
2023-10-16 更新

Animatable Virtual Humans: Learning pose-dependent human representations in UV space for interactive performance synthesis

Authors:Wieland Morgenstern, Milena T. Bagdasarian, Anna Hilsmann, Peter Eisert

We propose a novel representation of virtual humans for highly realistic real-time animation and rendering in 3D applications. We learn pose dependent appearance and geometry from highly accurate dynamic mesh sequences obtained from state-of-the-art multiview-video reconstruction. Learning pose-dependent appearance and geometry from mesh sequences poses significant challenges, as it requires the network to learn the intricate shape and articulated motion of a human body. However, statistical body models like SMPL provide valuable a-priori knowledge which we leverage in order to constrain the dimension of the search space enabling more efficient and targeted learning and define pose-dependency. Instead of directly learning absolute pose-dependent geometry, we learn the difference between the observed geometry and the fitted SMPL model. This allows us to encode both pose-dependent appearance and geometry in the consistent UV space of the SMPL model. This approach not only ensures a high level of realism but also facilitates streamlined processing and rendering of virtual humans in real-time scenarios.


High-Fidelity 3D Head Avatars Reconstruction through Spatially-Varying Expression Conditioned Neural Radiance Field

Authors:Minghan Qin, Yifan Liu, Yuelang Xu, Xiaochen Zhao, Yebin Liu, Haoqian Wang

One crucial aspect of 3D head avatar reconstruction lies in the details of facial expressions. Although recent NeRF-based photo-realistic 3D head avatar methods achieve high-quality avatar rendering, they still encounter challenges retaining intricate facial expression details because they overlook the potential of specific expression variations at different spatial positions when conditioning the radiance field. Motivated by this observation, we introduce a novel Spatially-Varying Expression (SVE) conditioning. The SVE can be obtained by a simple MLP-based generation network, encompassing both spatial positional features and global expression information. Benefiting from rich and diverse information of the SVE at different positions, the proposed SVE-conditioned neural radiance field can deal with intricate facial expressions and achieve realistic rendering and geometry details of high-fidelity 3D head avatars. Additionally, to further elevate the geometric and rendering quality, we introduce a new coarse-to-fine training strategy, including a geometry initialization strategy at the coarse stage and an adaptive importance sampling strategy at the fine stage. Extensive experiments indicate that our method outperforms other state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods in rendering and geometry quality on mobile phone-collected and public datasets.
PDF 9 pages, 5 figures


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