
2023-11-05 更新

Visibility Aware Human-Object Interaction Tracking from Single RGB Camera

Authors:Xianghui Xie, Bharat Lal Bhatnagar, Gerard Pons-Moll

Capturing the interactions between humans and their environment in 3D is important for many applications in robotics, graphics, and vision. Recent works to reconstruct the 3D human and object from a single RGB image do not have consistent relative translation across frames because they assume a fixed depth. Moreover, their performance drops significantly when the object is occluded. In this work, we propose a novel method to track the 3D human, object, contacts between them, and their relative translation across frames from a single RGB camera, while being robust to heavy occlusions. Our method is built on two key insights. First, we condition our neural field reconstructions for human and object on per-frame SMPL model estimates obtained by pre-fitting SMPL to a video sequence. This improves neural reconstruction accuracy and produces coherent relative translation across frames. Second, human and object motion from visible frames provides valuable information to infer the occluded object. We propose a novel transformer-based neural network that explicitly uses object visibility and human motion to leverage neighbouring frames to make predictions for the occluded frames. Building on these insights, our method is able to track both human and object robustly even under occlusions. Experiments on two datasets show that our method significantly improves over the state-of-the-art methods. Our code and pretrained models are available at: https://virtualhumans.mpi-inf.mpg.de/VisTracker
PDF accepted to CVPR 2023, edited acknowledgement


OpenIns3D: Snap and Lookup for 3D Open-vocabulary Instance Segmentation

Authors:Zhening Huang, Xiaoyang Wu, Xi Chen, Hengshuang Zhao, Lei Zhu, Joan Lasenby

Current 3D open-vocabulary scene understanding methods mostly utilize well-aligned 2D images as the bridge to learn 3D features with language. However, applying these approaches becomes challenging in scenarios where 2D images are absent. In this work, we introduce a new pipeline, namely, OpenIns3D, which requires no 2D image inputs, for 3D open-vocabulary scene understanding at the instance level. The OpenIns3D framework employs a “Mask-Snap-Lookup” scheme. The “Mask” module learns class-agnostic mask proposals in 3D point clouds. The “Snap” module generates synthetic scene-level images at multiple scales and leverages 2D vision language models to extract interesting objects. The “Lookup” module searches through the outcomes of “Snap” with the help of Mask2Pixel maps, which contain the precise correspondence between 3D masks and synthetic images, to assign category names to the proposed masks. This 2D input-free and flexible approach achieves state-of-the-art results on a wide range of indoor and outdoor datasets by a large margin. Moreover, OpenIns3D allows for effortless switching of 2D detectors without re-training. When integrated with powerful 2D open-world models such as ODISE and GroundingDINO, excellent results were observed on open-vocabulary instance segmentation. When integrated with LLM-powered 2D models like LISA, it demonstrates a remarkable capacity to process highly complex text queries which require intricate reasoning and world knowledge. Project page: https://zheninghuang.github.io/OpenIns3D/
PDF 28 pages, 17 figures, 13 tables. Project page: https://zheninghuang.github.io/OpenIns3D/


Structure-Preserving Instance Segmentation via Skeleton-Aware Distance Transform

Authors:Zudi Lin, Donglai Wei, Aarush Gupta, Xingyu Liu, Deqing Sun, Hanspeter Pfister

Objects with complex structures pose significant challenges to existing instance segmentation methods that rely on boundary or affinity maps, which are vulnerable to small errors around contacting pixels that cause noticeable connectivity change. While the distance transform (DT) makes instance interiors and boundaries more distinguishable, it tends to overlook the intra-object connectivity for instances with varying width and result in over-segmentation. To address these challenges, we propose a skeleton-aware distance transform (SDT) that combines the merits of object skeleton in preserving connectivity and DT in modeling geometric arrangement to represent instances with arbitrary structures. Comprehensive experiments on histopathology image segmentation demonstrate that SDT achieves state-of-the-art performance.
PDF MICCAI 2023 (Oral Presentation)


Unsupervised Learning of Object-Centric Embeddings for Cell Instance Segmentation in Microscopy Images

Authors:Steffen Wolf, Manan Lalit, Henry Westmacott, Katie McDole, Jan Funke

Segmentation of objects in microscopy images is required for many biomedical applications. We introduce object-centric embeddings (OCEs), which embed image patches such that the spatial offsets between patches cropped from the same object are preserved. Those learnt embeddings can be used to delineate individual objects and thus obtain instance segmentations. Here, we show theoretically that, under assumptions commonly found in microscopy images, OCEs can be learnt through a self-supervised task that predicts the spatial offset between image patches. Together, this forms an unsupervised cell instance segmentation method which we evaluate on nine diverse large-scale microscopy datasets. Segmentations obtained with our method lead to substantially improved results, compared to state-of-the-art baselines on six out of nine datasets, and perform on par on the remaining three datasets. If ground-truth annotations are available, our method serves as an excellent starting point for supervised training, reducing the required amount of ground-truth needed by one order of magnitude, thus substantially increasing the practical applicability of our method. Source code is available at https://github.com/funkelab/cellulus.


