
2023-10-05 更新

Dataset Diffusion: Diffusion-based Synthetic Dataset Generation for Pixel-Level Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Quang Nguyen, Truong Vu, Anh Tran, Khoi Nguyen

Preparing training data for deep vision models is a labor-intensive task. To address this, generative models have emerged as an effective solution for generating synthetic data. While current generative models produce image-level category labels, we propose a novel method for generating pixel-level semantic segmentation labels using the text-to-image generative model Stable Diffusion (SD). By utilizing the text prompts, cross-attention, and self-attention of SD, we introduce three new techniques: class-prompt appending, class-prompt cross-attention, and self-attention exponentiation. These techniques enable us to generate segmentation maps corresponding to synthetic images. These maps serve as pseudo-labels for training semantic segmenters, eliminating the need for labor-intensive pixel-wise annotation. To account for the imperfections in our pseudo-labels, we incorporate uncertainty regions into the segmentation, allowing us to disregard loss from those regions. We conduct evaluations on two datasets, PASCAL VOC and MSCOCO, and our approach significantly outperforms concurrent work. Our benchmarks and code will be released at https://github.com/VinAIResearch/Dataset-Diffusion
PDF Accepted to NeurIPS 2023


Open Compound Domain Adaptation with Object Style Compensation for Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Tingliang Feng, Hao Shi, Xueyang Liu, Wei Feng, Liang Wan, Yanlin Zhou, Di Lin

Many methods of semantic image segmentation have borrowed the success of open compound domain adaptation. They minimize the style gap between the images of source and target domains, more easily predicting the accurate pseudo annotations for target domain’s images that train segmentation network. The existing methods globally adapt the scene style of the images, whereas the object styles of different categories or instances are adapted improperly. This paper proposes the Object Style Compensation, where we construct the Object-Level Discrepancy Memory with multiple sets of discrepancy features. The discrepancy features in a set capture the style changes of the same category’s object instances adapted from target to source domains. We learn the discrepancy features from the images of source and target domains, storing the discrepancy features in memory. With this memory, we select appropriate discrepancy features for compensating the style information of the object instances of various categories, adapting the object styles to a unified style of source domain. Our method enables a more accurate computation of the pseudo annotations for target domain’s images, thus yielding state-of-the-art results on different datasets.
PDF Accepted by NeurlPS2023


Cross-City Matters: A Multimodal Remote Sensing Benchmark Dataset for Cross-City Semantic Segmentation using High-Resolution Domain Adaptation Networks

Authors:Danfeng Hong, Bing Zhang, Hao Li, Yuxuan Li, Jing Yao, Chenyu Li, Martin Werner, Jocelyn Chanussot, Alexander Zipf, Xiao Xiang Zhu

Artificial intelligence (AI) approaches nowadays have gained remarkable success in single-modality-dominated remote sensing (RS) applications, especially with an emphasis on individual urban environments (e.g., single cities or regions). Yet these AI models tend to meet the performance bottleneck in the case studies across cities or regions, due to the lack of diverse RS information and cutting-edge solutions with high generalization ability. To this end, we build a new set of multimodal remote sensing benchmark datasets (including hyperspectral, multispectral, SAR) for the study purpose of the cross-city semantic segmentation task (called C2Seg dataset), which consists of two cross-city scenes, i.e., Berlin-Augsburg (in Germany) and Beijing-Wuhan (in China). Beyond the single city, we propose a high-resolution domain adaptation network, HighDAN for short, to promote the AI model’s generalization ability from the multi-city environments. HighDAN is capable of retaining the spatially topological structure of the studied urban scene well in a parallel high-to-low resolution fusion fashion but also closing the gap derived from enormous differences of RS image representations between different cities by means of adversarial learning. In addition, the Dice loss is considered in HighDAN to alleviate the class imbalance issue caused by factors across cities. Extensive experiments conducted on the C2Seg dataset show the superiority of our HighDAN in terms of segmentation performance and generalization ability, compared to state-of-the-art competitors. The C2Seg dataset and the semantic segmentation toolbox (involving the proposed HighDAN) will be available publicly at https://github.com/danfenghong.


