2023-09-23 更新

AdSEE: Investigating the Impact of Image Style Editing on Advertisement Attractiveness

Authors:Liyao Jiang, Chenglin Li, Haolan Chen, Xiaodong Gao, Xinwang Zhong, Yang Qiu, Shani Ye, Di Niu

Online advertisements are important elements in e-commerce sites, social media platforms, and search engines. With the increasing popularity of mobile browsing, many online ads are displayed with visual information in the form of a cover image in addition to text descriptions to grab the attention of users. Various recent studies have focused on predicting the click rates of online advertisements aware of visual features or composing optimal advertisement elements to enhance visibility. In this paper, we propose Advertisement Style Editing and Attractiveness Enhancement (AdSEE), which explores whether semantic editing to ads images can affect or alter the popularity of online advertisements. We introduce StyleGAN-based facial semantic editing and inversion to ads images and train a click rate predictor attributing GAN-based face latent representations in addition to traditional visual and textual features to click rates. Through a large collected dataset named QQ-AD, containing 20,527 online ads, we perform extensive offline tests to study how different semantic directions and their edit coefficients may impact click rates. We further design a Genetic Advertisement Editor to efficiently search for the optimal edit directions and intensity given an input ad cover image to enhance its projected click rates. Online A/B tests performed over a period of 5 days have verified the increased click-through rates of AdSEE-edited samples as compared to a control group of original ads, verifying the relation between image styles and ad popularity. We open source the code for AdSEE research at
PDF Accepted to KDD 2023 Applied Data Science Track


Unified Brain MR-Ultrasound Synthesis using Multi-Modal Hierarchical Representations

Authors:Reuben Dorent, Nazim Haouchine, Fryderyk Kögl, Samuel Joutard, Parikshit Juvekar, Erickson Torio, Alexandra Golby, Sebastien Ourselin, Sarah Frisken, Tom Vercauteren, Tina Kapur, William M. Wells

We introduce MHVAE, a deep hierarchical variational auto-encoder (VAE) that synthesizes missing images from various modalities. Extending multi-modal VAEs with a hierarchical latent structure, we introduce a probabilistic formulation for fusing multi-modal images in a common latent representation while having the flexibility to handle incomplete image sets as input. Moreover, adversarial learning is employed to generate sharper images. Extensive experiments are performed on the challenging problem of joint intra-operative ultrasound (iUS) and Magnetic Resonance (MR) synthesis. Our model outperformed multi-modal VAEs, conditional GANs, and the current state-of-the-art unified method (ResViT) for synthesizing missing images, demonstrating the advantage of using a hierarchical latent representation and a principled probabilistic fusion operation. Our code is publicly available \url{}.
PDF Accepted at MICCAI 2023


UGC: Unified GAN Compression for Efficient Image-to-Image Translation

Authors:Yuxi Ren, Jie Wu, Peng Zhang, Manlin Zhang, Xuefeng Xiao, Qian He, Rui Wang, Min Zheng, Xin Pan

Recent years have witnessed the prevailing progress of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) in image-to-image translation. However, the success of these GAN models hinges on ponderous computational costs and labor-expensive training data. Current efficient GAN learning techniques often fall into two orthogonal aspects: i) model slimming via reduced calculation costs; ii)data/label-efficient learning with fewer training data/labels. To combine the best of both worlds, we propose a new learning paradigm, Unified GAN Compression (UGC), with a unified optimization objective to seamlessly prompt the synergy of model-efficient and label-efficient learning. UGC sets up semi-supervised-driven network architecture search and adaptive online semi-supervised distillation stages sequentially, which formulates a heterogeneous mutual learning scheme to obtain an architecture-flexible, label-efficient, and performance-excellent model.


TextCLIP: Text-Guided Face Image Generation And Manipulation Without Adversarial Training

Authors:Xiaozhou You, Jian Zhang

Text-guided image generation aimed to generate desired images conditioned on given texts, while text-guided image manipulation refers to semantically edit parts of a given image based on specified texts. For these two similar tasks, the key point is to ensure image fidelity as well as semantic consistency. Many previous approaches require complex multi-stage generation and adversarial training, while struggling to provide a unified framework for both tasks. In this work, we propose TextCLIP, a unified framework for text-guided image generation and manipulation without adversarial training. The proposed method accepts input from images or random noise corresponding to these two different tasks, and under the condition of the specific texts, a carefully designed mapping network that exploits the powerful generative capabilities of StyleGAN and the text image representation capabilities of Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) generates images of up to $1024\times1024$ resolution that can currently be generated. Extensive experiments on the Multi-modal CelebA-HQ dataset have demonstrated that our proposed method outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods, both on text-guided generation tasks and manipulation tasks.
PDF 10 pages, 6 figures


Face Identity-Aware Disentanglement in StyleGAN

Authors:Adrian Suwała, Bartosz Wójcik, Magdalena Proszewska, Jacek Tabor, Przemysław Spurek, Marek Śmieja

Conditional GANs are frequently used for manipulating the attributes of face images, such as expression, hairstyle, pose, or age. Even though the state-of-the-art models successfully modify the requested attributes, they simultaneously modify other important characteristics of the image, such as a person’s identity. In this paper, we focus on solving this problem by introducing PluGeN4Faces, a plugin to StyleGAN, which explicitly disentangles face attributes from a person’s identity. Our key idea is to perform training on images retrieved from movie frames, where a given person appears in various poses and with different attributes. By applying a type of contrastive loss, we encourage the model to group images of the same person in similar regions of latent space. Our experiments demonstrate that the modifications of face attributes performed by PluGeN4Faces are significantly less invasive on the remaining characteristics of the image than in the existing state-of-the-art models.


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