Equirectangular image construction method for standard CNNs for Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Haoqian Chen, Jian Liu, Minghe Li, Kaiwen Jiang, Ziheng Xu, Rencheng Sun, Yi Sui

360{\deg} spherical images have advantages of wide view field, and are typically projected on a planar plane for processing, which is known as equirectangular image. The object shape in equirectangular images can be distorted and lack translation invariance. In addition, there are few publicly dataset of equirectangular images with labels, which presents a challenge for standard CNNs models to process equirectangular images effectively. To tackle this problem, we propose a methodology for converting a perspective image into equirectangular image. The inverse transformation of the spherical center projection and the equidistant cylindrical projection are employed. This enables the standard CNNs to learn the distortion features at different positions in the equirectangular image and thereby gain the ability to semantically the equirectangular image. The parameter, {\phi}, which determines the projection position of the perspective image, has been analyzed using various datasets and models, such as UNet, UNet++, SegNet, PSPNet, and DeepLab v3+. The experiments demonstrate that an optimal value of {\phi} for effective semantic segmentation of equirectangular images is 6{\pi}/16 for standard CNNs. Compared with the other three types of methods (supervised learning, unsupervised learning and data augmentation), the method proposed in this paper has the best average IoU value of 43.76%. This value is 23.85%, 10.7% and 17.23% higher than those of other three methods, respectively.


Image Augmentation with Controlled Diffusion for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Wangyu Wu, Tianhong Dai, Xiaowei Huang, Fei Ma, Jimin Xiao

Weakly-supervised semantic segmentation (WSSS), which aims to train segmentation models solely using image-level labels, has achieved significant attention. Existing methods primarily focus on generating high-quality pseudo labels using available images and their image-level labels. However, the quality of pseudo labels degrades significantly when the size of available dataset is limited. Thus, in this paper, we tackle this problem from a different view by introducing a novel approach called Image Augmentation with Controlled Diffusion (IACD). This framework effectively augments existing labeled datasets by generating diverse images through controlled diffusion, where the available images and image-level labels are served as the controlling information. Moreover, we also propose a high-quality image selection strategy to mitigate the potential noise introduced by the randomness of diffusion models. In the experiments, our proposed IACD approach clearly surpasses existing state-of-the-art methods. This effect is more obvious when the amount of available data is small, demonstrating the effectiveness of our method.
PDF submitted to ICASSP 2024


Top-K Pooling with Patch Contrastive Learning for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Wangyu Wu, Tianhong Dai, Xiaowei Huang, Fei Ma, Jimin Xiao

Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation (WSSS) using only image-level labels has gained significant attention due to cost-effectiveness. Recently, Vision Transformer (ViT) based methods without class activation map (CAM) have shown greater capability in generating reliable pseudo labels than previous methods using CAM. However, the current ViT-based methods utilize max pooling to select the patch with the highest prediction score to map the patch-level classification to the image-level one, which may affect the quality of pseudo labels due to the inaccurate classification of the patches. In this paper, we introduce a novel ViT-based WSSS method named top-K pooling with patch contrastive learning (TKP-PCL), which employs a top-K pooling layer to alleviate the limitations of previous max pooling selection. A patch contrastive error (PCE) is also proposed to enhance the patch embeddings to further improve the final results. The experimental results show that our approach is very efficient and outperforms other state-of-the-art WSSS methods on the PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset.
PDF Submitted to ICASSP 2024


On the Transferability of Learning Models for Semantic Segmentation for Remote Sensing Data

Authors:Rongjun Qin, Guixiang Zhang, Yang Tang

Recent deep learning-based methods outperform traditional learning methods on remote sensing (RS) semantic segmentation/classification tasks. However, they require large training datasets and are generally known for lack of transferability due to the highly disparate RS image content across different geographical regions. Yet, there is no comprehensive analysis of their transferability, i.e., to which extent a model trained on a source domain can be readily applicable to a target domain. Therefore, in this paper, we aim to investigate the raw transferability of traditional and deep learning (DL) models, as well as the effectiveness of domain adaptation (DA) approaches in enhancing the transferability of the DL models (adapted transferability). By utilizing four highly diverse RS datasets, we train six models with and without three DA approaches to analyze their transferability between these datasets quantitatively. Furthermore, we developed a straightforward method to quantify the transferability of a model using the spectral indices as a medium and have demonstrated its effectiveness in evaluating the model transferability at the target domain when the labels are unavailable. Our experiments yield several generally important yet not well-reported observations regarding the raw and adapted transferability. Moreover, our proposed label-free transferability assessment method is validated to be better than posterior model confidence. The findings can guide the future development of generalized RS learning models. The trained models are released under this link: https://github.com/GDAOSU/Transferability-Remote-Sensing
PDF 4 Figures


SegmATRon: Embodied Adaptive Semantic Segmentation for Indoor Environment

Authors:Tatiana Zemskova, Margarita Kichik, Dmitry Yudin, Aleksei Staroverov, Aleksandr Panov

This paper presents an adaptive transformer model named SegmATRon for embodied image semantic segmentation. Its distinctive feature is the adaptation of model weights during inference on several images using a hybrid multicomponent loss function. We studied this model on datasets collected in the photorealistic Habitat and the synthetic AI2-THOR Simulators. We showed that obtaining additional images using the agent’s actions in an indoor environment can improve the quality of semantic segmentation. The code of the proposed approach and datasets are publicly available at https://github.com/wingrune/SegmATRon.
PDF 14 pages, 6 figures


Cross-attention Spatio-temporal Context Transformer for Semantic Segmentation of Historical Maps