Tensor Factorization for Leveraging Cross-Modal Knowledge in Data-Constrained Infrared Object Detection

Authors:Manish Sharma, Moitreya Chatterjee, Kuan-Chuan Peng, Suhas Lohit, Michael Jones

The primary bottleneck towards obtaining good recognition performance in IR images is the lack of sufficient labeled training data, owing to the cost of acquiring such data. Realizing that object detection methods for the RGB modality are quite robust (at least for some commonplace classes, like person, car, etc.), thanks to the giant training sets that exist, in this work we seek to leverage cues from the RGB modality to scale object detectors to the IR modality, while preserving model performance in the RGB modality. At the core of our method, is a novel tensor decomposition method called TensorFact which splits the convolution kernels of a layer of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) into low-rank factor matrices, with fewer parameters than the original CNN. We first pretrain these factor matrices on the RGB modality, for which plenty of training data are assumed to exist and then augment only a few trainable parameters for training on the IR modality to avoid over-fitting, while encouraging them to capture complementary cues from those trained only on the RGB modality. We validate our approach empirically by first assessing how well our TensorFact decomposed network performs at the task of detecting objects in RGB images vis-a-vis the original network and then look at how well it adapts to IR images of the FLIR ADAS v1 dataset. For the latter, we train models under scenarios that pose challenges stemming from data paucity. From the experiments, we observe that: (i) TensorFact shows performance gains on RGB images; (ii) further, this pre-trained model, when fine-tuned, outperforms a standard state-of-the-art object detector on the FLIR ADAS v1 dataset by about 4% in terms of mAP 50 score.
PDF Accepted to ICCV 2023, LIMIT Workshop. The first two authors contributed equally


Superpixel Transformers for Efficient Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Alex Zihao Zhu, Jieru Mei, Siyuan Qiao, Hang Yan, Yukun Zhu, Liang-Chieh Chen, Henrik Kretzschmar

Semantic segmentation, which aims to classify every pixel in an image, is a key task in machine perception, with many applications across robotics and autonomous driving. Due to the high dimensionality of this task, most existing approaches use local operations, such as convolutions, to generate per-pixel features. However, these methods are typically unable to effectively leverage global context information due to the high computational costs of operating on a dense image. In this work, we propose a solution to this issue by leveraging the idea of superpixels, an over-segmentation of the image, and applying them with a modern transformer framework. In particular, our model learns to decompose the pixel space into a spatially low dimensional superpixel space via a series of local cross-attentions. We then apply multi-head self-attention to the superpixels to enrich the superpixel features with global context and then directly produce a class prediction for each superpixel. Finally, we directly project the superpixel class predictions back into the pixel space using the associations between the superpixels and the image pixel features. Reasoning in the superpixel space allows our method to be substantially more computationally efficient compared to convolution-based decoder methods. Yet, our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in semantic segmentation due to the rich superpixel features generated by the global self-attention mechanism. Our experiments on Cityscapes and ADE20K demonstrate that our method matches the state of the art in terms of accuracy, while outperforming in terms of model parameters and latency.
PDF 8 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables. Presented at IROS 2023. Equal contribution by A. Zhu and J. Mei


COMNet: Co-Occurrent Matching for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Yukun Su, Jingliang Deng, Zonghan Li

Image-level weakly supervised semantic segmentation is a challenging task that has been deeply studied in recent years. Most of the common solutions exploit class activation map (CAM) to locate object regions. However, such response maps generated by the classification network usually focus on discriminative object parts. In this paper, we propose a novel Co-Occurrent Matching Network (COMNet), which can promote the quality of the CAMs and enforce the network to pay attention to the entire parts of objects. Specifically, we perform inter-matching on paired images that contain common classes to enhance the corresponded areas, and construct intra-matching on a single image to propagate the semantic features across the object regions. The experiments on the Pascal VOC 2012 and MS-COCO datasets show that our network can effectively boost the performance of the baseline model and achieve new state-of-the-art performance.


SegRCDB: Semantic Segmentation via Formula-Driven Supervised Learning

Authors:Risa Shinoda, Ryo Hayamizu, Kodai Nakashima, Nakamasa Inoue, Rio Yokota, Hirokatsu Kataoka

Pre-training is a strong strategy for enhancing visual models to efficiently train them with a limited number of labeled images. In semantic segmentation, creating annotation masks requires an intensive amount of labor and time, and therefore, a large-scale pre-training dataset with semantic labels is quite difficult to construct. Moreover, what matters in semantic segmentation pre-training has not been fully investigated. In this paper, we propose the Segmentation Radial Contour DataBase (SegRCDB), which for the first time applies formula-driven supervised learning for semantic segmentation. SegRCDB enables pre-training for semantic segmentation without real images or any manual semantic labels. SegRCDB is based on insights about what is important in pre-training for semantic segmentation and allows efficient pre-training. Pre-training with SegRCDB achieved higher mIoU than the pre-training with COCO-Stuff for fine-tuning on ADE-20k and Cityscapes with the same number of training images. SegRCDB has a high potential to contribute to semantic segmentation pre-training and investigation by enabling the creation of large datasets without manual annotation. The SegRCDB dataset will be released under a license that allows research and commercial use. Code is available at: https://github.com/dahlian00/SegRCDB
PDF ICCV2023. Code: https://github.com/dahlian00/SegRCDB, Project page: https://dahlian00.github.io/SegRCDBPage/


