
2023-09-28 更新

Video Timeline Modeling For News Story Understanding

Authors:Meng Liu, Mingda Zhang, Jialu Liu, Hanjun Dai, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Shuiwang Ji, Zheyun Feng, Boqing Gong

In this paper, we present a novel problem, namely video timeline modeling. Our objective is to create a video-associated timeline from a set of videos related to a specific topic, thereby facilitating the content and structure understanding of the story being told. This problem has significant potential in various real-world applications, such as news story summarization. To bootstrap research in this area, we curate a realistic benchmark dataset, YouTube-News-Timeline, consisting of over $12$k timelines and $300$k YouTube news videos. Additionally, we propose a set of quantitative metrics as the protocol to comprehensively evaluate and compare methodologies. With such a testbed, we further develop and benchmark exploratory deep learning approaches to tackle this problem. We anticipate that this exploratory work will pave the way for further research in video timeline modeling. The assets are available via https://github.com/google-research/google-research/tree/master/video_timeline_modeling.
PDF Accepted as a spotlight by NeurIPS 2023, Track on Datasets and Benchmarks


UCF-Crime Annotation: A Benchmark for Surveillance Video-and-Language Understanding

Authors:Tongtong Yuan, Xuange Zhang, Kun Liu, Bo Liu, Jian Jin, Zhenzhen Jiao

Surveillance videos are an essential component of daily life with various critical applications, particularly in public security. However, current surveillance video tasks mainly focus on classifying and localizing anomalous events. Existing methods are limited to detecting and classifying the predefined events with unsatisfactory generalization ability and semantic understanding, although they have obtained considerable performance. To address this issue, we propose constructing the first multimodal surveillance video dataset by manually annotating the real-world surveillance dataset UCF-Crime with fine-grained event content and timing. Our newly annotated dataset, UCA (UCF-Crime Annotation), provides a novel benchmark for multimodal surveillance video analysis. It not only describes events in detailed descriptions but also provides precise temporal grounding of the events in 0.1-second intervals. UCA contains 20,822 sentences, with an average length of 23 words, and its annotated videos are as long as 102 hours. Furthermore, we benchmark the state-of-the-art models of multiple multimodal tasks on this newly created dataset, including temporal sentence grounding in videos, video captioning, and dense video captioning. Through our experiments, we found that mainstream models used in previously publicly available datasets perform poorly on multimodal surveillance video scenarios, which highlights the necessity of constructing this dataset. The link to our dataset and code is provided at: https://github.com/Xuange923/UCA-dataset.


M$^{3}$3D: Learning 3D priors using Multi-Modal Masked Autoencoders for 2D image and video understanding

Authors:Muhammad Abdullah Jamal, Omid Mohareri

We present a new pre-training strategy called M$^{3}$3D ($\underline{M}$ulti-$\underline{M}$odal $\underline{M}$asked $\underline{3D}$) built based on Multi-modal masked autoencoders that can leverage 3D priors and learned cross-modal representations in RGB-D data. We integrate two major self-supervised learning frameworks; Masked Image Modeling (MIM) and contrastive learning; aiming to effectively embed masked 3D priors and modality complementary features to enhance the correspondence between modalities. In contrast to recent approaches which are either focusing on specific downstream tasks or require multi-view correspondence, we show that our pre-training strategy is ubiquitous, enabling improved representation learning that can transfer into improved performance on various downstream tasks such as video action recognition, video action detection, 2D semantic segmentation and depth estimation. Experiments show that M$^{3}$3D outperforms the existing state-of-the-art approaches on ScanNet, NYUv2, UCF-101 and OR-AR, particularly with an improvement of +1.3\% mIoU against Mask3D on ScanNet semantic segmentation. We further evaluate our method on low-data regime and demonstrate its superior data efficiency compared to current state-of-the-art approaches.


文章作者: 木子已
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