Authors:Sidi Wu, Yizi Chen, Konrad Schindler, Lorenz Hurni

Historical maps provide useful spatio-temporal information on the Earth’s surface before modern earth observation techniques came into being. To extract information from maps, neural networks, which gain wide popularity in recent years, have replaced hand-crafted map processing methods and tedious manual labor. However, aleatoric uncertainty, known as data-dependent uncertainty, inherent in the drawing/scanning/fading defects of the original map sheets and inadequate contexts when cropping maps into small tiles considering the memory limits of the training process, challenges the model to make correct predictions. As aleatoric uncertainty cannot be reduced even with more training data collected, we argue that complementary spatio-temporal contexts can be helpful. To achieve this, we propose a U-Net-based network that fuses spatio-temporal features with cross-attention transformers (U-SpaTem), aggregating information at a larger spatial range as well as through a temporal sequence of images. Our model achieves a better performance than other state-or-art models that use either temporal or spatial contexts. Compared with pure vision transformers, our model is more lightweight and effective. To the best of our knowledge, leveraging both spatial and temporal contexts have been rarely explored before in the segmentation task. Even though our application is on segmenting historical maps, we believe that the method can be transferred into other fields with similar problems like temporal sequences of satellite images. Our code is freely accessible at https://github.com/chenyizi086/wu.2023.sigspatial.git.


Minimalist and High-Performance Semantic Segmentation with Plain Vision Transformers

Authors:Yuanduo Hong, Jue Wang, Weichao Sun, Huihui Pan

In the wake of Masked Image Modeling (MIM), a diverse range of plain, non-hierarchical Vision Transformer (ViT) models have been pre-trained with extensive datasets, offering new paradigms and significant potential for semantic segmentation. Current state-of-the-art systems incorporate numerous inductive biases and employ cumbersome decoders. Building upon the original motivations of plain ViTs, which are simplicity and generality, we explore high-performance `minimalist’ systems to this end. Our primary purpose is to provide simple and efficient baselines for practical semantic segmentation with plain ViTs. Specifically, we first explore the feasibility and methodology for achieving high-performance semantic segmentation using the last feature map. As a result, we introduce the PlainSeg, a model comprising only three 3$\times$3 convolutions in addition to the transformer layers (either encoder or decoder). In this process, we offer insights into two underlying principles: (i) high-resolution features are crucial to high performance in spite of employing simple up-sampling techniques and (ii) the slim transformer decoder requires a much larger learning rate than the wide transformer decoder. On this basis, we further present the PlainSeg-Hier, which allows for the utilization of hierarchical features. Extensive experiments on four popular benchmarks demonstrate the high performance and efficiency of our methods. They can also serve as powerful tools for assessing the transfer ability of base models in semantic segmentation. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/ydhongHIT/PlainSeg}.


Zone Evaluation: Revealing Spatial Bias in Object Detection

Authors:Zhaohui Zheng, Yuming Chen, Qibin Hou, Xiang Li, Ping Wang, Ming-Ming Cheng

A fundamental limitation of object detectors is that they suffer from “spatial bias”, and in particular perform less satisfactorily when detecting objects near image borders. For a long time, there has been a lack of effective ways to measure and identify spatial bias, and little is known about where it comes from and what degree it is. To this end, we present a new zone evaluation protocol, extending from the traditional evaluation to a more generalized one, which measures the detection performance over zones, yielding a series of Zone Precisions (ZPs). For the first time, we provide numerical results, showing that the object detectors perform quite unevenly across the zones. Surprisingly, the detector’s performance in the 96\% border zone of the image does not reach the AP value (Average Precision, commonly regarded as the average detection performance in the entire image zone). To better understand spatial bias, a series of heuristic experiments are conducted. Our investigation excludes two intuitive conjectures about spatial bias that the object scale and the absolute positions of objects barely influence the spatial bias. We find that the key lies in the human-imperceptible divergence in data patterns between objects in different zones, thus eventually forming a visible performance gap between the zones. With these findings, we finally discuss a future direction for object detection, namely, spatial disequilibrium problem, aiming at pursuing a balanced detection ability over the entire image zone. By broadly evaluating 10 popular object detectors and 5 detection datasets, we shed light on the spatial bias of object detectors. We hope this work could raise a focus on detection robustness. The source codes, evaluation protocols, and tutorials are publicly available at \url{https://github.com/Zzh-tju/ZoneEval}.


MSFormer: A Skeleton-multiview Fusion Method For Tooth Instance Segmentation

Authors:Yuan Li, Huan Liu, Yubo Tao, Xiangyang He, Haifeng Li, Xiaohu Guo, Hai Lin

Recently, deep learning-based tooth segmentation methods have been limited by the expensive and time-consuming processes of data collection and labeling. Achieving high-precision segmentation with limited datasets is critical. A viable solution to this entails fine-tuning pre-trained multiview-based models, thereby enhancing performance with limited data. However, relying solely on two-dimensional (2D) images for three-dimensional (3D) tooth segmentation can produce suboptimal outcomes because of occlusion and deformation, i.e., incomplete and distorted shape perception. To improve this fine-tuning-based solution, this paper advocates 2D-3D joint perception. The fundamental challenge in employing 2D-3D joint perception with limited data is that the 3D-related inputs and modules must follow a lightweight policy instead of using huge 3D data and parameter-rich modules that require extensive training data. Following this lightweight policy, this paper selects skeletons as the 3D inputs and introduces MSFormer, a novel method for tooth segmentation. MSFormer incorporates two lightweight modules into existing multiview-based models: a 3D-skeleton perception module to extract 3D perception from skeletons and a skeleton-image contrastive learning module to obtain the 2D-3D joint perception by fusing both multiview and skeleton perceptions. The experimental results reveal that MSFormer paired with large pre-trained multiview models achieves state-of-the-art performance, requiring only 100 training meshes. Furthermore, the segmentation accuracy is improved by 2.4%-5.5% with the increasing volume of training data.
PDF Under review