Advances in Kidney Biopsy Structural Assessment through Dense Instance Segmentation

Authors:Zhan Xiong, Junling He, Pieter Valkema, Tri Q. Nguyen, Maarten Naesens, Jesper Kers, Fons J. Verbeek

The kidney biopsy is the gold standard for the diagnosis of kidney diseases. Lesion scores made by expert renal pathologists are semi-quantitative and suffer from high inter-observer variability. Automatically obtaining statistics per segmented anatomical object, therefore, can bring significant benefits in reducing labor and this inter-observer variability. Instance segmentation for a biopsy, however, has been a challenging problem due to (a) the on average large number (around 300 to 1000) of densely touching anatomical structures, (b) with multiple classes (at least 3) and (c) in different sizes and shapes. The currently used instance segmentation models cannot simultaneously deal with these challenges in an efficient yet generic manner. In this paper, we propose the first anchor-free instance segmentation model that combines diffusion models, transformer modules, and RCNNs (regional convolution neural networks). Our model is trained on just one NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 GPU, but can efficiently recognize more than 500 objects with 3 common anatomical object classes in renal biopsies, i.e., glomeruli, tubuli, and arteries. Our data set consisted of 303 patches extracted from 148 Jones’ silver-stained renal whole slide images (WSIs), where 249 patches were used for training and 54 patches for evaluation. In addition, without adjustment or retraining, the model can directly transfer its domain to generate decent instance segmentation results from PAS-stained WSIs. Importantly, it outperforms other baseline models and reaches an AP 51.7% in detection as the new state-of-the-art.
PDF 9 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables, Journal


Dual-Augmented Transformer Network for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Jingliang Deng, Zonghan Li

Weakly supervised semantic segmentation (WSSS), a fundamental computer vision task, which aims to segment out the object within only class-level labels. The traditional methods adopt the CNN-based network and utilize the class activation map (CAM) strategy to discover the object regions. However, such methods only focus on the most discriminative region of the object, resulting in incomplete segmentation. An alternative is to explore vision transformers (ViT) to encode the image to acquire the global semantic information. Yet, the lack of transductive bias to objects is a flaw of ViT. In this paper, we explore the dual-augmented transformer network with self-regularization constraints for WSSS. Specifically, we propose a dual network with both CNN-based and transformer networks for mutually complementary learning, where both networks augment the final output for enhancement. Massive systemic evaluations on the challenging PASCAL VOC 2012 benchmark demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, outperforming previous state-of-the-art methods.


An easy zero-shot learning combination: Texture Sensitive Semantic Segmentation IceHrNet and Advanced Style Transfer Learning Strategy

Authors:Zhiyong Yang, Yuelong Zhu, Xiaoqin Zeng, Jun Zong, Xiuheng Liu, Ran Tao, Xiaofei Cong, Yufeng Yu

We proposed an easy method of Zero-Shot semantic segmentation by using style transfer. In this case, we successfully used a medical imaging dataset (Blood Cell Imagery) to train a model for river ice semantic segmentation. First, we built a river ice semantic segmentation dataset IPC_RI_SEG using a fixed camera and covering the entire ice melting process of the river. Second, a high-resolution texture fusion semantic segmentation network named IceHrNet is proposed. The network used HRNet as the backbone and added ASPP and Decoder segmentation heads to retain low-level texture features for fine semantic segmentation. Finally, a simple and effective advanced style transfer learning strategy was proposed, which can perform zero-shot transfer learning based on cross-domain semantic segmentation datasets, achieving a practical effect of 87% mIoU for semantic segmentation of river ice without target training dataset (25% mIoU for None Stylized, 65% mIoU for Conventional Stylized, our strategy improved by 22%). Experiments showed that the IceHrNet outperformed the state-of-the-art methods on the texture-focused dataset IPC_RI_SEG, and achieved an excellent result on the shape-focused river ice datasets. In zero-shot transfer learning, IceHrNet achieved an increase of 2 percentage points compared to other methods. Our code and model are published on https://github.com/PL23K/IceHrNet.
PDF 12 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Journal of Hydrology


