the effectiveness of our method for large-scale scene novel view synthesis, which outperforms relevant state-of-the-art baselines.
PDF Accepted to NeurIPS 2023


Estimating 3D Uncertainty Field: Quantifying Uncertainty for Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Jianxiong Shen, Ruijie Ren, Adria Ruiz, Francesc Moreno-Noguer

Current methods based on Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) significantly lack the capacity to quantify uncertainty in their predictions, particularly on the unseen space including the occluded and outside scene content. This limitation hinders their extensive applications in robotics, where the reliability of model predictions has to be considered for tasks such as robotic exploration and planning in unknown environments. To address this, we propose a novel approach to estimate a 3D Uncertainty Field based on the learned incomplete scene geometry, which explicitly identifies these unseen regions. By considering the accumulated transmittance along each camera ray, our Uncertainty Field infers 2D pixel-wise uncertainty, exhibiting high values for rays directly casting towards occluded or outside the scene content. To quantify the uncertainty on the learned surface, we model a stochastic radiance field. Our experiments demonstrate that our approach is the only one that can explicitly reason about high uncertainty both on 3D unseen regions and its involved 2D rendered pixels, compared with recent methods. Furthermore, we illustrate that our designed uncertainty field is ideally suited for real-world robotics tasks, such as next-best-view selection.
PDF under ICRA review


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