Rethinking Scale Imbalance in Semi-supervised Object Detection for Aerial Images

Authors:Ruixiang Zhang, Chang Xu, Fang Xu, Wen Yang, Guangjun He, Huai Yu, Gui-Song Xia

This paper focuses on the scale imbalance problem of semi-supervised object detection(SSOD) in aerial images. Compared to natural images, objects in aerial images show smaller sizes and larger quantities per image, increasing the difficulty of manual annotation. Meanwhile, the advanced SSOD technique can train superior detectors by leveraging limited labeled data and massive unlabeled data, saving annotation costs. However, as an understudied task in aerial images, SSOD suffers from a drastic performance drop when facing a large proportion of small objects. By analyzing the predictions between small and large objects, we identify three imbalance issues caused by the scale bias, i.e., pseudo-label imbalance, label assignment imbalance, and negative learning imbalance. To tackle these issues, we propose a novel Scale-discriminative Semi-Supervised Object Detection (S^3OD) learning pipeline for aerial images. In our S^3OD, three key components, Size-aware Adaptive Thresholding (SAT), Size-rebalanced Label Assignment (SLA), and Teacher-guided Negative Learning (TNL), are proposed to warrant scale unbiased learning. Specifically, SAT adaptively selects appropriate thresholds to filter pseudo-labels for objects at different scales. SLA balances positive samples of objects at different scales through resampling and reweighting. TNL alleviates the imbalance in negative samples by leveraging information generated by a teacher model. Extensive experiments conducted on the DOTA-v1.5 benchmark demonstrate the superiority of our proposed methods over state-of-the-art competitors. Codes will be released soon.


GUPNet++: Geometry Uncertainty Propagation Network for Monocular 3D Object Detection

Authors:Yan Lu, Xinzhu Ma, Lei Yang, Tianzhu Zhang, Yating Liu, Qi Chu, Tong He, Yonghui Li, Wanli Ouyang

Geometry plays a significant role in monocular 3D object detection. It can be used to estimate object depth by using the perspective projection between object’s physical size and 2D projection in the image plane, which can introduce mathematical priors into deep models. However, this projection process also introduces error amplification, where the error of the estimated height is amplified and reflected into the projected depth. It leads to unreliable depth inferences and also impairs training stability. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel Geometry Uncertainty Propagation Network (GUPNet++) by modeling geometry projection in a probabilistic manner. This ensures depth predictions are well-bounded and associated with a reasonable uncertainty. The significance of introducing such geometric uncertainty is two-fold: (1). It models the uncertainty propagation relationship of the geometry projection during training, improving the stability and efficiency of the end-to-end model learning. (2). It can be derived to a highly reliable confidence to indicate the quality of the 3D detection result, enabling more reliable detection inference. Experiments show that the proposed approach not only obtains (state-of-the-art) SOTA performance in image-based monocular 3D detection but also demonstrates superiority in efficacy with a simplified framework.
PDF 18 pages, 9 figures


CoDet: Co-Occurrence Guided Region-Word Alignment for Open-Vocabulary Object Detection

Authors:Chuofan Ma, Yi Jiang, Xin Wen, Zehuan Yuan, Xiaojuan Qi

Deriving reliable region-word alignment from image-text pairs is critical to learn object-level vision-language representations for open-vocabulary object detection. Existing methods typically rely on pre-trained or self-trained vision-language models for alignment, which are prone to limitations in localization accuracy or generalization capabilities. In this paper, we propose CoDet, a novel approach that overcomes the reliance on pre-aligned vision-language space by reformulating region-word alignment as a co-occurring object discovery problem. Intuitively, by grouping images that mention a shared concept in their captions, objects corresponding to the shared concept shall exhibit high co-occurrence among the group. CoDet then leverages visual similarities to discover the co-occurring objects and align them with the shared concept. Extensive experiments demonstrate that CoDet has superior performances and compelling scalability in open-vocabulary detection, e.g., by scaling up the visual backbone, CoDet achieves 37.0 $\text{AP}^m{novel}$ and 44.7 $\text{AP}^m{all}$ on OV-LVIS, surpassing the previous SoTA by 4.2 $\text{AP}^m{novel}$ and 9.8 $\text{AP}^m{all}$. Code is available at https://github.com/CVMI-Lab/CoDet.
PDF Accepted by NeurIPS 2023


