
2023-11-05 更新

MEGANet: Multi-Scale Edge-Guided Attention Network for Weak Boundary Polyp Segmentation

Authors:Nhat-Tan Bui, Dinh-Hieu Hoang, Quang-Thuc Nguyen, Minh-Triet Tran, Ngan Le

Efficient polyp segmentation in healthcare plays a critical role in enabling early diagnosis of colorectal cancer. However, the segmentation of polyps presents numerous challenges, including the intricate distribution of backgrounds, variations in polyp sizes and shapes, and indistinct boundaries. Defining the boundary between the foreground (i.e. polyp itself) and the background (surrounding tissue) is difficult. To mitigate these challenges, we propose Multi-Scale Edge-Guided Attention Network (MEGANet) tailored specifically for polyp segmentation within colonoscopy images. This network draws inspiration from the fusion of a classical edge detection technique with an attention mechanism. By combining these techniques, MEGANet effectively preserves high-frequency information, notably edges and boundaries, which tend to erode as neural networks deepen. MEGANet is designed as an end-to-end framework, encompassing three key modules: an encoder, which is responsible for capturing and abstracting the features from the input image, a decoder, which focuses on salient features, and the Edge-Guided Attention module (EGA) that employs the Laplacian Operator to accentuate polyp boundaries. Extensive experiments, both qualitative and quantitative, on five benchmark datasets, demonstrate that our EGANet outperforms other existing SOTA methods under six evaluation metrics. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/UARK-AICV/MEGANet}.
PDF Accepted at the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2024)


IBoxCLA: Towards Robust Box-supervised Segmentation of Polyp via Improved Box-dice and Contrastive Latent-anchors

Authors:Zhiwei Wang, Qiang Hu, Hongkuan Shi, Li He, Man He, Wenxuan Dai, Ting Li, Yitong Zhang, Dun Li, Mei Liu, Qiang Li

Box-supervised polyp segmentation attracts increasing attention for its cost-effective potential. Existing solutions often rely on learning-free methods or pretrained models to laboriously generate pseudo masks, triggering Dice constraint subsequently. In this paper, we found that a model guided by the simplest box-filled masks can accurately predict polyp locations/sizes, but suffers from shape collapsing. In response, we propose two innovative learning fashions, Improved Box-dice (IBox) and Contrastive Latent-Anchors (CLA), and combine them to train a robust box-supervised model IBoxCLA. The core idea behind IBoxCLA is to decouple the learning of location/size and shape, allowing for focused constraints on each of them. Specifically, IBox transforms the segmentation map into a proxy map using shape decoupling and confusion-region swapping sequentially. Within the proxy map, shapes are disentangled, while locations/sizes are encoded as box-like responses. By constraining the proxy map instead of the raw prediction, the box-filled mask can well supervise IBoxCLA without misleading its shape learning. Furthermore, CLA contributes to shape learning by generating two types of latent anchors, which are learned and updated using momentum and segmented polyps to steadily represent polyp and background features. The latent anchors facilitate IBoxCLA to capture discriminative features within and outside boxes in a contrastive manner, yielding clearer boundaries. We benchmark IBoxCLA on five public polyp datasets. The experimental results demonstrate the competitive performance of IBoxCLA compared to recent fully-supervised polyp segmentation methods, and its superiority over other box-supervised state-of-the-arts with a relative increase of overall mDice and mIoU by at least 6.5% and 7.5%, respectively.


文章作者: 木子已
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