RBF Weighted Hyper-Involution for RGB-D Object Detection

Authors:Mehfuz A Rahman, Jiju Peethambaran, Neil London

A vast majority of conventional augmented reality devices are equipped with depth sensors. Depth images produced by such sensors contain complementary information for object detection when used with color images. Despite the benefits, it remains a complex task to simultaneously extract photometric and depth features in real time due to the immanent difference between depth and color images. Moreover, standard convolution operations are not sufficient to properly extract information directly from raw depth images leading to intermediate representations of depth which is inefficient. To address these issues, we propose a real-time and two stream RGBD object detection model. The proposed model consists of two new components: a depth guided hyper-involution that adapts dynamically based on the spatial interaction pattern in the raw depth map and an up-sampling based trainable fusion layer that combines the extracted depth and color image features without blocking the information transfer between them. We show that the proposed model outperforms other RGB-D based object detection models on NYU Depth v2 dataset and achieves comparable (second best) results on SUN RGB-D. Additionally, we introduce a new outdoor RGB-D object detection dataset where our proposed model outperforms other models. The performance evaluation on diverse synthetic data generated from CAD models and images shows the potential of the proposed model to be adapted to augmented reality based applications.
PDF 27 pages, 16 figures


You Do Not Need Additional Priors in Camouflage Object Detection

Authors:Yuchen Dong, Heng Zhou, Chengyang Li, Junjie Xie, Yongqiang Xie, Zhongbo Li

Camouflage object detection (COD) poses a significant challenge due to the high resemblance between camouflaged objects and their surroundings. Although current deep learning methods have made significant progress in detecting camouflaged objects, many of them heavily rely on additional prior information. However, acquiring such additional prior information is both expensive and impractical in real-world scenarios. Therefore, there is a need to develop a network for camouflage object detection that does not depend on additional priors. In this paper, we propose a novel adaptive feature aggregation method that effectively combines multi-layer feature information to generate guidance information. In contrast to previous approaches that rely on edge or ranking priors, our method directly leverages information extracted from image features to guide model training. Through extensive experimental results, we demonstrate that our proposed method achieves comparable or superior performance when compared to state-of-the-art approaches.


Pixel-Aligned Recurrent Queries for Multi-View 3D Object Detection

Authors:Yiming Xie, Huaizu Jiang, Georgia Gkioxari, Julian Straub

We present PARQ - a multi-view 3D object detector with transformer and pixel-aligned recurrent queries. Unlike previous works that use learnable features or only encode 3D point positions as queries in the decoder, PARQ leverages appearance-enhanced queries initialized from reference points in 3D space and updates their 3D location with recurrent cross-attention operations. Incorporating pixel-aligned features and cross attention enables the model to encode the necessary 3D-to-2D correspondences and capture global contextual information of the input images. PARQ outperforms prior best methods on the ScanNet and ARKitScenes datasets, learns and detects faster, is more robust to distribution shifts in reference points, can leverage additional input views without retraining, and can adapt inference compute by changing the number of recurrent iterations.
PDF ICCV 2023. Project page: https://ymingxie.github.io/parq


CoDA: Collaborative Novel Box Discovery and Cross-modal Alignment for Open-vocabulary 3D Object Detection

Authors:Yang Cao, Yihan Zeng, Hang Xu, Dan Xu

Open-vocabulary 3D Object Detection (OV-3DDet) aims to detect objects from an arbitrary list of categories within a 3D scene, which remains seldom explored in the literature. There are primarily two fundamental problems in OV-3DDet, i.e., localizing and classifying novel objects. This paper aims at addressing the two problems simultaneously via a unified framework, under the condition of limited base categories. To localize novel 3D objects, we propose an effective 3D Novel Object Discovery strategy, which utilizes both the 3D box geometry priors and 2D semantic open-vocabulary priors to generate pseudo box labels of the novel objects. To classify novel object boxes, we further develop a cross-modal alignment module based on discovered novel boxes, to align feature spaces between 3D point cloud and image/text modalities. Specifically, the alignment process contains a class-agnostic and a class-discriminative alignment, incorporating not only the base objects with annotations but also the increasingly discovered novel objects, resulting in an iteratively enhanced alignment. The novel box discovery and crossmodal alignment are jointly learned to collaboratively benefit each other. The novel object discovery can directly impact the cross-modal alignment, while a better feature alignment can, in turn, boost the localization capability, leading to a unified OV-3DDet framework, named CoDA, for simultaneous novel object localization and classification. Extensive experiments on two challenging datasets (i.e., SUN-RGBD and ScanNet) demonstrate the effectiveness of our method and also show a significant mAP improvement upon the best-performing alternative method by 80%. Codes and pre-trained models are released on the project page.
PDF Accepted by NeurIPS 2023. Project Page: https://yangcaoai.github.io/publications/CoDA.html


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