Proposal-Contrastive Pretraining for Object Detection from Fewer Data

Authors:Quentin Bouniot, Romaric Audigier, Angélique Loesch, Amaury Habrard

The use of pretrained deep neural networks represents an attractive way to achieve strong results with few data available. When specialized in dense problems such as object detection, learning local rather than global information in images has proven to be more efficient. However, for unsupervised pretraining, the popular contrastive learning requires a large batch size and, therefore, a lot of resources. To address this problem, we are interested in transformer-based object detectors that have recently gained traction in the community with good performance and with the particularity of generating many diverse object proposals. In this work, we present Proposal Selection Contrast (ProSeCo), a novel unsupervised overall pretraining approach that leverages this property. ProSeCo uses the large number of object proposals generated by the detector for contrastive learning, which allows the use of a smaller batch size, combined with object-level features to learn local information in the images. To improve the effectiveness of the contrastive loss, we introduce the object location information in the selection of positive examples to take into account multiple overlapping object proposals. When reusing pretrained backbone, we advocate for consistency in learning local information between the backbone and the detection head. We show that our method outperforms state of the art in unsupervised pretraining for object detection on standard and novel benchmarks in learning with fewer data.
PDF Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2023


Automating lichen monitoring in ecological studies using instance segmentation of time-lapse images

Authors:Safwen Naimi, Olfa Koubaa, Wassim Bouachir, Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau, Gregory Jeddore, Patricia Baines, David Correia, Andre Arsenault

Lichens are symbiotic organisms composed of fungi, algae, and/or cyanobacteria that thrive in a variety of environments. They play important roles in carbon and nitrogen cycling, and contribute directly and indirectly to biodiversity. Ecologists typically monitor lichens by using them as indicators to assess air quality and habitat conditions. In particular, epiphytic lichens, which live on trees, are key markers of air quality and environmental health. A new method of monitoring epiphytic lichens involves using time-lapse cameras to gather images of lichen populations. These cameras are used by ecologists in Newfoundland and Labrador to subsequently analyze and manually segment the images to determine lichen thalli condition and change. These methods are time-consuming and susceptible to observer bias. In this work, we aim to automate the monitoring of lichens over extended periods and to estimate their biomass and condition to facilitate the task of ecologists. To accomplish this, our proposed framework uses semantic segmentation with an effective training approach to automate monitoring and biomass estimation of epiphytic lichens on time-lapse images. We show that our method has the potential to significantly improve the accuracy and efficiency of lichen population monitoring, making it a valuable tool for forest ecologists and environmental scientists to evaluate the impact of climate change on Canada’s forests. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that such an approach has been used to assist ecologists in monitoring and analyzing epiphytic lichens.
PDF 6 pages, 3 Figures, 8 Tables, Accepted for publication in IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), copyright IEEE


LP-OVOD: Open-Vocabulary Object Detection by Linear Probing

Authors:Chau Pham, Truong Vu, Khoi Nguyen

This paper addresses the challenging problem of open-vocabulary object detection (OVOD) where an object detector must identify both seen and unseen classes in test images without labeled examples of the unseen classes in training. A typical approach for OVOD is to use joint text-image embeddings of CLIP to assign box proposals to their closest text label. However, this method has a critical issue: many low-quality boxes, such as over- and under-covered-object boxes, have the same similarity score as high-quality boxes since CLIP is not trained on exact object location information. To address this issue, we propose a novel method, LP-OVOD, that discards low-quality boxes by training a sigmoid linear classifier on pseudo labels retrieved from the top relevant region proposals to the novel text. Experimental results on COCO affirm the superior performance of our approach over the state of the art, achieving $\textbf{40.5}$ in $\text{AP}_{novel}$ using ResNet50 as the backbone and without external datasets or knowing novel classes during training. Our code will be available at https://github.com/VinAIResearch/LP-OVOD.
PDF Accepted to WACV 2024


Uncertainty-weighted Loss Functions for Improved Adversarial Attacks on Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Kira Maag, Asja Fischer

State-of-the-art deep neural networks have been shown to be extremely powerful in a variety of perceptual tasks like semantic segmentation. However, these networks are vulnerable to adversarial perturbations of the input which are imperceptible for humans but lead to incorrect predictions. Treating image segmentation as a sum of pixel-wise classifications, adversarial attacks developed for classification models were shown to be applicable to segmentation models as well. In this work, we present simple uncertainty-based weighting schemes for the loss functions of such attacks that (i) put higher weights on pixel classifications which can more easily perturbed and (ii) zero-out the pixel-wise losses corresponding to those pixels that are already confidently misclassified. The weighting schemes can be easily integrated into the loss function of a range of well-known adversarial attackers with minimal additional computational overhead, but lead to significant improved perturbation performance, as we demonstrate in our empirical analysis on several datasets and models.


SmooSeg: Smoothness Prior for Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Mengcheng Lan, Xinjiang Wang, Yiping Ke, Jiaxing Xu, Litong Feng, Wayne Zhang

Unsupervised semantic segmentation is a challenging task that segments images into semantic groups without manual annotation. Prior works have primarily focused on leveraging prior knowledge of semantic consistency or priori concepts from self-supervised learning methods, which often overlook the coherence property of image segments. In this paper, we demonstrate that the smoothness prior, asserting that close features in a metric space share the same semantics, can significantly simplify segmentation by casting unsupervised semantic segmentation as an energy minimization problem. Under this paradigm, we propose a novel approach called SmooSeg that harnesses self-supervised learning methods to model the closeness relationships among observations as smoothness signals. To effectively discover coherent semantic segments, we introduce a novel smoothness loss that promotes piecewise smoothness within segments while preserving discontinuities across different segments. Additionally, to further enhance segmentation quality, we design an asymmetric teacher-student style predictor that generates smoothly updated pseudo labels, facilitating an optimal fit between observations and labeling outputs. Thanks to the rich supervision cues of the smoothness prior, our SmooSeg significantly outperforms STEGO in terms of pixel accuracy on three datasets: COCOStuff (+14.9%), Cityscapes (+13.0%), and Potsdam-3 (+5.7%).
PDF Accepted by NeurIPS 2023. Code available: https://github.com/mc-lan/SmooSeg


