2023-11-06 更新

An Empirical Study of Benchmarking Chinese Aspect Sentiment Quad Prediction

Authors:Junxian Zhou, Haiqin Yang, Ye Junpeng, Yuxuan He, Hao Mou

Aspect sentiment quad prediction (ASQP) is a critical subtask of aspect-level sentiment analysis. Current ASQP datasets are characterized by their small size and low quadruple density, which hinders technical development. To expand capacity, we construct two large Chinese ASQP datasets crawled from multiple online platforms. The datasets hold several significant characteristics: larger size (each with 10,000+ samples) and rich aspect categories, more words per sentence, and higher density than existing ASQP datasets. Moreover, we are the first to evaluate the performance of Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) series models on ASQP and exhibit potential issues. The experiments with state-of-the-art ASQP baselines underscore the need to explore additional techniques to address ASQP, as well as the importance of further investigation into methods to improve the performance of GPTs.
PDF 12 pages, 4 tables, 4 figures


EmojiLM: Modeling the New Emoji Language

Authors:Letian Peng, Zilong Wang, Hang Liu, Zihan Wang, Jingbo Shang

With the rapid development of the internet, online social media welcomes people with different backgrounds through its diverse content. The increasing usage of emoji becomes a noticeable trend thanks to emoji’s rich information beyond cultural or linguistic borders. However, the current study on emojis is limited to single emoji prediction and there are limited data resources available for further study of the interesting linguistic phenomenon. To this end, we synthesize a large text-emoji parallel corpus, Text2Emoji, from a large language model. Based on the parallel corpus, we distill a sequence-to-sequence model, EmojiLM, which is specialized in the text-emoji bidirectional translation. Extensive experiments on public benchmarks and human evaluation demonstrate that our proposed model outperforms strong baselines and the parallel corpus benefits emoji-related downstream tasks.


Support or Refute: Analyzing the Stance of Evidence to Detect Out-of-Context Mis- and Disinformation

Authors:Xin Yuan, Jie Guo, Weidong Qiu, Zheng Huang, Shujun Li

Mis- and disinformation online have become a major societal problem as major sources of online harms of different kinds. One common form of mis- and disinformation is out-of-context (OOC) information, where different pieces of information are falsely associated, e.g., a real image combined with a false textual caption or a misleading textual description. Although some past studies have attempted to defend against OOC mis- and disinformation through external evidence, they tend to disregard the role of different pieces of evidence with different stances. Motivated by the intuition that the stance of evidence represents a bias towards different detection results, we propose a stance extraction network (SEN) that can extract the stances of different pieces of multi-modal evidence in a unified framework. Moreover, we introduce a support-refutation score calculated based on the co-occurrence relations of named entities into the textual SEN. Extensive experiments on a public large-scale dataset demonstrated that our proposed method outperformed the state-of-the-art baselines, with the best model achieving a performance gain of 3.2% in accuracy.


PPTC Benchmark: Evaluating Large Language Models for PowerPoint Task Completion

Authors:Yiduo Guo, Zekai Zhang, Yaobo Liang, Dongyan Zhao, Duan Nan

Recent evaluations of Large Language Models (LLMs) have centered around testing their zero-shot/few-shot capabilities for basic natural language tasks and their ability to translate instructions into tool APIs. However, the evaluation of LLMs utilizing complex tools to finish multi-turn, multi-modal instructions in a complex multi-modal environment has not been investigated. To address this gap, we introduce the PowerPoint Task Completion (PPTC) benchmark to assess LLMs’ ability to create and edit PPT files based on user instructions. It contains 279 multi-turn sessions covering diverse topics and hundreds of instructions involving multi-modal operations. We also propose the PPTX-Match Evaluation System that evaluates if LLMs finish the instruction based on the prediction file rather than the label API sequence, thus it supports various LLM-generated API sequences. We measure 3 closed LLMs and 6 open-source LLMs. The results show that GPT-4 outperforms other LLMs with 75.1\% accuracy in single-turn dialogue testing but faces challenges in completing entire sessions, achieving just 6\% session accuracy. We find three main error causes in our benchmark: error accumulation in the multi-turn session, long PPT template processing, and multi-modality perception. These pose great challenges for future LLM and agent systems. We release the data, code, and evaluation system of PPTC at \url{https://github.com/gydpku/PPTC}.
PDF LLM evaluation, PPT task completion


TCM-GPT: Efficient Pre-training of Large Language Models for Domain Adaptation in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Authors:Guoxing Yang, Jianyu Shi, Zan Wang, Xiaohong Liu, Guangyu Wang

