
2023-09-28 更新

HAVE-Net: Hallucinated Audio-Visual Embeddings for Few-Shot Classification with Unimodal Cues

Authors:Ankit Jha, Debabrata Pal, Mainak Singha, Naman Agarwal, Biplab Banerjee

Recognition of remote sensing (RS) or aerial images is currently of great interest, and advancements in deep learning algorithms added flavor to it in recent years. Occlusion, intra-class variance, lighting, etc., might arise while training neural networks using unimodal RS visual input. Even though joint training of audio-visual modalities improves classification performance in a low-data regime, it has yet to be thoroughly investigated in the RS domain. Here, we aim to solve a novel problem where both the audio and visual modalities are present during the meta-training of a few-shot learning (FSL) classifier; however, one of the modalities might be missing during the meta-testing stage. This problem formulation is pertinent in the RS domain, given the difficulties in data acquisition or sensor malfunctioning. To mitigate, we propose a novel few-shot generative framework, Hallucinated Audio-Visual Embeddings-Network (HAVE-Net), to meta-train cross-modal features from limited unimodal data. Precisely, these hallucinated features are meta-learned from base classes and used for few-shot classification on novel classes during the inference phase. The experimental results on the benchmark ADVANCE and AudioSetZSL datasets show that our hallucinated modality augmentation strategy for few-shot classification outperforms the classifier performance trained with the real multimodal information at least by 0.8-2%.
PDF 8 Page, 2 Figures, 2 Tables, Accepted in Adapting to Change: Reliable Multimodal Learning Across Domains Workshop, ECML PKDD 2023


MentalLLaMA: Interpretable Mental Health Analysis on Social Media with Large Language Models

Authors:Kailai Yang, Tianlin Zhang, Ziyan Kuang, Qianqian Xie, Sophia Ananiadou

With the development of web technology, social media texts are becoming a rich source for automatic mental health analysis. As traditional discriminative methods bear the problem of low interpretability, the recent large language models have been explored for interpretable mental health analysis on social media, which aims to provide detailed explanations along with predictions. The results show that ChatGPT can generate approaching-human explanations for its correct classifications. However, LLMs still achieve unsatisfactory classification performance in a zero-shot/few-shot manner. Domain-specific finetuning is an effective solution, but faces 2 challenges: 1) lack of high-quality training data. 2) no open-source LLMs for interpretable mental health analysis were released to lower the finetuning cost. To alleviate these problems, we build the first multi-task and multi-source interpretable mental health instruction (IMHI) dataset on social media, with 105K data samples. The raw social media data are collected from 10 existing sources covering 8 mental health analysis tasks. We use expert-written few-shot prompts and collected labels to prompt ChatGPT and obtain explanations from its responses. To ensure the reliability of the explanations, we perform strict automatic and human evaluations on the correctness, consistency, and quality of generated data. Based on the IMHI dataset and LLaMA2 foundation models, we train MentalLLaMA, the first open-source LLM series for interpretable mental health analysis with instruction-following capability. We also evaluate the performance of MentalLLaMA on the IMHI evaluation benchmark with 10 test sets, where their correctness for making predictions and the quality of explanations are examined. The results show that MentalLLaMA approaches state-of-the-art discriminative methods in correctness and generates high-quality explanations.
PDF Work in progress


PARTICLE: Part Discovery and Contrastive Learning for Fine-grained Recognition

Authors:Oindrila Saha, Subhransu Maji

We develop techniques for refining representations for fine-grained classification and segmentation tasks in a self-supervised manner. We find that fine-tuning methods based on instance-discriminative contrastive learning are not as effective, and posit that recognizing part-specific variations is crucial for fine-grained categorization. We present an iterative learning approach that incorporates part-centric equivariance and invariance objectives. First, pixel representations are clustered to discover parts. We analyze the representations from convolutional and vision transformer networks that are best suited for this task. Then, a part-centric learning step aggregates and contrasts representations of parts within an image. We show that this improves the performance on image classification and part segmentation tasks across datasets. For example, under a linear-evaluation scheme, the classification accuracy of a ResNet50 trained on ImageNet using DetCon, a self-supervised learning approach, improves from 35.4% to 42.0% on the Caltech-UCSD Birds, from 35.5% to 44.1% on the FGVC Aircraft, and from 29.7% to 37.4% on the Stanford Cars. We also observe significant gains in few-shot part segmentation tasks using the proposed technique, while instance-discriminative learning was not as effective. Smaller, yet consistent, improvements are also observed for stronger networks based on transformers.


