
2023-09-23 更新

FLDNet: A Foreground-Aware Network for Polyp Segmentation Leveraging Long-Distance Dependencies

Authors:Xuefeng Wei, Xuan Zhou

Given the close association between colorectal cancer and polyps, the diagnosis and identification of colorectal polyps play a critical role in the detection and surgical intervention of colorectal cancer. In this context, the automatic detection and segmentation of polyps from various colonoscopy images has emerged as a significant problem that has attracted broad attention. Current polyp segmentation techniques face several challenges: firstly, polyps vary in size, texture, color, and pattern; secondly, the boundaries between polyps and mucosa are usually blurred, existing studies have focused on learning the local features of polyps while ignoring the long-range dependencies of the features, and also ignoring the local context and global contextual information of the combined features. To address these challenges, we propose FLDNet (Foreground-Long-Distance Network), a Transformer-based neural network that captures long-distance dependencies for accurate polyp segmentation. Specifically, the proposed model consists of three main modules: a pyramid-based Transformer encoder, a local context module, and a foreground-Aware module. Multilevel features with long-distance dependency information are first captured by the pyramid-based transformer encoder. On the high-level features, the local context module obtains the local characteristics related to the polyps by constructing different local context information. The coarse map obtained by decoding the reconstructed highest-level features guides the feature fusion process in the foreground-Aware module of the high-level features to achieve foreground enhancement of the polyps. Our proposed method, FLDNet, was evaluated using seven metrics on common datasets and demonstrated superiority over state-of-the-art methods on widely-used evaluation measures.


Bayesian uncertainty-weighted loss for improved generalisability on polyp segmentation task

Authors:Rebecca S. Stone, Pedro E. Chavarrias-Solano, Andrew J. Bulpitt, David C. Hogg, Sharib Ali

While several previous studies have devised methods for segmentation of polyps, most of these methods are not rigorously assessed on multi-center datasets. Variability due to appearance of polyps from one center to another, difference in endoscopic instrument grades, and acquisition quality result in methods with good performance on in-distribution test data, and poor performance on out-of-distribution or underrepresented samples. Unfair models have serious implications and pose a critical challenge to clinical applications. We adapt an implicit bias mitigation method which leverages Bayesian epistemic uncertainties during training to encourage the model to focus on underrepresented sample regions. We demonstrate the potential of this approach to improve generalisability without sacrificing state-of-the-art performance on a challenging multi-center polyp segmentation dataset (PolypGen) with different centers and image modalities.
PDF To be presented at the Fairness of AI in Medical Imaging (FAIMI) MICCAI 2023 Workshop and published in volumes of the Springer Lecture Notes Computer Science (LNCS) series


Multi-level feature fusion network combining attention mechanisms for polyp segmentation

Authors:Junzhuo Liu, Qiaosong Chen, Ye Zhang, Zhixiang Wang, Deng Xin, Jin Wang

Clinically, automated polyp segmentation techniques have the potential to significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of medical diagnosis, thereby reducing the risk of colorectal cancer in patients. Unfortunately, existing methods suffer from two significant weaknesses that can impact the accuracy of segmentation. Firstly, features extracted by encoders are not adequately filtered and utilized. Secondly, semantic conflicts and information redundancy caused by feature fusion are not attended to. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel approach for polyp segmentation, named MLFF-Net, which leverages multi-level feature fusion and attention mechanisms. Specifically, MLFF-Net comprises three modules: Multi-scale Attention Module (MAM), High-level Feature Enhancement Module (HFEM), and Global Attention Module (GAM). Among these, MAM is used to extract multi-scale information and polyp details from the shallow output of the encoder. In HFEM, the deep features of the encoders complement each other by aggregation. Meanwhile, the attention mechanism redistributes the weight of the aggregated features, weakening the conflicting redundant parts and highlighting the information useful to the task. GAM combines features from the encoder and decoder features, as well as computes global dependencies to prevent receptive field locality. Experimental results on five public datasets show that the proposed method not only can segment multiple types of polyps but also has advantages over current state-of-the-art methods in both accuracy and generalization ability.


Edge-aware Feature Aggregation Network for Polyp Segmentation

Authors:Tao Zhou, Yizhe Zhang, Geng Chen, Yi Zhou, Ye Wu, Deng-Ping Fan

Precise polyp segmentation is vital for the early diagnosis and prevention of colorectal cancer (CRC) in clinical practice. However, due to scale variation and blurry polyp boundaries, it is still a challenging task to achieve satisfactory segmentation performance with different scales and shapes. In this study, we present a novel Edge-aware Feature Aggregation Network (EFA-Net) for polyp segmentation, which can fully make use of cross-level and multi-scale features to enhance the performance of polyp segmentation. Specifically, we first present an Edge-aware Guidance Module (EGM) to combine the low-level features with the high-level features to learn an edge-enhanced feature, which is incorporated into each decoder unit using a layer-by-layer strategy. Besides, a Scale-aware Convolution Module (SCM) is proposed to learn scale-aware features by using dilated convolutions with different ratios, in order to effectively deal with scale variation. Further, a Cross-level Fusion Module (CFM) is proposed to effectively integrate the cross-level features, which can exploit the local and global contextual information. Finally, the outputs of CFMs are adaptively weighted by using the learned edge-aware feature, which are then used to produce multiple side-out segmentation maps. Experimental results on five widely adopted colonoscopy datasets show that our EFA-Net outperforms state-of-the-art polyp segmentation methods in terms of generalization and effectiveness.
PDF 20 pages 8 figures


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