Efficient Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Imagery via Attention-based Feature Distillation

Authors:Pourya Shamsolmoali, Jocelyn Chanussot, Huiyu Zhou, Yue Lu

Efficient object detection methods have recently received great attention in remote sensing. Although deep convolutional networks often have excellent detection accuracy, their deployment on resource-limited edge devices is difficult. Knowledge distillation (KD) is a strategy for addressing this issue since it makes models lightweight while maintaining accuracy. However, existing KD methods for object detection have encountered two constraints. First, they discard potentially important background information and only distill nearby foreground regions. Second, they only rely on the global context, which limits the student detector’s ability to acquire local information from the teacher detector. To address the aforementioned challenges, we propose Attention-based Feature Distillation (AFD), a new KD approach that distills both local and global information from the teacher detector. To enhance local distillation, we introduce a multi-instance attention mechanism that effectively distinguishes between background and foreground elements. This approach prompts the student detector to focus on the pertinent channels and pixels, as identified by the teacher detector. Local distillation lacks global information, thus attention global distillation is proposed to reconstruct the relationship between various pixels and pass it from teacher to student detector. The performance of AFD is evaluated on two public aerial image benchmarks, and the evaluation results demonstrate that AFD in object detection can attain the performance of other state-of-the-art models while being efficient.


PrObeD: Proactive Object Detection Wrapper

Authors:Vishal Asnani, Abhinav Kumar, Suya You, Xiaoming Liu

Previous research in $2D$ object detection focuses on various tasks, including detecting objects in generic and camouflaged images. These works are regarded as passive works for object detection as they take the input image as is. However, convergence to global minima is not guaranteed to be optimal in neural networks; therefore, we argue that the trained weights in the object detector are not optimal. To rectify this problem, we propose a wrapper based on proactive schemes, PrObeD, which enhances the performance of these object detectors by learning a signal. PrObeD consists of an encoder-decoder architecture, where the encoder network generates an image-dependent signal termed templates to encrypt the input images, and the decoder recovers this template from the encrypted images. We propose that learning the optimum template results in an object detector with an improved detection performance. The template acts as a mask to the input images to highlight semantics useful for the object detector. Finetuning the object detector with these encrypted images enhances the detection performance for both generic and camouflaged. Our experiments on MS-COCO, CAMO, COD$10$K, and NC$4$K datasets show improvement over different detectors after applying PrObeD. Our models/codes are available at https://github.com/vishal3477/Proactive-Object-Detection.
PDF Accepted at Neurips 2023


Mask Propagation for Efficient Video Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Yuetian Weng, Mingfei Han, Haoyu He, Mingjie Li, Lina Yao, Xiaojun Chang, Bohan Zhuang

Video Semantic Segmentation (VSS) involves assigning a semantic label to each pixel in a video sequence. Prior work in this field has demonstrated promising results by extending image semantic segmentation models to exploit temporal relationships across video frames; however, these approaches often incur significant computational costs. In this paper, we propose an efficient mask propagation framework for VSS, called MPVSS. Our approach first employs a strong query-based image segmentor on sparse key frames to generate accurate binary masks and class predictions. We then design a flow estimation module utilizing the learned queries to generate a set of segment-aware flow maps, each associated with a mask prediction from the key frame. Finally, the mask-flow pairs are warped to serve as the mask predictions for the non-key frames. By reusing predictions from key frames, we circumvent the need to process a large volume of video frames individually with resource-intensive segmentors, alleviating temporal redundancy and significantly reducing computational costs. Extensive experiments on VSPW and Cityscapes demonstrate that our mask propagation framework achieves SOTA accuracy and efficiency trade-offs. For instance, our best model with Swin-L backbone outperforms the SOTA MRCFA using MiT-B5 by 4.0% mIoU, requiring only 26% FLOPs on the VSPW dataset. Moreover, our framework reduces up to 4x FLOPs compared to the per-frame Mask2Former baseline with only up to 2% mIoU degradation on the Cityscapes validation set. Code is available at https://github.com/ziplab/MPVSS.
PDF NeurIPS 2023


AnomalyCLIP: Object-agnostic Prompt Learning for Zero-shot Anomaly Detection

Authors:Qihang Zhou, Guansong Pang, Yu Tian, Shibo He, Jiming Chen

Zero-shot anomaly detection (ZSAD) requires detection models trained using auxiliary data to detect anomalies without any training sample in a target dataset. It is a crucial task when training data is not accessible due to various concerns, \eg, data privacy, yet it is challenging since the models need to generalize to anomalies across different domains where the appearance of foreground objects, abnormal regions, and background features, such as defects/tumors on different products/organs, can vary significantly. Recently large pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs), such as CLIP, have demonstrated strong zero-shot recognition ability in various vision tasks, including anomaly detection. However, their ZSAD performance is weak since the VLMs focus more on modeling the class semantics of the foreground objects rather than the abnormality/normality in the images. In this paper we introduce a novel approach, namely AnomalyCLIP, to adapt CLIP for accurate ZSAD across different domains. The key insight of AnomalyCLIP is to learn object-agnostic text prompts that capture generic normality and abnormality in an image regardless of its foreground objects. This allows our model to focus on the abnormal image regions rather than the object semantics, enabling generalized normality and abnormality recognition on diverse types of objects. Large-scale experiments on 17 real-world anomaly detection datasets show that AnomalyCLIP achieves superior zero-shot performance of detecting and segmenting anomalies in datasets of highly diverse class semantics from various defect inspection and medical imaging domains. Code will be made available at https://github.com/zqhang/AnomalyCLIP.


