
2023-10-05 更新

Diving into the Depths of Spotting Text in Multi-Domain Noisy Scenes

Authors:Alloy Das, Sanket Biswas, Umapada Pal, Josep Lladós

When used in a real-world noisy environment, the capacity to generalize to multiple domains is essential for any autonomous scene text spotting system. However, existing state-of-the-art methods employ pretraining and fine-tuning strategies on natural scene datasets, which do not exploit the feature interaction across other complex domains. In this work, we explore and investigate the problem of domain-agnostic scene text spotting, i.e., training a model on multi-domain source data such that it can directly generalize to target domains rather than being specialized for a specific domain or scenario. In this regard, we present the community a text spotting validation benchmark called Under-Water Text (UWT) for noisy underwater scenes to establish an important case study. Moreover, we also design an efficient super-resolution based end-to-end transformer baseline called DA-TextSpotter which achieves comparable or superior performance over existing text spotting architectures for both regular and arbitrary-shaped scene text spotting benchmarks in terms of both accuracy and model efficiency. The dataset, code and pre-trained models will be released upon acceptance.
PDF Submitted to ICRA 2024


ED-NeRF: Efficient Text-Guided Editing of 3D Scene using Latent Space NeRF

Authors:Jangho Park, Gihyun Kwon, Jong Chul Ye

Recently, there has been a significant advancement in text-to-image diffusion models, leading to groundbreaking performance in 2D image generation. These advancements have been extended to 3D models, enabling the generation of novel 3D objects from textual descriptions. This has evolved into NeRF editing methods, which allow the manipulation of existing 3D objects through textual conditioning. However, existing NeRF editing techniques have faced limitations in their performance due to slow training speeds and the use of loss functions that do not adequately consider editing. To address this, here we present a novel 3D NeRF editing approach dubbed ED-NeRF by successfully embedding real-world scenes into the latent space of the latent diffusion model (LDM) through a unique refinement layer. This approach enables us to obtain a NeRF backbone that is not only faster but also more amenable to editing compared to traditional image space NeRF editing. Furthermore, we propose an improved loss function tailored for editing by migrating the delta denoising score (DDS) distillation loss, originally used in 2D image editing to the three-dimensional domain. This novel loss function surpasses the well-known score distillation sampling (SDS) loss in terms of suitability for editing purposes. Our experimental results demonstrate that ED-NeRF achieves faster editing speed while producing improved output quality compared to state-of-the-art 3D editing models.


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