
2023-09-23 更新

Towards Large-scale Building Attribute Mapping using Crowdsourced Images: Scene Text Recognition on Flickr and Problems to be Solved

Authors:Yao Sun, Anna Kruspe, Liqiu Meng, Yifan Tian, Eike J Hoffmann, Stefan Auer, Xiao Xiang Zhu

Crowdsourced platforms provide huge amounts of street-view images that contain valuable building information. This work addresses the challenges in applying Scene Text Recognition (STR) in crowdsourced street-view images for building attribute mapping. We use Flickr images, particularly examining texts on building facades. A Berlin Flickr dataset is created, and pre-trained STR models are used for text detection and recognition. Manual checking on a subset of STR-recognized images demonstrates high accuracy. We examined the correlation between STR results and building functions, and analysed instances where texts were recognized on residential buildings but not on commercial ones. Further investigation revealed significant challenges associated with this task, including small text regions in street-view images, the absence of ground truth labels, and mismatches in buildings in Flickr images and building footprints in OpenStreetMap (OSM). To develop city-wide mapping beyond urban hotspot locations, we suggest differentiating the scenarios where STR proves effective while developing appropriate algorithms or bringing in additional data for handling other cases. Furthermore, interdisciplinary collaboration should be undertaken to understand the motivation behind building photography and labeling. The STR-on-Flickr results are publicly available at https://github.com/ya0-sun/STR-Berlin.


Pixel Adapter: A Graph-Based Post-Processing Approach for Scene Text Image Super-Resolution

Authors:Wenyu Zhang, Xin Deng, Baojun Jia, Xingtong Yu, Yifan Chen, jin Ma, Qing Ding, Xinming Zhang

Current Scene text image super-resolution approaches primarily focus on extracting robust features, acquiring text information, and complex training strategies to generate super-resolution images. However, the upsampling module, which is crucial in the process of converting low-resolution images to high-resolution ones, has received little attention in existing works. To address this issue, we propose the Pixel Adapter Module (PAM) based on graph attention to address pixel distortion caused by upsampling. The PAM effectively captures local structural information by allowing each pixel to interact with its neighbors and update features. Unlike previous graph attention mechanisms, our approach achieves 2-3 orders of magnitude improvement in efficiency and memory utilization by eliminating the dependency on sparse adjacency matrices and introducing a sliding window approach for efficient parallel computation. Additionally, we introduce the MLP-based Sequential Residual Block (MSRB) for robust feature extraction from text images, and a Local Contour Awareness loss ($\mathcal{L}_{lca}$) to enhance the model’s perception of details. Comprehensive experiments on TextZoom demonstrate that our proposed method generates high-quality super-resolution images, surpassing existing methods in recognition accuracy. For single-stage and multi-stage strategies, we achieved improvements of 0.7\% and 2.6\%, respectively, increasing the performance from 52.6\% and 53.7\% to 53.3\% and 56.3\%. The code is available at https://github.com/wenyu1009/RTSRN.


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