Uncovering Prototypical Knowledge for Weakly Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Fei Zhang, Tianfei Zhou, Boyang Li, Hao He, Chaofan Ma, Tianjiao Zhang, Jiangchao Yao, Ya Zhang, Yanfeng Wang

This paper studies the problem of weakly open-vocabulary semantic segmentation (WOVSS), which learns to segment objects of arbitrary classes using mere image-text pairs. Existing works turn to enhance the vanilla vision transformer by introducing explicit grouping recognition, i.e., employing several group tokens/centroids to cluster the image tokens and perform the group-text alignment. Nevertheless, these methods suffer from a granularity inconsistency regarding the usage of group tokens, which are aligned in the all-to-one v.s. one-to-one manners during the training and inference phases, respectively. We argue that this discrepancy arises from the lack of elaborate supervision for each group token. To bridge this granularity gap, this paper explores explicit supervision for the group tokens from the prototypical knowledge. To this end, this paper proposes the non-learnable prototypical regularization (NPR) where non-learnable prototypes are estimated from source features to serve as supervision and enable contrastive matching of the group tokens. This regularization encourages the group tokens to segment objects with less redundancy and capture more comprehensive semantic regions, leading to increased compactness and richness. Based on NPR, we propose the prototypical guidance segmentation network (PGSeg) that incorporates multi-modal regularization by leveraging prototypical sources from both images and texts at different levels, progressively enhancing the segmentation capability with diverse prototypical patterns. Experimental results show that our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on several benchmark datasets. The source code is available at https://github.com/Ferenas/PGSeg.
PDF 14 pages, Accept in NeurIPS 2023


ZoomNeXt: A Unified Collaborative Pyramid Network for Camouflaged Object Detection

Authors:Youwei Pang, Xiaoqi Zhao, Tian-Zhu Xiang, Lihe Zhang, Huchuan Lu

Recent camouflaged object detection (COD) attempts to segment objects visually blended into their surroundings, which is extremely complex and difficult in real-world scenarios. Apart from the high intrinsic similarity between camouflaged objects and their background, objects are usually diverse in scale, fuzzy in appearance, and even severely occluded. To this end, we propose an effective unified collaborative pyramid network which mimics human behavior when observing vague images and videos, \textit{i.e.}, zooming in and out. Specifically, our approach employs the zooming strategy to learn discriminative mixed-scale semantics by the multi-head scale integration and rich granularity perception units, which are designed to fully explore imperceptible clues between candidate objects and background surroundings. The former’s intrinsic multi-head aggregation provides more diverse visual patterns. The latter’s routing mechanism can effectively propagate inter-frame difference in spatiotemporal scenarios and adaptively ignore static representations. They provides a solid foundation for realizing a unified architecture for static and dynamic COD. Moreover, considering the uncertainty and ambiguity derived from indistinguishable textures, we construct a simple yet effective regularization, uncertainty awareness loss, to encourage predictions with higher confidence in candidate regions. Our highly task-friendly framework consistently outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods in image and video COD benchmarks. The code will be available at \url{https://github.com/lartpang/ZoomNeXt}.
PDF Extensions to the conference version: arXiv:2203.02688


View Classification and Object Detection in Cardiac Ultrasound to Localize Valves via Deep Learning

Authors:Derya Gol Gungor, Bimba Rao, Cynthia Wolverton, Ismayil Guracar

Echocardiography provides an important tool for clinicians to observe the function of the heart in real time, at low cost, and without harmful radiation. Automated localization and classification of heart valves enables automatic extraction of quantities associated with heart mechanical function and related blood flow measurements. We propose a machine learning pipeline that uses deep neural networks for separate classification and localization steps. As the first step in the pipeline, we apply view classification to echocardiograms with ten unique anatomic views of the heart. In the second step, we apply deep learning-based object detection to both localize and identify the valves. Image segmentation based object detection in echocardiography has been shown in many earlier studies but, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that predicts the bounding boxes around the valves along with classification from 2D ultrasound images with the help of deep neural networks. Our object detection experiments applied to the Apical views suggest that it is possible to localize and identify multiple valves precisely.
PDF 9 pages, 11 figures, Submitted to CVPR 2019


Spuriosity Rankings for Free: A Simple Framework for Last Layer Retraining Based on Object Detection

Authors:Mohammad Azizmalayeri, Reza Abbasi, Amir Hosein Haji Mohammad rezaie, Reihaneh Zohrabi, Mahdi Amiri, Mohammad Taghi Manzuri, Mohammad Hossein Rohban