FeCAM: Exploiting the Heterogeneity of Class Distributions in Exemplar-Free Continual Learning

Authors:Dipam Goswami, Yuyang Liu, Bartłomiej Twardowski, Joost van de Weijer

Exemplar-free class-incremental learning (CIL) poses several challenges since it prohibits the rehearsal of data from previous tasks and thus suffers from catastrophic forgetting. Recent approaches to incrementally learning the classifier by freezing the feature extractor after the first task have gained much attention. In this paper, we explore prototypical networks for CIL, which generate new class prototypes using the frozen feature extractor and classify the features based on the Euclidean distance to the prototypes. In an analysis of the feature distributions of classes, we show that classification based on Euclidean metrics is successful for jointly trained features. However, when learning from non-stationary data, we observe that the Euclidean metric is suboptimal and that feature distributions are heterogeneous. To address this challenge, we revisit the anisotropic Mahalanobis distance for CIL. In addition, we empirically show that modeling the feature covariance relations is better than previous attempts at sampling features from normal distributions and training a linear classifier. Unlike existing methods, our approach generalizes to both many- and few-shot CIL settings, as well as to domain-incremental settings. Interestingly, without updating the backbone network, our method obtains state-of-the-art results on several standard continual learning benchmarks. Code is available at https://github.com/dipamgoswami/FeCAM.
PDF Accepted at NeurIPS 2023


Are Human-generated Demonstrations Necessary for In-context Learning?

Authors:Rui Li, Guoyin Wang, Jiwei Li

Despite the promising few-shot ability of large language models (LLMs), the standard paradigm of In-context Learning (ICL) suffers the disadvantages of susceptibility to selected demonstrations and the intricacy to generate these demonstrations. In this paper, we raise the fundamental question that whether human-generated demonstrations are necessary for ICL. To answer this question, we propose self-contemplation prompting strategy (SEC), a paradigm free from human-crafted demonstrations. The key point of SEC is that, instead of using hand-crafted examples as demonstrations in ICL, SEC asks LLMs to first create demonstrations on their own, based on which the final output is generated. SEC is a flexible framework and can be adapted to both the vanilla ICL and the chain-of-thought (CoT), but with greater ease: as the manual-generation process of both examples and rationale can be saved. Extensive experiments in arithmetic reasoning, commonsense reasoning, multi-task language understanding, and code generation benchmarks, show that SEC, which does not require hand-crafted demonstrations, significantly outperforms the zero-shot learning strategy, and achieves comparable results to ICL with hand-crafted demonstrations. This demonstrates that, for many tasks, contemporary LLMs possess a sufficient level of competence to exclusively depend on their own capacity for decision making, removing the need for external training data. Code is available at https://github.com/ruili33/SEC.
PDF Pre-print Version


Boosting In-Context Learning with Factual Knowledge

Authors:Jianing Wang, Chengyu Wang, Chuanqi Tan, Jun Huang, Ming Gao

In-Context Learning (ICL) over Large language models (LLMs) aims at solving previously unseen tasks by conditioning on a few training examples, eliminating the need for parameter updates and achieving competitive performance. In this paper, we demonstrate that factual knowledge is imperative for the performance of ICL in three core facets, i.e., the inherent knowledge learned in LLMs, the factual knowledge derived from the selected in-context examples, and the knowledge biases in LLMs for output generation. To unleash the power of LLMs in few-shot learning scenarios, we introduce a novel Knowledgeable In-Context Tuning (KICT) framework to further improve the performance of ICL: 1) injecting factual knowledge to LLMs during continual self-supervised pre-training, 2) judiciously selecting the examples with high knowledge relevance, and 3) calibrating the prediction results based on prior knowledge. We evaluate the proposed approaches on auto-regressive LLMs (e.g., GPT-style models) over multiple text classification and question answering tasks. Experimental results demonstrate that KICT substantially outperforms strong baselines, and improves by more than 13% and 7% of accuracy on text classification and question answering tasks, respectively.


Noise-Tolerant Unsupervised Adapter for Vision-Language Models

Authors:Eman Ali, Dayan Guan, Shijian Lu, Abdulmotaleb Elsaddik

Recent advances in large-scale vision-language models have achieved very impressive performance in various zero-shot image classification tasks. While prior studies have demonstrated significant improvements by introducing few-shot labelled target samples, they still require labelling of target samples, which greatly degrades their scalability while handling various visual recognition tasks. We design NtUA, a Noise-tolerant Unsupervised Adapter that allows learning superior target models with few-shot unlabelled target samples. NtUA works as a key-value cache that formulates visual features and predicted pseudo-labels of the few-shot unlabelled target samples as key-value pairs. It consists of two complementary designs. The first is adaptive cache formation that combats pseudo-label noises by weighting the key-value pairs according to their prediction confidence. The second is pseudo-label rectification, which corrects both pair values (i.e., pseudo-labels) and cache weights by leveraging knowledge distillation from large-scale vision language models. Extensive experiments show that NtUA achieves superior performance consistently across multiple widely adopted benchmarks.


