I2I Translation

2023-09-23 更新

Hierarchical Conditional Semi-Paired Image-to-Image Translation For Multi-Task Image Defect Correction On Shopping Websites

Authors:Moyan Li, Jinmiao Fu, Shaoyuan Xu, Huidong Liu, Jia Liu, Bryan Wang

On shopping websites, product images of low quality negatively affect customer experience. Although there are plenty of work in detecting images with different defects, few efforts have been dedicated to correct those defects at scale. A major challenge is that there are thousands of product types and each has specific defects, therefore building defect specific models is unscalable. In this paper, we propose a unified Image-to-Image (I2I) translation model to correct multiple defects across different product types. Our model leverages an attention mechanism to hierarchically incorporate high-level defect groups and specific defect types to guide the network to focus on defect-related image regions. Evaluated on eight public datasets, our model reduces the Frechet Inception Distance (FID) by 24.6% in average compared with MoNCE, the state-of-the-art I2I method. Unlike public data, another practical challenge on shopping websites is that some paired images are of low quality. Therefore we design our model to be semi-paired by combining the L1 loss of paired data with the cycle loss of unpaired data. Tested on a shopping website dataset to correct three image defects, our model reduces (FID) by 63.2% in average compared with WS-I2I, the state-of-the art semi-paired I2I method.
PDF 6 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables. To be published in ICIP 2023


Nucleus-aware Self-supervised Pretraining Using Unpaired Image-to-image Translation for Histopathology Images

Authors:Zhiyun Song, Penghui Du, Junpeng Yan, Kailu Li, Jianzhong Shou, Maode Lai, Yubo Fan, Yan Xu

Self-supervised pretraining attempts to enhance model performance by obtaining effective features from unlabeled data, and has demonstrated its effectiveness in the field of histopathology images. Despite its success, few works concentrate on the extraction of nucleus-level information, which is essential for pathologic analysis. In this work, we propose a novel nucleus-aware self-supervised pretraining framework for histopathology images. The framework aims to capture the nuclear morphology and distribution information through unpaired image-to-image translation between histopathology images and pseudo mask images. The generation process is modulated by both conditional and stochastic style representations, ensuring the reality and diversity of the generated histopathology images for pretraining. Further, an instance segmentation guided strategy is employed to capture instance-level information. The experiments on 7 datasets show that the proposed pretraining method outperforms supervised ones on Kather classification, multiple instance learning, and 5 dense-prediction tasks with the transfer learning protocol, and yields superior results than other self-supervised approaches on 8 semi-supervised tasks. Our project is publicly available at https://github.com/zhiyuns/UNITPathSSL.


Semantics-aware LiDAR-Only Pseudo Point Cloud Generation for 3D Object Detection

Authors:Tiago Cortinhal, Idriss Gouigah, Eren Erdal Aksoy

Although LiDAR sensors are crucial for autonomous systems due to providing precise depth information, they struggle with capturing fine object details, especially at a distance, due to sparse and non-uniform data. Recent advances introduced pseudo-LiDAR, i.e., synthetic dense point clouds, using additional modalities such as cameras to enhance 3D object detection. We present a novel LiDAR-only framework that augments raw scans with denser pseudo point clouds by solely relying on LiDAR sensors and scene semantics, omitting the need for cameras. Our framework first utilizes a segmentation model to extract scene semantics from raw point clouds, and then employs a multi-modal domain translator to generate synthetic image segments and depth cues without real cameras. This yields a dense pseudo point cloud enriched with semantic information. We also introduce a new semantically guided projection method, which enhances detection performance by retaining only relevant pseudo points. We applied our framework to different advanced 3D object detection methods and reported up to 2.9% performance upgrade. We also obtained comparable results on the KITTI 3D object detection dataset, in contrast to other state-of-the-art LiDAR-only detectors.


UGC: Unified GAN Compression for Efficient Image-to-Image Translation

Authors:Yuxi Ren, Jie Wu, Peng Zhang, Manlin Zhang, Xuefeng Xiao, Qian He, Rui Wang, Min Zheng, Xin Pan

Recent years have witnessed the prevailing progress of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) in image-to-image translation. However, the success of these GAN models hinges on ponderous computational costs and labor-expensive training data. Current efficient GAN learning techniques often fall into two orthogonal aspects: i) model slimming via reduced calculation costs; ii)data/label-efficient learning with fewer training data/labels. To combine the best of both worlds, we propose a new learning paradigm, Unified GAN Compression (UGC), with a unified optimization objective to seamlessly prompt the synergy of model-efficient and label-efficient learning. UGC sets up semi-supervised-driven network architecture search and adaptive online semi-supervised distillation stages sequentially, which formulates a heterogeneous mutual learning scheme to obtain an architecture-flexible, label-efficient, and performance-excellent model.


文章作者: 木子已
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