Deep neural networks have exhibited remarkable performance in various domains. However, the reliance of these models on spurious features has raised concerns about their reliability. A promising solution to this problem is last-layer retraining, which involves retraining the linear classifier head on a small subset of data without spurious cues. Nevertheless, selecting this subset requires human supervision, which reduces its scalability. Moreover, spurious cues may still exist in the selected subset. As a solution to this problem, we propose a novel ranking framework that leverages an open vocabulary object detection technique to identify images without spurious cues. More specifically, we use the object detector as a measure to score the presence of the target object in the images. Next, the images are sorted based on this score, and the last-layer of the model is retrained on a subset of the data with the highest scores. Our experiments on the ImageNet-1k dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of this ranking framework in sorting images based on spuriousness and using them for last-layer retraining.
PDF Accepted at ICML 2023 Workshop on Spurious Correlations, Invariance, and Stability (SCIS)


Joint Depth Prediction and Semantic Segmentation with Multi-View SAM

Authors:Mykhailo Shvets, Dongxu Zhao, Marc Niethammer, Roni Sengupta, Alexander C. Berg

Multi-task approaches to joint depth and segmentation prediction are well-studied for monocular images. Yet, predictions from a single-view are inherently limited, while multiple views are available in many robotics applications. On the other end of the spectrum, video-based and full 3D methods require numerous frames to perform reconstruction and segmentation. With this work we propose a Multi-View Stereo (MVS) technique for depth prediction that benefits from rich semantic features of the Segment Anything Model (SAM). This enhanced depth prediction, in turn, serves as a prompt to our Transformer-based semantic segmentation decoder. We report the mutual benefit that both tasks enjoy in our quantitative and qualitative studies on the ScanNet dataset. Our approach consistently outperforms single-task MVS and segmentation models, along with multi-task monocular methods.
PDF To appear in the 2024 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision


Re-Scoring Using Image-Language Similarity for Few-Shot Object Detection

Authors:Min Jae Jung, Seung Dae Han, Joohee Kim

Few-shot object detection, which focuses on detecting novel objects with few labels, is an emerging challenge in the community. Recent studies show that adapting a pre-trained model or modified loss function can improve performance. In this paper, we explore leveraging the power of Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) and hard negative classification loss in low data setting. Specifically, we propose Re-scoring using Image-language Similarity for Few-shot object detection (RISF) which extends Faster R-CNN by introducing Calibration Module using CLIP (CM-CLIP) and Background Negative Re-scale Loss (BNRL). The former adapts CLIP, which performs zero-shot classification, to re-score the classification scores of a detector using image-class similarities, the latter is modified classification loss considering the punishment for fake backgrounds as well as confusing categories on a generalized few-shot object detection dataset. Extensive experiments on MS-COCO and PASCAL VOC show that the proposed RISF substantially outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches. The code will be available.
PDF 19 pages, 11 figures


Enhancing Traffic Object Detection in Variable Illumination with RGB-Event Fusion

Authors:Zhanwen Liu, Nan Yang, Yang Wang, Yuke Li, Xiangmo Zhao, Fei-Yue Wang

Traffic object detection under variable illumination is challenging due to the information loss caused by the limited dynamic range of conventional frame-based cameras. To address this issue, we introduce bio-inspired event cameras and propose a novel Structure-aware Fusion Network (SFNet) that extracts sharp and complete object structures from the event stream to compensate for the lost information in images through cross-modality fusion, enabling the network to obtain illumination-robust representations for traffic object detection. Specifically, to mitigate the sparsity or blurriness issues arising from diverse motion states of traffic objects in fixed-interval event sampling methods, we propose the Reliable Structure Generation Network (RSGNet) to generate Speed Invariant Frames (SIF), ensuring the integrity and sharpness of object structures. Next, we design a novel Adaptive Feature Complement Module (AFCM) which guides the adaptive fusion of two modality features to compensate for the information loss in the images by perceiving the global lightness distribution of the images, thereby generating illumination-robust representations. Finally, considering the lack of large-scale and high-quality annotations in the existing event-based object detection datasets, we build a DSEC-Det dataset, which consists of 53 sequences with 63,931 images and more than 208,000 labels for 8 classes. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our proposed SFNet can overcome the perceptual boundaries of conventional cameras and outperform the frame-based method by 8.0% in mAP50 and 5.9% in mAP50:95. Our code and dataset will be available at https://github.com/YN-Yang/SFNet.
PDF 13 pages, 10 figures


TPSeNCE: Towards Artifact-Free Realistic Rain Generation for Deraining and Object Detection in Rain

Authors:Shen Zheng, Changjie Lu, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan

Rain generation algorithms have the potential to improve the generalization of deraining methods and scene understanding in rainy conditions. However, in practice, they produce artifacts and distortions and struggle to control the amount of rain generated due to a lack of proper constraints. In this paper, we propose an unpaired image-to-image translation framework for generating realistic rainy images. We first introduce a Triangular Probability Similarity (TPS) constraint to guide the generated images toward clear and rainy images in the discriminator manifold, thereby minimizing artifacts and distortions during rain generation. Unlike conventional contrastive learning approaches, which indiscriminately push negative samples away from the anchors, we propose a Semantic Noise Contrastive Estimation (SeNCE) strategy and reassess the pushing force of negative samples based on the semantic similarity between the clear and the rainy images and the feature similarity between the anchor and the negative samples. Experiments demonstrate realistic rain generation with minimal artifacts and distortions, which benefits image deraining and object detection in rain. Furthermore, the method can be used to generate realistic snowy and night images, underscoring its potential for broader applicability. Code is available at https://github.com/ShenZheng2000/TPSeNCE.


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