Towards Foundation Models Learned from Anatomy in Medical Imaging via Self-Supervision

Authors:Mohammad Reza Hosseinzadeh Taher, Michael B. Gotway, Jianming Liang

Human anatomy is the foundation of medical imaging and boasts one striking characteristic: its hierarchy in nature, exhibiting two intrinsic properties: (1) locality: each anatomical structure is morphologically distinct from the others; and (2) compositionality: each anatomical structure is an integrated part of a larger whole. We envision a foundation model for medical imaging that is consciously and purposefully developed upon this foundation to gain the capability of “understanding” human anatomy and to possess the fundamental properties of medical imaging. As our first step in realizing this vision towards foundation models in medical imaging, we devise a novel self-supervised learning (SSL) strategy that exploits the hierarchical nature of human anatomy. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that the SSL pretrained model, derived from our training strategy, not only outperforms state-of-the-art (SOTA) fully/self-supervised baselines but also enhances annotation efficiency, offering potential few-shot segmentation capabilities with performance improvements ranging from 9% to 30% for segmentation tasks compared to SSL baselines. This performance is attributed to the significance of anatomy comprehension via our learning strategy, which encapsulates the intrinsic attributes of anatomical structures-locality and compositionality-within the embedding space, yet overlooked in existing SSL methods. All code and pretrained models are available at https://github.com/JLiangLab/Eden.
PDF International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2023)—-Domain Adaptation and Representation Transfer


Tackling VQA with Pretrained Foundation Models without Further Training

Authors:Alvin De Jun Tan, Bingquan Shen

Large language models (LLMs) have achieved state-of-the-art results in many natural language processing tasks. They have also demonstrated ability to adapt well to different tasks through zero-shot or few-shot settings. With the capability of these LLMs, researchers have looked into how to adopt them for use with Visual Question Answering (VQA). Many methods require further training to align the image and text embeddings. However, these methods are computationally expensive and requires large scale image-text dataset for training. In this paper, we explore a method of combining pretrained LLMs and other foundation models without further training to solve the VQA problem. The general idea is to use natural language to represent the images such that the LLM can understand the images. We explore different decoding strategies for generating textual representation of the image and evaluate their performance on the VQAv2 dataset.


Confidence-based Visual Dispersal for Few-shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Authors:Yizhe Xiong, Hui Chen, Zijia Lin, Sicheng Zhao, Guiguang Ding

Unsupervised domain adaptation aims to transfer knowledge from a fully-labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain. However, in real-world scenarios, providing abundant labeled data even in the source domain can be infeasible due to the difficulty and high expense of annotation. To address this issue, recent works consider the Few-shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (FUDA) where only a few source samples are labeled, and conduct knowledge transfer via self-supervised learning methods. Yet existing methods generally overlook that the sparse label setting hinders learning reliable source knowledge for transfer. Additionally, the learning difficulty difference in target samples is different but ignored, leaving hard target samples poorly classified. To tackle both deficiencies, in this paper, we propose a novel Confidence-based Visual Dispersal Transfer learning method (C-VisDiT) for FUDA. Specifically, C-VisDiT consists of a cross-domain visual dispersal strategy that transfers only high-confidence source knowledge for model adaptation and an intra-domain visual dispersal strategy that guides the learning of hard target samples with easy ones. We conduct extensive experiments on Office-31, Office-Home, VisDA-C, and DomainNet benchmark datasets and the results demonstrate that the proposed C-VisDiT significantly outperforms state-of-the-art FUDA methods. Our code is available at https://github.com/Bostoncake/C-VisDiT.
PDF Accepted as ICCV 2023 poster


Few-Shot Multi-Label Aspect Category Detection Utilizing Prototypical Network with Sentence-Level Weighting and Label Augmentation

Authors:Zeyu Wang, Mizuho Iwaihara

Multi-label aspect category detection is intended to detect multiple aspect categories occurring in a given sentence. Since aspect category detection often suffers from limited datasets and data sparsity, the prototypical network with attention mechanisms has been applied for few-shot aspect category detection. Nevertheless, most of the prototypical networks used so far calculate the prototypes by taking the mean value of all the instances in the support set. This seems to ignore the variations between instances in multi-label aspect category detection. Also, several related works utilize label text information to enhance the attention mechanism. However, the label text information is often short and limited, and not specific enough to discern categories. In this paper, we first introduce support set attention along with the augmented label information to mitigate the noise at word-level for each support set instance. Moreover, we use a sentence-level attention mechanism that gives different weights to each instance in the support set in order to compute prototypes by weighted averaging. Finally, the calculated prototypes are further used in conjunction with query instances to compute query attention and thereby eliminate noises from the query set. Experimental results on the Yelp dataset show that our proposed method is useful and outperforms all baselines in four different scenarios.


Generative Speech Recognition Error Correction with Large Language Models

Authors:Chao-Han Huck Yang, Yile Gu, Yi-Chieh Liu, Shalini Ghosh, Ivan Bulyko, Andreas Stolcke

We explore the ability of large language models (LLMs) to act as ASR post-processors that perform rescoring and error correction. Our focus is on instruction prompting to let LLMs perform these task without fine-tuning, for which we evaluate different prompting schemes, both zero- and few-shot in-context learning, and a novel task-activating prompting (TAP) method that combines instruction and demonstration. Using a pre-trained first-pass system and rescoring output on two out-of-domain tasks (ATIS and WSJ), we show that rescoring only by in-context learning with frozen LLMs achieves results that are competitive with rescoring by domain-tuned LMs. By combining prompting techniques with fine-tuning we achieve error rates below the N-best oracle level, showcasing the generalization power of the LLMs.
PDF Accepted to IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU) 2023


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