Pre-training and fine-tuning have emerged as a promising paradigm across various natural language processing (NLP) tasks. The effectiveness of pretrained large language models (LLM) has witnessed further enhancement, holding potential for applications in the field of medicine, particularly in the context of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). However, the application of these general models to specific domains often yields suboptimal results, primarily due to challenges like lack of domain knowledge, unique objectives, and computational efficiency. Furthermore, their effectiveness in specialized domains, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine, requires comprehensive evaluation. To address the above issues, we propose a novel domain specific TCMDA (TCM Domain Adaptation) approach, efficient pre-training with domain-specific corpus. Specifically, we first construct a large TCM-specific corpus, TCM-Corpus-1B, by identifying domain keywords and retreving from general corpus. Then, our TCMDA leverages the LoRA which freezes the pretrained model’s weights and uses rank decomposition matrices to efficiently train specific dense layers for pre-training and fine-tuning, efficiently aligning the model with TCM-related tasks, namely TCM-GPT-7B. We further conducted extensive experiments on two TCM tasks, including TCM examination and TCM diagnosis. TCM-GPT-7B archived the best performance across both datasets, outperforming other models by relative increments of 17% and 12% in accuracy, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, our study represents the pioneering validation of domain adaptation of a large language model with 7 billion parameters in TCM domain. We will release both TCMCorpus-1B and TCM-GPT-7B model once accepted to facilitate interdisciplinary development in TCM and NLP, serving as the foundation for further study.


AFPQ: Asymmetric Floating Point Quantization for LLMs

Authors:Yijia Zhang, Sicheng Zhang, Shijie Cao, Dayou Du, Jianyu Wei, Ting Cao, Ningyi Xu

Large language models (LLMs) show great performance in various tasks, but face deployment challenges from limited memory capacity and bandwidth. Low-bit weight quantization can save memory and accelerate inference. Although floating-point (FP) formats show good performance in LLM quantization, they tend to perform poorly with small group sizes or sub-4 bits. We find the reason is that the absence of asymmetry in previous FP quantization makes it unsuitable for handling asymmetric value distribution of LLM weight tensors. In this work, we propose asymmetric FP quantization (AFPQ), which sets separate scales for positive and negative values. Our method leads to large accuracy improvements and can be easily plugged into other quantization methods, including GPTQ and AWQ, for better performance. Besides, no additional storage is needed compared with asymmetric integer (INT) quantization. The code is available at https://github.com/zhangsichengsjtu/AFPQ.


Towards Concept-Aware Large Language Models

Authors:Chen Shani, Jilles Vreeken, Dafna Shahaf

Concepts play a pivotal role in various human cognitive functions, including learning, reasoning and communication. However, there is very little work on endowing machines with the ability to form and reason with concepts. In particular, state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs) work at the level of tokens, not concepts. In this work, we analyze how well contemporary LLMs capture human concepts and their structure. We then discuss ways to develop concept-aware LLMs, taking place at different stages of the pipeline. We sketch a method for pretraining LLMs using concepts, and also explore the simpler approach that uses the output of existing LLMs. Despite its simplicity, our proof-of-concept is shown to better match human intuition, as well as improve the robustness of predictions. These preliminary results underscore the promise of concept-aware LLMs.
PDF EMNLP 2023 findings long paper


Large Language Models Illuminate a Progressive Pathway to Artificial Healthcare Assistant: A Review

Authors:Mingze Yuan, Peng Bao, Jiajia Yuan, Yunhao Shen, Zifan Chen, Yi Xie, Jie Zhao, Yang Chen, Li Zhang, Lin Shen, Bin Dong

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, large language models (LLMs) have shown promising capabilities in mimicking human-level language comprehension and reasoning. This has sparked significant interest in applying LLMs to enhance various aspects of healthcare, ranging from medical education to clinical decision support. However, medicine involves multifaceted data modalities and nuanced reasoning skills, presenting challenges for integrating LLMs. This paper provides a comprehensive review on the applications and implications of LLMs in medicine. It begins by examining the fundamental applications of general-purpose and specialized LLMs, demonstrating their utilities in knowledge retrieval, research support, clinical workflow automation, and diagnostic assistance. Recognizing the inherent multimodality of medicine, the review then focuses on multimodal LLMs, investigating their ability to process diverse data types like medical imaging and EHRs to augment diagnostic accuracy. To address LLMs’ limitations regarding personalization and complex clinical reasoning, the paper explores the emerging development of LLM-powered autonomous agents for healthcare. Furthermore, it summarizes the evaluation methodologies for assessing LLMs’ reliability and safety in medical contexts. Overall, this review offers an extensive analysis on the transformative potential of LLMs in modern medicine. It also highlights the pivotal need for continuous optimizations and ethical oversight before these models can be effectively integrated into clinical practice. Visit https://github.com/mingze-yuan/Awesome-LLM-Healthcare for an accompanying GitHub repository containing latest papers.
PDF 24 pages, 1 figure, 3 tables


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